Author Topic: Healer's Kits...  (Read 343 times)


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Healer's Kits...
« on: March 10, 2012, 04:50:03 pm »

               Is the healer kit property hard coded?  There's no impact script in spells.2da, and itempropdef wasn't much help.

Looks like I will be making yet another custom spell if so.



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 04:53:45 pm »

               it is, adding the script into 2DA for healer's kit line doesn't work, that why there are so many custom healer's kits using unique power



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 07:24:43 pm »

               Alrighty then. I'll make a new item property.

[Edit] I guess I was naive about creating a new item property. It looks like the best I can do is make a new spell because I can't figure out how to link a new item property to a script. The issue with Unique power is the inability to restrict the targets to creatures.


                     Modifié par henesua, 10 mars 2012 - 08:15 .



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 06:15:14 pm »

               I think it has already been done, and uploaded to the Vault - have you looked?



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 01:18:15 am »

               Dunno, but I already finished my adjustments to the healing kit - same day that I posted on here - and they integrate with my death system. Took less time to write than search for and then incorporate something.



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 03:41:52 am »

               I've always thought the healing kits to work in strange ways. They work in combat and kind of overpower potions when you get a bit higher level....

I guess I could easily solve that by making them more expensive or something.

Also they for some magical reason can erase most poisons and deceases...?!?



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2012, 10:12:53 am »

               The issue is that they make the healing ability of clerics useless. In order to restore the importance of healing spells, I removed the ability of healing kits to cure wounds.



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 02:03:12 pm »

               Healing Kits are really, really broken as is.

As Henesua posted, they really do tend to make healing abilities ingame totally useless.  To that, they allow for two actions (when Hasted), so one can do two Healing Kits in one round.  This one aspect is the really broken part, for it will allow for "queueing" of things...Healing Kits do make great fillers when Hasted...

Also, I believe that they are not used up when one attempts to use one on someone not damaged, unlike healing spells and abilities.

I would not remove the ability of healing kits to cure wounds, but I would require that they cannot be used in combat.  That would really fix a lot of the problem, IMHO.  Include a conversation requirement in their use.  That should pretty much fix it (like How would you like to use the Healing Kit?
1.  Heal damage
2.  Handle disease
3.  Handle poison



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2012, 02:39:48 pm »


I like what both of you are saying, but WebShaman has a point. Healing kits should at least ameliorate wounds.

An alternative to a convo might be to drop the user and usee into a rest action. If either can not rest, no application. If both can rest, then that adds a time requirement not needed by spells or potions.




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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2012, 03:24:42 pm »

               The reason I removed the heal wounds ability in Arnheim was two-fold.
(1) I am creating some multiplayer modules, in which I want to encourage a team approach to play. I had noticed that healing kits effectively replaced cure wound spells and potions, and wished to rectify that thereby strengthening the role of "healer" in a party.
(2) I wanted a higher level of realism, and non-magical healing in that context should not be instantaneous.

So healing kits now do three things, and only one of them at a time:
(1) If a PC is dying, it can be used to stabilize them.
(2) If a PC is poisoned, it can be used to remove the poison.
(3) If a PC is ill, it can be used to remove disease.

We'll see how it plays out soon enough.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2012, 03:50:10 pm »

               <looking hurt...>

Yeah, sure. Give Cestus more ammunition when we talk turkey :-/

Well, I'm very interested in how it works out <heh, he's been drooling he's so eager>, but I'm worried you have shifted the emphasis *too* far toward team play.

While I am in complete agreement that mundane healing (kits, herbs, what-have-you) should involve time, skill and still be *less* effective than magic or miracles, what happens to Skeaver Demonsbane after he finishes a fight that he won by the skin of his teeth when he's alone in the ruins? The fool has no sense, let alone common sense, and can only rarely afford potions...

Do PCs heal when resting to full HP as in OC? (Something I've never been fond of, btw). If that's the case, then healing kits, and the healing skill are pretty much useless. No? (Edit: Except for the three uses you outlined. D'oh! :-P )
If it's not, then SP is going to become either impossible or tedious.

<...but faking it>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 23 mars 2012 - 03:52 .



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2012, 03:58:35 pm »

               In Arnheim, resting heals half damage or full depending on how comfortable your rest is. But there is a significant delay between rest periods so you need to time that.

Anyway, we will need to see how this plays out. I can always make adjustments later.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2012, 04:06:06 pm »

               <raising a glass...>

henesua wrote...
In Arnheim, resting heals half damage or full depending on how comfortable your rest is. But there is a significant delay between rest periods so you need to time that.

Anyway, we will need to see how this plays out. I can always make adjustments later.

Ahhh... That sounds quite workable.

Be cool if Borden finished his animated rest system v2 to go along with that :-) I know he was working on varied levels of comfort depending on the quality of the camping gear you owned (from bare camp site to elaborate tent)... And whether you were home or at an inn, etc ;-) Personally, I think he and Pen should collaborate on including pack-ogres and her Portable Pub =)

And the more you learn, the more I do ;-) Cheers!

<...of what he hides when Cestus is around>



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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 06:55:59 pm »

               I also made a custom heal kit. If I get time, I'll try to upload it to the vault.
The basics are thus:
Each kit has a maximum effectiveness based on how many supplies are in the kit.
IE: A heal kit with bandages won't be able to do as much as a kit with a full range of scalpels, tools, herbs, etc.
The character makes a heal skill check. They can never roll higher than the kits max rating. A doc of 20 years can't do much more with a missing arm than a new field medic if they both only have bandages...
Healing is based on the heal check and does some math to give a slow healing over time (A slowed regen), which only ever heals the existing wounds. If the healer rolled high enough to heal 30 HP, but the character was only missing 5 HP, it will only heal 5 HP. Even if the character takes more damage while healing.
By default, all poison is cured at a set level. Disease is cured with a bit higher roll. This is because of the way the default poison/disease system works. It could be modified easy if someone is using alternate poison/disease scripts.

It can not be used in combat.
The medic plays a full round of animation working on the target (Or himself).
If used on themselves, they get a penalty to their roll. (Ever try to stitch up your right shoulder with your left hand?)

If the roll crit fails, you can damage or poison the target. This uses the final roll, so an experienced medic can't roll low enough to kill patients. Beware of 1st level medics with pointy things.

It's a non stackable item with a custom charges system (Kept on the bag as a variable).
This allows easy use of re-fill kits which could raise the bags max heal score.

Each bag has extra weight (5 pounds) to make up for the fact that the bag should be full of stuff.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Healer's Kits...
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2012, 07:02:01 pm »

               <raises a...>

I like that :-) Pretty much all of it.
i like the idea of a container controlling the skill-check based on contents that can be depleted/renewed/upgraded by the PC as he goes.

Out of curiosity, what anim do you play? Getmid?
