Carcerian wrote...
...if anyone is wants to try TaVFX (Torso-Aligned VFX) TAD's Quivers could make a great starter base...
For anyone that likes those quivers, I plan on updating them in the very near future now that my model-making skills have improved. They'll just be getting some improved shapes (mostly just more rounded and slightly higher-poly), so it'll be easy to drop the new models into haks and just overwrite the current ones that are a little boxy.
And yes, those quivers might make a good starting point for positioning new VFX. In your modelling software, open up a default human/dwarf/etc. model (some of the NPCs have nodes in the right places). Then import a matching race+gender quiver and move the aurora base for the quiver to the exact coordinates of the impact node for the humanoid model. Make your model, then move your aurora base for the VFX back to 0, 0, 0 (after deleting out all the stuff for the humanoid model). This should get you a properly positioned VFX for that race+gender.