Lots of nice stuff so far, guys! After finding GIMP's image heal button I fell in love with it and de-spotted the deer. Not realizing how bad I sucked at making/tweaking antlers, I tried my hand at making a white tail deer variation. So each column has (from top to bottom) a buck, an immature male (or a butch doe) and a typical doe:
I got a little fast and loose last night and Modded While Sleepyâ„¢, so I need to go back and check my texture associations and make sure I didn't mess up anything else. Once that's squared away, I'll upload a little kit so folks can make their own reskins and submit them or even work on model variations, themselves.
FYI #1: Although the rule of thumb is generally "You can't modify skin meshed models", if you turn off "Always Deform" (it's in Advanced on the Skin Mesh modifier), you can usually make changes to the mesh and then turn "Always Deform" back on when you're done. There are some limits to this, though. I was trying to make a longer tail for my white-tailed deer and I added some verts, IIRC (modding while sleepy), and that wound up hosing the mesh all to hell.
FYI #2: If you want a quick screenshot of a model, you can right click on the model in NWN Explorer Reborn and select "Export TGA". This will export what's in your viewport. Thats what I did with the deer, using GlueIT to glue the images into one sheet. You can also use the method to generate icons for inventory items/weapons in some cases- i.e. if they're single part items.
OH, ALMOST FORGOT: I don't know if I'll do it but I would like to do a mule deer too. What are some other
really common deer species that people would like?
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 20 juin 2012 - 05:32 .