Except for the objects being tile & door, rather than placeable, that tells me a lot. And I am assuming it works the same for tiles as static placeables and for doors as dynamic ones. There must be a ttu01_drkcrystl.txi *somewhere*.
(Edit: I do not know of any 2DA column to put envmap in for tiles/doors. Is there one?)
I'll get Cestus to give that a try with his steel texture. Um, later. He's decamped on me :-/ Out of Fireholt Gold, it seems.
Might transparency hint help the problem of objects/effects inside effects disappearing? Render the outside effect first, then the inside?
On the Snow Fury, the coldeyes effect is invisible until you get inside the snowaura effect (10m), which is pretty damn close to a pretty mean big-nasty.
On the SHoA, at certain angles the *head* inside the bubble of air disappears. A very disconcerting bug in an otherwise rather nice doohickey :-P
Hmmm... reflectance on the bubble, then, is simply a matter of making a txi with "envmaptexture default" to go with the bubble texture?
Now, *that* would be cool.
Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 31 janvier 2012 - 04:05 .