Author Topic: Over Haul  (Read 2708 times)


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Over Haul
« Reply #180 on: March 23, 2013, 06:57:06 pm »

               Just another screen shot:



                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 23 mars 2013 - 08:22 .



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Over Haul
« Reply #181 on: March 24, 2013, 02:36:48 am »

               These are the cats so far:



                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 24 mars 2013 - 02:37 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Over Haul
« Reply #182 on: March 24, 2013, 11:54:06 am »

               Me-Wow. I like. I do not know if you are aware but there is a great series on the colouring of cats on deviantArt  The 2 most relevant, I think, are on the Big Cats and the Little Cats. The reason for including the link to the "Little" cats are that both the Cheetah and the Mountain Lion/Puma/Cougar/Catamount/Florida Lion/any of the other 20+ names for the same species are classed as little scientifically. As a side note the Puma/etc. is the largest cat that purrs, Big Cats roar instead.

TR (aka Mad Catter)



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Over Haul
« Reply #183 on: March 24, 2013, 02:46:37 pm »

               Nice find, I like it and a good reference tool.
Thank you,



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Over Haul
« Reply #184 on: March 24, 2013, 04:30:06 pm »

               I found the models had no animation before mounting. So I created an invisible Half-Orc and scaled it to size and tacked an elephant mount to it. I then added variables to make it mountable. To my surprise the animal has all basic animations, even simple attacks and can be mounted. Not sure who all know this, and was wanting to share info.



                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 24 mars 2013 - 04:30 .



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Over Haul
« Reply #185 on: March 24, 2013, 05:20:46 pm »

               I just wondering why you have two models of each? I have tested with just one model and have noticed no difference. Thanks



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Over Haul
« Reply #186 on: March 24, 2013, 09:54:33 pm »

               @Draygoth - You're very welcome!

@Nissa_Red - Draygoth gave a good explanation to your questions but I just wanted to toss something out there that I don't really see mentioned all that much.  It has to do with the two paragraphs you wrote under point 2 here.  The animations for the horses are, for lack of a better term, "overanimated".  This is not meant as any kind of insult or pejorative. 

For just about every possible animation the player can play (so, like 150 or so anims), the horse usually has a set of animations too.  So whenever the player is doing something, so is the horse.  And the horse is usually doing something beautiful, complex, and very horse-like- quite an accomplisment for Ragnarok because anything equine, artistically, is usually considered pretty difficult to pull off.

But all those keyframes and animations for the horse really add up.  The kind of lag you speak about is probably most prevalent when the animations are loaded but I did some informal tests years ago that appear to confirm somethign that Ragnarok had mentioned- which is that the horses really push the lmits of what you can get into the game.

This is compounded by the fact that, for whatever reason, some of the horse animations made it into 1.69 without being compiled, including the two largest animation files for horses, h_ba_custom.mdl (6.1mb) and h_ba_med_weap.mdl (2.8mb), and these models have to be compiled on the fly by the game either when they're first being loaded onto something that uses them or when they're being re-loaded after NWN has unloaded them from the animation cache to save space.

Okay, I explain all that in order to make the assertion: The "lag" (of various sorts) that people identify with the horses doesn't really come from the fact that the horses are skinned, or from being mounts or anything else, other than the "weight" of those animations.  Even the shadow-casting geometry in there (so the horses have shadows) is ultra-low impact.

It's quite possible for someone to "prune" those animations down so the horses (which are real "showpieces" and made with single player in mind) play much, much better on persistent worlds.  It's also possible that a reasonably dedicated individual could devise a way to extrapolate adequate animations needed for most/all actions of a mount from the existing creature animations for any creature, albeit with some tweaking- mostly of the rootdummy.



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Over Haul
« Reply #187 on: March 24, 2013, 11:38:53 pm »


I understand. Once again thank you for taking the time to explain things like this so clearly each time (that even I manage to understand it).

Personally, I wouldn't want to go back to "simplified" horses. First, for me this would mean disrespect towards the work of Adam/Ragnarok. I'm assuming that if the animations were created in the way they were done, they were done with care. Everything that should not be there isn't, and everything that is there probably should be.

Next, it would take someone truly skilled (way more than I could be) to do it properly. Hacking & slashing through the work of someone else is one thing, creating from it or enhancing it is a whole another business, which in the animations field takes a good deal of experience, talent and of course time. Therefore, working directly on "optimizing" the keys seems a pretty... uh, hypothetical option to me.

How about "optimizing the super chain" one may wonder ? Well, while I could conceive that not everyone sees the need to have every "emote" animation available on mounts, for example, other people will disagree, and we will have the eternal question of "universal" resources coming back to the surface. It might be possible to somewhat simplify the chain, making mounts restricted to specific races or phenos, but I'll have to go back looking at how exactly the super-chain works before confirming this. I don't think it would yield spectacular results in any case.

As a builder, I can stand the 2 seconds lag that using horses imply. My players are used to it by now, I just have to be "careful". "Simpler" (pre-DLA) horses still exist in the CEP by the way, for any PW or builder that wish to use them.

However, I get what you're saying, and the point that particularly has my interest is the following :

This is compounded by the fact that, for whatever reason, some of the horse animations made it into 1.69 without being compiled, including the two largest animation files for horses, h_ba_custom.mdl (6.1mb) and h_ba_med_weap.mdl (2.8mb), and these models have to be compiled on the fly by the game either when they're first being loaded onto something that uses them or when they're being re-loaded after NWN has unloaded them from the animation cache to save space.

If I understood correctly what Draygoth currently does, all the mounts more or less benefit from the existing horse supermodels (their animations actually). Yet, it seems that Draygoth models load with no noticeable lag (or to a degree that satisfies their original creator, which I infer would probably satisfy most players or builders).

So I come with questions again (you're starting to know me now, yes ^.^) :

1/ (for Draygoth more specifically, I guess) do your models use a simplified animation super chain ? otherwise said, are some of the animations that the 1.69 horses use not used by your models, explaining that they seem to suffer less from "lag" ? I apologize for asking, since I could very well look this up on the vault directly.

2/ do we know if there is a reason that both the super-models you pointed out ("h_ba_custom" & "h_ba_med_weap") were not compiled by DLA/BW ? I assume it's technically possible with "nwnmdlcomp". I'm always very wary about what could seem obvious to me as a self-declared "amateur" when it comes to the work of specialists. Of course, nothing prevents us from trying that out at an individual scale (and that's all to your credit for giving us this new option, OTR, and I will try it sooner or later, being the curious cat that I am), but it would take some serious testing among the community, or better yet, feedback from Adam/Ragnarok or any other animation expert, to be sure that we wouldn't break anything for the long run.

Right now, I admit that it's very tempting to think that if Draygoth mounts behave nicely, looking equally good (same texture quality, poly count and such), there is no reason that we couldn't get the horsies to behave as well, without "tarnishing" the original work. It seems almost too good to be true though that BW/DLA simply "forgot" to compile these supermodels.


                     Modifié par Nissa_Red, 24 mars 2013 - 11:41 .



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Over Haul
« Reply #188 on: March 25, 2013, 12:39:18 pm »

               I use the standard animation chain. I only setup the models to use the existing pheno type.


Legacy_Jenna WSI

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Over Haul
« Reply #189 on: March 28, 2013, 07:54:50 pm »

               Finally, a camel model that looks good '<img'>

Draygoth28 wrote...

If I can figure this out them I will be able to add several updated mounts to the game.




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Over Haul
« Reply #190 on: March 30, 2013, 02:38:32 pm »

               I am still working on this, just trying to keep up with RL. I have many more mounts planned, but haven't tested them. I think I will be able to add a hipo, and a few variations of dogs just to name a couple. Here is a screen of my new Lizard, the texture is a placeholder (I hope - Cause I'm not very good with textures.)

Sorry ShadowM, just saw your question. The reason behind the two models was that I could create one at a normal size with other animations, when un mounted. That did not work out as I had hoped, so I will be using one model and scaling it.


                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 30 mars 2013 - 02:41 .


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Over Haul
« Reply #191 on: March 30, 2013, 04:09:50 pm »

               As good as ever. One thing, is that a lizard or a salamander? Can't tell at the scale of the picture in the thread. If it's a lizard, the texture looks fine. If it's a salamander/newt, then I'd suggest something a bit darker.




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Over Haul
« Reply #192 on: March 30, 2013, 05:18:36 pm »

               Thank you, I am planning on a couple of varieties.



                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 30 mars 2013 - 05:18 .



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Over Haul
« Reply #193 on: March 31, 2013, 05:04:46 pm »

               Just a screen of a Husky, Hyena, and re-textured Lizard. No sure if I made any improvement's to the Lizard.



                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 31 mars 2013 - 04:04 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Over Haul
« Reply #194 on: March 31, 2013, 05:14:45 pm »

                <offering a little...>

Two of the things I think characterizes lizard/salamander/reptile/amphibian skin are the scaly texture and the high-contrast color-shapes that generally take the form of medium center fading to light/dark and surrounded by contrasting dark/light, all set in medium.

Lizard skin

Salamander skin

Frog skin

For what it's worth :-)



                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 31 mars 2013 - 04:16 .