NWN_baba yaga wrote...
I have a tileset default anim that is only used for alpha transparency setting of the undergrowth "alpha = 0" (so not visible).
Then I add animloop1 +2 with alphasettings for the different undergrowth of 1.0. Thats all I did.
Technically I added for the mesh a first and last key on the animation with only "animated" alpha settings. Its similar like the day/night window transition.
Thanks, but this goes over my head so far. Tried to look into some default tiles using this but havent found the logic. Maybe notepad isnt suitable for this. Anyway im looking forward to your forest, maybe it will help me to understand this feature.
Zwerkules wrote...
Shadooow, you have to keep in mind though that this only works for parts of the tile you can walk through anyway, like ferns, flowers and bushes. If you use this method to let something like a tree disappear, something that blocks movement and/or line of sight, it will become invisible, but still block movement and so on.
That's probably why people haven't used this to remove mushrooms in caves. I only ever used it for crystals near the wall that were on parts of the tile that weren't walkable anyway.
yeah, figured, still there are tiles like field with plant placeables on them, that would be good choice to implement this, and for other tiles like the houses in city, it would be possible to remove the wok under these objects. Builder would have to keep in mind he have to add invisible placeables to correct walkmesh if he want to use default objects. Or at least it would helped him to re-arrange those objects using placeables manually and then turn animloop off. That would be only matter for house groups, the terrain houses dont need this much as builder can simply add a tile variation without the placeables around.
Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 09 juillet 2012 - 09:05 .