CEP Now Hiring!Work from home! Choose your hours! Show your creative side! Be part of a team!
Hours: Negotiable
Pay: None (unless you count occasional community gratitude)
The Community Expansion Pack (CEP) team is looking for some fresh blood, new recruits, conscripted workers, or even just willing volunteers to help continue to improve and expand on one of the most widely used and long-lived content projects around.
The CEP team is looking for several dedicated individuals that can help keep this project thriving. Headed by Barry_1066 (who has been working on the project mostly on his own since the last update), the project is in search of volunteers that can work with various forms of NWN content, from tilesets to creatures to placeables to sounds to whatever else is needed.
If interested, please post a message
here mentioning the type(s) of content you know how to work with.
-- Reposted from the new CEP forums.