Pstemarie wrote...
What I've done for Project Q so far is try to make the items look like the icons that already exist. I've also kept some of the DOA models, but changed the textures to Q textures (amazing what a hi-res Sixesthrice or Morikhan special will do for a model).
The icons I've done so far...
it_book (I like yours better)
it_midmisc (1-4, 9, 12, 15-16, 21, 29, 34-35, 42, 48-52, 59-60, 69, 72-73, 88, 103-107, 168-177)
it_thnmisc (3-8, 77-82)
Yes, that was the idea I had too. For the books I even used the icon textures on the books. I started on the rings matching up the icons, but took a break to do some scripting work with HR Base. I have to jump back and forth or my mind start to melt and/or I forget all the things I have learned with each hehe. OMG there so many CC project I have left half finished (item override, placable stomachs, NWN2 dinosaur, babayagas toad animation. all of that I need to find some time to finish.) But the item override and placable stomach are easy so I should be able to get out soon.