Actually that's perfect terminology, lol
I've recently been playing with gothic interiors, its a very fun tileset (love the secret doors), but for a PW enviormnent I try to avoid the balconies, for the reason that when you are around multiple people it seems unrealistic when you go up stairs and suddenly everyone disappears, not to mention in combat it feels unrealistic when you toss down say a grenade or cast AOEs... What would be nice to also have for GothInt is upper and lower elevations next to each other with balcony railing, so it doesn't require the mirror effect, but still gives a two-floor feel... (elven interiors has something similar, just much shorter)
(That said I do use them in a steampunk saloon, just because they look too cool, lol...)
Modifié par Carcerian, 26 juillet 2012 - 10:02 .