<whistling a tune...>
I come from a family of musicians and musical ability is closely tied with math skills. However, I can't even play a kazoo. <word> Still, I enjoy math. I really got engrossed in chaos & complexity theory after seeing the Mandelbrot & Julia sets.
*shakes head in attempt to stop wool-gathering* Anyway, that "Mass" can be negative, and the particles rise, the values make sense if you consider the emitter to assume a 1G gravity and a 1 atmosphere air density. 0 mass (as I use in the Fogbref emitter) is the same density as the air and so neither rises (like the bubbles emitter I modified to make it) nor sinks (like the leaves). Negative values indicate lower density than the air (except that there doesn't seem to be any terminal velocity going *up* ;-P )
The gravity value, though. It *should* modify the 1G field the particles are emitted into. Need to experiment with it sometime. A "grav" of 0.0 seems to leave all the gravity-like effects to "mass". And what about drag? Hmmm.
Here's the emitter node for Fogbref:
node emitter fogbref_m
parent vdr_fogbref_m
position 0.0 0.15 -0.17
orientation 0.0 -0.707107 -0.707107 -3.14159
wirecolor 0.568627 0.109804 0.694118
colorStart 0.933333 0.933333 0.933333
colorEnd 0.466667 0.466667 0.466667
alphaStart 0.8
alphaEnd 0.1
sizeStart 0.04
sizeEnd 0.2
sizeStart_y 0.0
sizeEnd_y 0.0
frameStart 1
frameEnd 4
birthrate 1
spawnType 0
lifeExp 2.5
mass 0.0
spread 0.3
particleRot 1.0
velocity 0.05
randvel 0.2
fps 5
random 1
inherit 0
inherit_local 0
inherit_part 0
inheritvel 0
xSize 4
ySize 4
bounce 0
bounce_co 0.0
loop 0
update Fountain
render Normal
Blend Lighten
update_sel 1
render_sel 1
blend_sel 3
deadspace 0.0
opacity 0.5
blurlength 5.0
lightningDelay 0.0
lightningRadius 0.0
lightningScale 0.0
blastRadius 0.0
blastLength 0.0
twosidedtex 1
p2p 0
p2p_sel 1
p2p_type Bezier
p2p_bezier2 0.0
p2p_bezier3 0.0
combinetime 0.0
Drag 0.0
grav 0.0
threshold 0.0
texture fx_fogbref
xgrid 2
ygrid 2
affectedByWind true
m_isTinted 1
renderorder 0
Splat 0
And the anim keys that give it that 6-second puff cycle:
newanim default vdr_fogbref_m
length 6.0
transtime 1.0
animroot vdr_fogbref_m
node emitter fogbref_m
parent vdr_fogbref_m
0.0 0.04
2.66667 0.04
5.66667 0.04
5.7 0.02
5.96667 0.03
6.0 0.04
0.0 0.20
5.66667 0.20
5.7 0.15
6.0 0.20
0.0 1.0
2.66667 2.0
5.66667 1.0
5.7 25.0
5.96667 25.0
6.0 1.0
0.0 -0.0000999
5.66667 0.0
5.7 -0.0009999
5.96667 0.0
0.0 0.3
5.66667 0.3
5.7 0.0872664
5.96667 0.174533
6.0 0.3
0.0 0.05
5.66667 0.0499285
5.7 0.25
5.96667 0.25
6.0 0.05
The first column for each key is the time in seconds at which the key is applied. The second is the value. So, for example, the birthrate starts at 1.0 and quibles a bit until 5.7 seconds when it jumps to 25 (the puff of fog) that lasts until just before the end of the cycle at 6 seconds.
Notice that I play a *tiny* bit with Mass, giving a very slight rise to the breath intermittently.
<...completely off key>