Malishara wrote...
As a CEP Team member, I can state that the CEP Team has NOT authorized any such action. Anyone who wishes to contribute may of course, request to do so. I am sure that anyone who truly wishes to help will be welcomed.
Actually, the CEP Team (if you call it such) has asked for assistance. As far as claiming however that "anyone who truly wishes to help will be welcomed", evidence proves otherwise so far.
Despite "Barry's" and apparently now Malishara's unwillingness to work with others, the CEP is and will always be a "Community" Project. To help ensure it does remain so, I encourage ... no, make that plea for others in the NWN Community to visit there, sign up and chime in. If you can help, volunteer. If you help is rejected, so be it. My hope is that in time, given enough interest and responses, the project will once again grow and actually serve the NWN Community as was the intention of the CEP's original founders.
Even if you cannot or do not wish to offer assistance to them, sign up anyhow. Only by joining and voicing your actual concerns and requests can they ever be made known. Sadly, the current CEP Leadership boycotts these pages. hopefully, in time, that too will be resolved. Until then, I once again encourage folks to visit and join the CEP Forums now located at the following link: