<the wizard attempts...>
Hey! I can write a tutorial about posting images here :-)
Caveat: a) I'm mostly messing with you Big TR and
I really am much better reading tutes than writing them :-P
Step one: Open an album or project under the "my content" roll-out to the left. <nope. step one, take a screenie>
Right, so step two... er, three. Blast it bird! Stop that. Close beak.
Step two: Upload image to album or project gallery. Best to edit it to no more than 540px wide and can not be larger than 250kb.
Step three <four>: Grrrrr. Go to image and right-click on it to "Copy image URL".
Step 4: <5> write post and where you want the image to display use square brackets (without the spaces I'm putting in)
[ img ]http://social.bioware.com/uploads_user/2918000/2917482/230003.jpg[ /img ]
But don't stress about it. I know you fellas over in the old country have to tap out your internet on coconuts or something <that's monty python>
Yep. Learned everything I know about Britain from that great documentary series <*face-wings*>
<...a tutorial>