@ OTR Thx!
@ Custom Content Challenge Late Entries
As far as i know, all CCC's are "officialy" left open now
This was announced by Rolo when
Shemsu-Heru posted several very cool updates (like throwing darts).
Late entries should be posted as first as addons, and later compiled in annual updates.
The main reason being to not break exsisiting PW servers/mods that use exsisting CCC haks, (that and some us would probably run poor rolo ragged keeping up with content updates
Thus monthy challenges are never closed, so if you ever come up with a cool random ideas you think fits any previous existing theme, submit it anytime:)
Updates to previous entries are called "2.0" etc.
(As a personal example, i still want to make animated snow-white/forge of virtue demon mirrors for the fairytail's CCC, tho i still lack the masterwork skills to make it happen... That and a lot of my older entries could use some 2.0 polish as well, specificly inventory icons/non-overriding or CEP friendly vers)
IE if a custom content challenge exsists, anyone is welcome to contribute anytime
The main rule for CCC content (as far as i know) is you are just asked to wait one month (after the initial challenge release) before reposting your work as a seperate NW Vault entry...
(IMO, in dev/modder world, there is no such thing as necro-posting as long as its a new idea, update, fix, recolor, etc...)
(Disclaimer: this is just what i remember from posts and PMs, and is by no means "official")
Modifié par Carcerian, 21 juillet 2012 - 06:55 .