Author Topic: HR BASE project / Group  (Read 328 times)


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HR BASE project / Group
« on: February 26, 2012, 07:50:43 pm »

               I just created a HR BASE project / group and need more memeber to help.
It a project to create a 3.5 D&D base with systems that have the feel of PNP D&D.
I have created a good foundation to build off, but there a load of work to go. So I figured I see if I can get some help and open discussion many issues from feats / spell / systems. I could use any type of skilled person
from scripting / 2da work / art / building / writing. Thanks and hope to see you in the discussion boards. '<img'>



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HR BASE project / Group
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 10:40:04 pm »

               Some spell changes, what are your thoughts? Where would be the best place to put this? General?
HR Spell change 8.00
Acid Fog / Took out the spell resistance check
Acid Splash / Took out spell resistance check
Aid / gives 1d8+level (max 1d8+10) temporary hp
Aura of glory / removes fear of friends around caster

Balagarn's iron horn / renamed to Iron Thunder Horn ( working on it cone spell) Need to tranfer over visual effect from my torches.
Bane / 50' radius, similar to bless
Ball lightning / fires only 1 bolt, Reflex save for no damage.
Barkskin / duration 1 turn/level, AC 2+1 per 3 levels after 3rd (Max +5)
Bestow Curse / reduces all stats by 4
Blade Thirst / Add light item property
Bless / made 50' radius centered on caster
Bull strength / Cat Grace / Eagle splendor / Endurance changed to Bear's Endurance, / Fox Cunning / Owl's Wisdom  updated to 4 bonus and 10 rounds/lvl

Clarity / Renamed Clarity of Mind / clarity does not give immunity to mind (gives +4 saves instead), only removes effects, no damage
Cone of cold is 60 foot cone

Endure Elements / Only protects against cold and heat / 1/- for 24 hours (never intended to overpowering protecting.) for minor cold and heat areas.

Monstrous regeneration / Rename Greater Vigor / 4 points regain per round
///This is still powerful considering you get all energies
Protection from Elements / Renamed to Protection from Energy / 20 /Level *12 (cap 120) / 7th level 25//Level *12 (cap 120) / 11th  30/Level *12 (cap 120) 1 turn per Level

Raise Dead / brings up to hit dice in hp instead of 1 hp
Regenerate / Does not stack on itself /cap at 20 before / METAMAGIC_EXTEND still applies up to 40 rounds
////This is still powerful considering you get all energies
Resist Elements / Name changed to Resist Energy / 10/10 points ( 20/20 at 7th ) ( 30 /30 at 11 up)

Sleep only affects 4 HD worth of creatures

Virtue change to 2+Level,  cap 5 (help though low level character live longer '<img'> )

Need to change Awaken to Animal growth
Need to add Break Enchantment for removing cursed items, adjust remove curse back.



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HR BASE project / Group
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 11:53:53 pm »

               Nice move with removing spell resistance on the acid spells. I did not realize that SR played any role on those.

Some comments:
If you cap sleep at 4 HD, you should give some monsters a more powerful version of the spell. Vulnerability to this sort of spell should not be limited to just the lower levels.

Bestow Curse. Provide a hook for custom curses so that some monsters would read a local string that specifies a unique curse script to launch from the spell. Curses are just too much a core part of the game to reduce to such a lame mechanic as lowering a few abilities. -- I have not tested this yet, but plan on implementing the same functionality in my mod. If you execute a script from a spell script whether effects created in the executed script will be identified as created by the Bestow Curse spell.



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HR BASE project / Group
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 01:09:48 am »

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: One or more living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon 4 Hit Dice of creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected
Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spell’s point of origin are affected first. Hit Dice that are not
sufficient to affect a creature are wasted.
Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening
a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action).
Sleep does not target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures.
Material Component: A pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a live cricket.
The cap just the amount of HD effected.

More spells are coming from the Core books and spell compendium later (this is just modifications to be more inline with 3.5 edition D&D right now.

The NWN standard bestow curse is actually weaker it only lower it 2  , 3.5 edition is 6 so I took the middle of 4.
These are just the base spell, with my system you could easily modify it on a module bases.

There is already a 3.5 edition hak that I looking over and taking some of the idea from, but I want to open the discussion of all the spell and non-included spells so I can make a better 3.5 edition that keep working well in NWN video game world. Thanks for some feedback on this. That what I wanted. '<img'>

This just the start, I have many spells to change. Ohh thanks for bringing up the sleep I realized I could use my first aid feat to slap your party members awake. Thanks. '<img'>


                     Modifié par ShadowM, 29 février 2012 - 01:15 .



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HR BASE project / Group
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2012, 10:51:41 pm »

               8.00 Alpha
Fixed Underwater check function to work with NPC, added it to NPC Heartbeat.
Connected PC combat expertise to to all it proper feats and updated it to work with fighting defensively.
Switch Improved Combat expertise to scripted form / New feat.2da location.(these are for just PC , NPC use the standard)
Fixed an error in function that check if the item was equitable or not (related to bows.)
Fixed an error in calculating Barbarian rage / updated it description.
First Aid on a sleeping Creature slaps them awake now.
Fear is removed from undead if they are damaged.
Added Race Plant and Plant skin
Add compatibility with bioware standard creature Incorporeal traits. ( need to add 50% vs spell check )
Incorporeal cannot be tripped.

SPELLS (need update tlk descriptions)
Acid Fog / Took out the spell resistance check
Acid Splash / Took out spell resistance check
Aid / gives 1d8+level (max 1d8+10) temporary hp
Aura of glory / removes fear of friends around caster

Balagarn's iron horn / renamed to Iron Thunder Horn / cone / Knockdown / changed visuals
Ball lightning / fires only 1 bolt, Reflex save for no damage.
Bane / 50' radius, similar to bless
Barkskin / duration 1 turn/level, AC 2+1 per 3 levels after 3rd (Max +5)
Bestow Curse / reduces all stats by 4
Bigby spells / Can only have one on a target at a time.
Bigby's forceful hand / Stop the target from moving.
Bigby's Interposing Hand / Give a +4 Ac bonus
Blade Thirst / Add light item property also
Bless / made 50' radius centered on caster
Bombardment / cap at 20d8 / took out spell resistance check.
Bull strength / Cat Grace / Eagle splendor / Endurance changed to Bear's Endurance, / Fox Cunning / Owl's Wisdom  updated to 4 bonus and 10 rounds/lvl

Call lightning / Does 1d10 per level in rain
Circle of death / max 20d4 HD effect on creatures < 9th level, starts with closest creature to target (PNP), immune check.
Circle of Doom / Renamed to Inflict Light Wounds, Mass / change S.T. to Will
Clarity / Renamed Clarity of Mind / clarity does not give immunity to mind (gives +4 saves instead), only removes effects, no damage
Color spray / now checks immunities, durations as in 3.5 edition, does not work on blind targets
Cone of cold is 60 foot cone
Control Undead duration  1 turn / level

Deafening clang / Took away the +1 enhancement bonus
Death armor does negative damage instead of magical, Cap +10 instead of 5
Death ward also protects vs level drain, lasts 1 Turn / level
Dismissal / will target only one creature / PNP DC
Divine Favor / caps at +3, no longer magical damage
Divine Power / always gives +6 str
Dominate Person / now affects all humanoids (might change the duration for NPC)
Drown / waterbreathing creatures or creatures with waterbreathing spell on them are immune (might change to underwater setting on target  hearbeat damage)

Elemental Shield / Renamed Fire Shield ( need to split into two subspells)
Elemental Swarm / duration 1 turn/level
Endure Elements / Only protects against cold and heat / 1/- for 24 hours (never intended to overpowering protecting.) for minor cold and heat areas.
Energy Drain / requires ranged touch attack instead of save, does not stack
Enervation  / requires ranged touch attack instead of save, does not stack with energy drain
Expeditious Retreat / Duration turn/level

Fear changed to 30-ft cone (PnP), ends if the frigtened creatures take damage, capped at 10 rounds. No damage penalty but -2 to all skills. Even successful 1 round of ill effect.
Feeblemind / Reduces int and charisma to 3, duration permanent, -4 save if target can cast arcane spells
Firebrand / Capped at 10d6
Fire storm / does pure fire damage as in PNP capped at 20d6
Flame Arrow / change to 3.5 D&D flame arrow which enchants ammunition with 1d6 fire damage.
Flame Lash / Must make a ranged touch attack.
Flame Weapon / Renamed Flame Dagger / 1 turn per level / Only can be casted on Daggers (maybe only light weapons).

Ghoul Touch  / respects poison immunity / Feedback for caster / updated it with onhit level
Great Thunderclap / Reduced the effected area to 20'
Gust of Wind / Has 1 round knockdown, large and lager creatures are not affected.

Hammer of the gods / Renamed to Order's Wrath Reduce dazed effect to 1d4) it only 1 in PNP
Harm /  cap at 150 & give save for 1/2 damage (3.5 edition) & can be empowered
Haste / 3.5  hits group mates
Heal / cap at 150 & give save for 1/2 damage (3.5 edition) & can be empowered
Heal, Mass / Cap at 250 save for 1/2
Healing sting  1d12+level Cap (+10)
Hold person / Monster / Animal allows a save each round to end early
Holy -- Unholy Auras / Do not stack now.
Holy Sword / Can only cast on self.  
Horrid wilting caps at 20d6,  Need to add 20d8 if a water elemental or plant

Ice Dagger / Took out the S.T. and add in Ranged Touch attack.
Ice Storm / also gives -4 listen penalty / slows effect for 1 round (no bonus damage for levels)
Infestation of maggots / added must make touch attack.
Implosion / will not destroy incorporeal creatures

Melf's acid arrow / Does 2d4 damage each round, caps at 6 rounds, requires range touch attack
Mestil's acid sheath / does 1d6+Level acid damage.
Meteor swarm / Does 6d6 in radius of fire damage reflex for half, also does 2d6 bludgeoning damage reflex for half (Does this for each sphere, there are 4 spheres(so runs 4 times) , All creatures within 10 feet of the caster are protected from the spell's effect.
Mind blank (& lesser)  / Removes fear also.
Missile storm, Greater / caps at 10 2d6 missiles
Monstrous regeneration / Rename Greater Vigor / 4 points regain per round

Negative energy burst / removed the str bonus/penalty PNP spell does not have this. / damage bonus cap at +10
Negative energy protection / only gives 10/- vs negative damage No Immunities
Negative Energy Ray / Must make a ranged touch attack (Cleric do not get this spell normally)

Owl's insight / Set to 1 hour duration base.

Phantasmal killer / doesn't work on immune fear/mind, works on immune death
Planar Binding / Lasts only 1 round/level
Poison / PNP poison now. (custom poison)
Premonition  / damage absorption caps at 200
Prismatic spray / change blind to 2d4 rounds
////This is still powerful considering you get all energies
Protection from Elements / Renamed to Protection from Energy / 20 /Level *12 (cap 120) / 7th level 25//Level *12 (cap 120) / 11th  30/Level *12 (cap 120) 1 turn per Level

Quillfire / Does piercing instead of magical damage

Raise Dead / Brings up to hit dice in hp instead of 1 hp
Ray of enfeeblement  / Requires ranged touch attack, no save
Regenerate / Does not stack on itself /cap at 20 before / METAMAGIC_EXTEND still applies up to 40 rounds
////This is still powerful considering you get all energies
Resist Elements / Name changed to Resist Energy / 10/10 points ( 20/20 at 7th ) ( 30 /30 at 11 up)

Scare / Renamed back to Cause Fear changed to 3.5 edition,Fear, -2 attack, -2 to all Saving throws -2 all skills. S.T. Made still causes effect for 1 round(except fear)
Searing Light / fixed for extra damage vs vampires, requires ranged touch attack
Sleep / only affects 4 HD worth of creatures
Spell Mantle, Lesser /  Resist 4th Level spells and lower.
Spell Mantle /  Resist 7th Level spells and lower.
Spell Resistance / Cap at level 20
Sunbeam / 4d6 to non undead(Oozes) / Undead and Oozes take 1d6 points of divine damage per caster level, to a maximum of 20d6
Sunburst / Does 1d6 points of magical damage per caster level (to a maximum of 25d6) to Oozes and undead

Tasha's laughter / duration 1 round/level (cap 20 before meta feat adjustment) (possible 1 / 2 levels)
Tenser's Transformation / 3.5 bonuses (+4 str/dex/con instead of temp hp), uses spell failure 100% instead of polymorph, gives proficiency with all simple and martial weapons

Undeath's eternal foe / Also gives immunity to death magic / AC bonus is vs Undead now also.
Undeath to Death / caps at 20d4 and has a line of sight check and does not affect undead 10 HD or higher.

Virtue change to 2+Level,  cap 5 (help though low level character live longer '<img'> )

Weird / Even if the Fortitude save succeeds gives 1d4 temp str loss if not immune to mind, stuns for 1 round plus damage. Doesn't work on immune fear/mind, All HD get the S.T. /Resistance check.
Word of Faith / changed to 3.5 edition holy word/blasphemy/word of chaos/dictum, depending on alignment of caster, 3rd effect in rounds instead of turns, epic creatures receive a save, (possibilities of death/ paralyzation /confusion/strength loss/blindness/deafen/stun/daze depending on alignments)

Need to change Awaken to Animal growth
Need to add Break Enchantment for removing cursed items, adjust remove curse back.
Need to add Flame Blade for druid (only medium or smaller weapons or scimitars maybe lower the bonus because you do get your str bonus, unlike real spell.)
Nature's balance Change it to it real spell.(replace old spell with something similar)
Need to add Real Scare Spell
Contagion / See about putting it into custom disease system
Fire shield / Acid shealth / Death armor no longer stack
Need to change Mass Haste to Greater haste with a longer duration or similar effect.

True seeing spell change ( gives +15 spot instead of seeing hidden), duration dropped to 10 rounds/level