@ShadowM - Sounds cool but I'm not sure what that would look like. You should post some screenies or video of those waves, they sound great!
@KlatchainCoffee - Though this is a WIP, It should work with a 1x2 or larger ship. Just adjust the placeable accordingly. There's a download button below to check it out. Again, pretty tame based on what you want but it's sort of a start to give others ideas or build off of.
@The Amethyst Dragon - Thank you for the feedback, I agree. I increased the size to 11000. The fisheye effect you're talking about could just be my choice of skyboxes. There's a download link lower down so you can get a feel for this in-game and/or build on it or change it. For moving wave action, I added two animated Wave modifiers which mostly work- you can see them breaking up the grid lines below. I'm having problems getting my Noise modifier to loop right so the ocean has waves but I think is still too "smooth". The tileset/placeable combo is the most attractive thing so far.
@Rolo Kipp - Excellent idea- I tried sculpting the bow wave a bit but it gets complicated because I have modifiers which distort the mesh as they move over it and that throws my adjustments off. I can throw another Edit Mesh modifier on top of all that (which is cool, didn't realize that would work) and then fine-tune the vertices but they still move around a bit. On the larger skybox, you and Amethyst Dragon and all the others are right. We'll see if it's enough to take away the extreme fisheye of the smaller version. I picked 11000 because it seemed like a good distance for...cannon-y back and forths during the
battles aquatic. Exhibits A and B:
Now if we only had more information on making custom connonball projectiles...
Oh, wait...Anyway, here's my latest WIP. It's definitely a WIP. Play around with it, grab ideas from it, build off it, change it. But it's an incomplete WIP so please don't build with it as-is. IMO, KlatchainCoffee can do whatever he likes with it for his adventure but hopefully something better and more specific to his needs will come along, either from me or someone else.
Notes:* Compiled with
this compiler.
* In this specific case, I'm exporting with sanity checking turned off. The above compiler is very strict, IMO, and if it gets passed that I don't really care what NWMax thinks. Again, that's in this
specific case.
* Unpack to override directory
* Make an 11x12 area or so using the Tropical tileset, place your boat facing East, select Armoire placeable, place it down and adjust it so white triangle fits snugly into your bow. Adjusting the placeable so that it's at 0.0 Z works really nicely in this current incarnation.
Make it non-static, non-usable.
* Included is the uncompiled ASCII version of this model for you to look at. This model must be compiled before being used.
To custom content makers:Exporting AniMesh: Like playing around with animesh but having problems with all your memory being sucked away when you export the model and possibly crashing Max? You might want to try this
burlier version of the NWMax export script which has
only been modified to include more memory garbage collection during the export of animesh, keeping Max from running out of memory. It will take a bit longer to export but you shouldn't have to worry about Max crashing when it does it. Obviously, make a backup of the script this replaces. I think it only works under Max but GMax folks are invited to try it out too:
Making more realistic animations on dummy node: Linear controllers on your animation dummy are..."ok"...but if you want more natural riding-the-waves movement, try using an Euler XYZ controller and then bake it down to Linear keys using NWMax's Anim Baker. This basically allows you to simulate Bezier-style rotation movement (though there isn't a Bezier rotation controller). However, when you're done your animations might not look right. They might slow down at the wrong point or look odd.
This blog post will help you understand what's going on with your animations and how to fix it using the Track View - Curve Editor. If you work with non-Linear controllers on your animation, it is vital to understanding how the Track View - Curve Editor allows you to easily fix them.
Bonus Ideas:* Turning ships into phenotypes (dynamic ships!), having invisible walkmesh on a tileset ocean where you see the second ship in the screenshot above and then having the ship phenotype (or at least a creature with a ship appearance) move from behind the player's ship into the position. Once it's where the walkmesh elevated walkmesh is (all the sea would have to be walkable for this to work), spawn creatures on it. Cannon fire from different cannons could be simulated using
monster nodes and custom spell projectiles.
* As above, using VFX to "personalize" ships and/or change the state of destroyed cannons/crew by using
Ippensheir-style VFX and tracking of it.
* Similar to the first idea of making a tileset with walkable sea, make one with walkable sea which allows walking up onto ship tiles and then use blocking placeables to prevent walking. At the appropriate time, remove walking placeables (i.e. when a pirate dinghy/ship has sidled up to the player's ship) to allow creatures/players to embark/disembark.
* Islands, clouds or other phenomena to be given 180 frame animation, then spawned outside of the world spehere, turned on allowing them to "move passed" the player's ship, making the sea more interesting.
None of the above are particularly exotic operations- I think. They all rely on doing simple things which people
already do with tilesets, placeables or VFX, just applying them in non-standard ways.
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 25 mars 2012 - 08:21 .