Borden Haelven wrote...
Now I've got the hang of the animesh bit I think I might be getting a little carried away...
No such thing! That is incredible to look at!
I'll see if I can knock up a quick tutorial to share what I've learned if peeps are interested.
I've found limiting the number of frames and then setting each uvxform key individually the only reliable way.
Hrm, maybe a way around that. Hopefully.
If I make the belt & pulleys as a MAX file available from my
skydrive how about a special CC challenge making machines to go on
With getting my kids ready to go back to school and then school beginning for them next week, time for me is going to be limited. However,
a tutorial, a starter file, anything to kind fo get people moving in the right direction would be really helpful for people to tinker (or more) with. If you modeled the pulley wheels I'd love a tut on making those too. They look great! Everything looks great, really. There seems to be a jump in the anim (in this latest video) but sometimes stuff like that doesn't turn out to be a big deal to fix.
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 02 septembre 2012 - 11:32 .