Karvon wrote...
Man, this just keeps getting better and better.
Hope this can be made CEP/Mod D20 compatible, but not sure on what the limit is for heads in 2da files. Seem to recall this has already been a factor for those who've made head packs in the past.
As parts_head.2da doesnt exist there is no limit
There IS a limit of on what the client and toolset will allow you to select, 200.
Any heads 200 or below may be selected in toolset or character design. Any heads numbered above 200 can only be selected by script (perfect for "subrace/dm only heads". Such heads may still be used by monster spawns, you just have to make an onspawn script that changes thier head to what you want it to be by using getlocalint for your head info. PCs can still use as well if you have player customisation systems, allowing control over what subraces have access to what heads.
One cool on-Spawn script possibility is to say, take all monsters with an orc appearance, change them to human/half-orc, give them an orc head, and color and rename based on tileset used, Arctic Orcs for cold tilesets, Deep Orcs for dungeons and underdark tilesets, randomise thier gear based on class, and suprising all your vet players who "know" what an orc has
Such stock monsters could be used with much more variety built in, requiring far fewer
server resources while providing a much larger variety of spawns in your encounters...
Imagine a horde of monsters (♫
it's easy if you try ♪♪♪) were each individual is unique
Modifié par Carcerian, 27 mai 2012 - 12:20 .