Author Topic: Over Haul  (Read 2706 times)


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Over Haul
« Reply #165 on: March 21, 2013, 10:02:18 pm »

               Thanks, I will test quite a bit before I add any to HAK. I have other models that are not as bad as this one.



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Over Haul
« Reply #166 on: March 23, 2013, 05:15:43 am »

               Just got back into town, and haven't messed with this to much. So far I am still getting the  'nwnmdlcomp.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
and when I try with the other compiler, unable to locate super model "h_ba". So no luck as of yet.



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« Reply #167 on: March 23, 2013, 05:28:13 am »

               I dunno what to tell ya on that front.  If you check upthread, someone mentioned something about Vista.  I skipped Vista entirely and my laptop has Windows 7.  I know I've compiled models on there before.  Maybe it was using the Bioware internal compiler or something.  Check your permissions, maybe?  I know if you right click you can get properties and under compatibility set it to "Run as Administrator".  Silly place to put it, IMO.  Anyway, this stuff is all being run from a command prompt.  Make sure the name I'm using as an example matches the name of the executable.

Hrm...anyone else got ideas what's going on there?



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Over Haul
« Reply #168 on: March 23, 2013, 11:58:27 am »

               I think you've covered pretty much everything I would have tried already, OTR.

I don't have Vista, so I am totally out in the dark with any suggestion I could make here after. My best advice would be to have someone else compile the models for you, Draygoth, once you feel you're done with the texturing/animating in GMax. Not an ideal long-term solution for sure.

I have read about people having issues with programs (games) installed directly under "c\\:program files" (or equivalent). They would refuse to run properly, even with administrator rights, unless installed somewhere else, but I think that was for Windows 7 and I fail to see how that applies to a single executable/batch like nwnmdlcomp. However, if nwnmdlcomp somehow uses or links to NWN resources, and if the game is installed in that directory, well...

Another thing you might want to try is to work at a very low level in your folder structure, with no long directory names, no spaces or complex characters in them. Have everything you need in a folder like "c:\\nwn", or "d:\\work" before attempting the compilation.

Perhaps you could also try to add that folder to your %PATH% in your environment settings, but unless you weren't the owner/administrator of your computer, I honestly do NOT see why it should suddenly work after doing so.

Lastly, barring a hypothetical debugging of "nwnmdlcomp" (is the source code even still avalaible ?), to see why it fails to link to the supermodel, and recompile a version that would work on your computer, I am afraid I can't think of anything else right now.

Sorry I can't help you better. EDIT : I hope all this won't change your mind on continueing to work on your models however. They look too good to be sacrificed on the altar of some silly stupid Windows Vista quirk.

Sending you my best encouragements ^.^


                     Modifié par Nissa_Red, 23 mars 2013 - 12:11 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Over Haul
« Reply #169 on: March 23, 2013, 01:07:26 pm »

               <exhibiting his...>

You might also try turning UAC completely off. Starting with Vista Windows tries to "protect" any file *not* under the user directory, so if your compiler is working on a root directory (like c:/neverwinternights/NwN) or you are running a batch file (with proper permissions) that runs a program *without* permission, Big Bro will nix it.

UAC settings can be found under User Accounts on the control panel.

FWIW, I turn off UAC on my personal computers and do most of my NwN work on public networks like Starbucks. Never been successfully infected. (I *do* have multiple safeguards in place and practice safe browsing ;-)

<...chaotic side>



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Over Haul
« Reply #170 on: March 23, 2013, 01:57:46 pm »

               My command line looks like this "nwnmdlcomp.exe -cn c_elephant_mt.asc c_elephant_mt.mdl"  I am getting Error: Unable to open input file "c_elephant_mt.asc"
I have tried exporting from mwmax, and nwexplorer. any ideas here, The compiler is working I believe, but maybe I am not using the correct asc file.



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Over Haul
« Reply #171 on: March 23, 2013, 03:00:05 pm »

               Ok I got it to work, will start testing more now. There seems to be a slight hitch, but I don't think it would bother anyone. What do you think about adding optimizer before compiling. would this help or be overwritten when compiled.
*I had to create two different folders and run the nwnmdlcomp using command lie:NWNMdlComp –cn Ascii\\*.mdl Binary\\.



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Over Haul
« Reply #172 on: March 23, 2013, 03:08:04 pm »


Draygoth28 wrote...
What do you think about adding optimizer before compiling. would this help or be overwritten when compiled.

I don't know what you mean by optimizer.  Do you mean the "n" part of the "-cn" command line option, the Optimize modifier in Max, or...(?)

*I had to create two different folders and run the nwnmdlcomp using command lie:NWNMdlComp –cn Ascii*.mdl Binary.

I am super puzzled what's going on that's making you jump through hoops like that.  The kit I posted, you should just be able to extract that so the contents are in their own directory.  Then navigate there using the CMD prompt and then typing in the command line arguments to launch the program with the switches you want.


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 23 mars 2013 - 03:10 .



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« Reply #173 on: March 23, 2013, 03:30:12 pm »

               Yah, sorry about that I was talking about the optimize modifier in Max.
I am just as puzzled as you are, I was beating my head on my desk and decided to take another approach, and it worked out. I'm just happy I can continue to work on this (was getting ready to move on to new project)
On a side note:The compiled model causes virtually no lag at all (Tested with moderate placeables). mount dismount is very fluid, will test more to see if there are issues with other models moving in the area and so on...
OTR...I want to thank you for all your help and patients,
P.S. Not crazy about the scaling of the model, but that is an issue I will live with.



                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 23 mars 2013 - 05:30 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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« Reply #174 on: March 23, 2013, 04:15:18 pm »

               <letting it...>

As for the scaling, at first I was a bit put off by it as well, but it actually is begining to work for me. This is a special breed of fantasy oliphant for mounts :-)

Also, pygmy mammoths are a fact and I always wanted to do something barbarian with them :-)

Edit: And yes, this is inspired by Mongo =)

<...grow on him>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 23 mars 2013 - 04:17 .



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« Reply #175 on: March 23, 2013, 04:26:12 pm »

                Two questions please (but before that, good job with your successful compiling, Draygoth!) :

1/ I probably have missed something (I should reread the thread), but what is the issue with the scaling (EDIT : just to be clear, yes, I can see that the elephants seem "smaller", is there something that prevents you from using a larger scale) ?

2/ You seem to say that there is virtually no lag while using the new mounts (by compiling them beforehand), which adds even more to their already high artistic value. This seems to be much better performance than the current NWN horses, which don't refrain from ostentatiously displaying their laggy behavior >.<.

I am probably questioning the obvious again here, but is there something equivalent that could be done for them ? I think that everything would have already been attempted, by either DLA or BW, but I prefer to understand rather than deeming myself satisfied with ignorance. Please bear with me while I am doing that.


                     Modifié par Nissa_Red, 23 mars 2013 - 04:28 .



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Over Haul
« Reply #176 on: March 23, 2013, 04:49:03 pm »

               Nice job Draygoth28 I love the new camel, a lot better then the old one. I finish integrating your custom mounts with all the humanoid monster so they can ride them thanks again. I suggest you test thing in a multi-player environment also for issue of lag. 1. From what I have looked into it he has to scale them to match up with bioware standard riding animations as best he can so we are limited with size with the models. 2. I believe this with the loading of the animations, I think I heard some people from bioware and DLA say this, if it a model issue maybe we can check into compiling them. I sorry if I wrong on any of these and I sure OTR and/or Draygoth28 will make it clearer.



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Over Haul
« Reply #177 on: March 23, 2013, 05:43:54 pm »

               1/ I probably have missed something (I should reread the thread), but what is the issue with the scaling (EDIT : just to be clear, yes, I can see that the elephants seem "smaller", is there something that prevents you from using a larger scale) ?

The way I add mounts to the game, piggy backs the system already in place. So I am making two versions of each mount now. This allows me to set the model to a believable scale prior to mounting it. When the PC mounts the model I have no control on model size (Maybe if new Pheno types were done, this could be possible.) So the model defaults to the standard DLA horse scale which sometimes lead's to large critters. In this case the Elephant is smaller than I would have liked..

2/ You seem to say that there is virtually no lag while using the new mounts (by compiling them beforehand), which adds even more to their already high artistic value. This seems to be much better performance than the current NWN horses, which don't refrain from ostentatiously displaying their laggy behavior >.<.

I am saying that tested in single player mode with moderate placeables I have experienced slight hitching in heavey placeable areas but not freez up's or lag spikes. Appears to run same as DLA horses.

To answer your question ShadowM - I may have to have someone test this in multiplayer, after I have tweeked them a bit, to confirm whether or not they are ok. I think they will act the same, but again still testing ( crosses fingers).


                     Modifié par Draygoth28, 23 mars 2013 - 05:44 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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« Reply #178 on: March 23, 2013, 05:58:10 pm »

               <just a bit...>

As I understand it (haven't done the experiments I've been meaning to do), the DLA system applies the mount as a tail to a special mounted pheno. The mounted pheno puts the "tail node" in a certain spot that makes sense if it is roughly the size and shape of a horse (scaled to the race of the pheno).  

To make Jumbo mounts, Ponderous Pachyderms and Massive Mammoths would require a new mounted pheno be animated specifically to put the rider up high with something massive between their thighs <*face-wing*>

What? It was there! <i am *not* going to encourage you!>

Heh. *smirk*

Anyway, I think the Massive Mount pheno is worthwhile, but until we have one, there's no good way to scale up mounts or to do neat things like wyverns ;-P




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Over Haul
« Reply #179 on: March 23, 2013, 06:17:03 pm »

               Thank you all, this time it's crystal clear.

About massive phenos, honestly, Draygoth's models look very good (and even beyond) to me. I am excited enough to get foxies and elephants in our game that I really couldn't care about their 100% anatomical correctness.

I was born with an unbounded imagination after all ^.^

PS : also, I will probably feel safer on the back of lil' jumbo rather than risking sea-sickness arms and legs clamped around the neck of its mother or father while moving around, but that's a not supposed-to-be-known secret ':bandit:'. Anyway, two thumbs up everyone, especially to Draygoth. 


                     Modifié par Nissa_Red, 23 mars 2013 - 06:20 .