Author Topic: January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff  (Read 2585 times)

Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2012, 03:18:55 pm »

               <trying to clean up...>

Rubies wrote...
With the it_trap, it's easy to select, but tends to be rather difficult to actually spot on the ground. If I make it any bigger it becomes a little comedic. Still trying to think of what I can do with it!

Perhaps some "debris" around it to provide a handle while keeping the trap small. Snapped bone, blood splatter, even a bunched-up camo fabric to hide the placed trap?

Edit: Besides, traps are *supposed* to be hard to spot, right? Or you could put an almost transparent,  faintly self-illuminated aura around it to draw attention...
Edit 2: Or a rat that just can't help sniffing around the thing... Flies? A little movement really attracts attention...

Just some ideas. Looks great :-)

<...before Mistress stops by>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 25 janvier 2012 - 05:16 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #91 on: January 25, 2012, 03:26:36 pm »


@ Pen: I'd rather goose ;-)
And my fingers never touched the stuff. I wore gloves.
And I'm pretty sure it's GTT, as in "Grimtooth's Traps Too" (committed enough for you?), though I can't find my tomes to verify that. One of his better traps, actually. Though I like the wooden coins on the painted glass floor over the giant man-eating piranha tank, too...



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #92 on: January 25, 2012, 03:29:33 pm »

               <fingers itching...>

@ Tiberius: Oh, nice! Is that *amethyst* I see there...! Gimmee!

<...mouth drooling>


Legacy_Borden Haelven

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #93 on: January 25, 2012, 04:10:42 pm »

               How about a triggered trap with a gnawed of kobold leg just as a placeable?


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #94 on: January 25, 2012, 04:47:50 pm »

               Procrastination.  Maybe I'll write a song about it.  In a few days.

I've got a little under a week left.  That should be enough time for me to start and finish my submission, right?  '<img'>

Just 180 inventory icons left to make, then I'll get to work on the shell game. Oh, wait.  Time to go pick a kid up from kindergarten. Then put twins down for a nap.  Then finish reforged icons, then start work on rogue theme shell game. hehe


Legacy_Izk The Mad

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #95 on: January 26, 2012, 04:54:03 am »

               @Penumbra: Alright, I'm getting really curious about the duck trap now. Nice Mallard in-progress there, too!

Rubies wrote...

Loving everything so far (I especially like the Peter Rabbi- er, I mean, Rory, just for catering to a certain aspect of my childhood I'd forgotten until now).

I'm happy with how my spike traps turned out, but less so with my it_trap ground model and steam trap. With the it_trap, it's easy to select, but tends to be rather difficult to actually spot on the ground. If I make it any bigger it becomes a little comedic. Still trying to think of what I can do with it!

@Rubies: That trap looks great. I almost want to strap one on my rabbit's back. You know it's bad when your garden pests are big enough and smart enough to use your traps against you. '<img'> I think Rolo is on to something with his self-illumination suggestion, if you really want to add some extra visibility. I've always used that for a full brightness effect or adding a colored glow, but I wonder if you set self-illumination on the trap parts to be a dark grey if it would make it stand out some. It might also be more of a treat if it's hard to find, though. A clever builder could find ways of drawing attention to it too, like adding debris or bones around it. As a player, I always used TAB a lot, which does make it easier to find the containers and items in an area.

So "Rory" looks alright to everybody then? *grins* I'm still playing around with the head, trying to fill out the mouth/cheek area and the base of the ears. Honestly, it's become one of those things where I can't quite seem to get the right look to satisfy myself. I only have a few days left, so there will have to be a point where it's "good enough".

It's the rabbit eyes that are driving me crazy. Their eyes are like big bulging glass marbles, which is kinda hard to achieve with NWN models. I may end up trying an enviroment map to get the effect I want. I've already given him actual eyeballs, so they would protrude out of the sides of his head properly. I never realized a simple rabbit head had so many nuances to it. *laughing*

*still laughing* Everybody picked up on the Peter Rabbit bit. Yeah, I admit there's a little Beatrix Potter influence, though my original idea was going to be a white rabbit reminiscent of "Alice In Wonderland". I still appreciate some of those old childhood influences from an artistic standpoint, and it does make a pleasant contrast to all the darker stuff I'm into, like HP Lovecraft and such. It seems like most of the good old childrens' stories had a little dark edge of their own though, which is probably a topic for another place and time. 'Posted



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #96 on: January 26, 2012, 09:19:10 am »

               Those treasure chests rock!

The trap model looks great!  Small? Thinking that's not a problem, but then again, these are fantasy settings where there are some very large creatures that could be trapped.


Legacy_Vibrant Penumbra

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #97 on: January 26, 2012, 05:12:14 pm »

                To the funny wizard: Ok, a small, reluctant O.
Don't think it was GTT, but I could be *gasp* wrong '<img'>

The Pirahna trap... What a nice idea for v2 '=]'

@ TSL: I'll do your banana peel placeable if you do my sounds '<img'>

@ The Madthingy: Teehee, wait and see :-) Somehow I think your cutie will enjoy the Duck Duck Duck trap... except for the mud and icky smell, I mean. Why does mucky mud have to smell like week old corpses? Ewww!

@ The grumpy dwarf: Let's put a wager on how "thief-proof" your Vault is, shall we '<img'>

@ Rubies: Remind me to walk softly around your lair!




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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #98 on: January 27, 2012, 11:25:45 pm »

               @Pen - DEAL!  You didn't mention the portrait though.  Nanner nanner!  *super sassy grin*



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #99 on: January 28, 2012, 05:43:59 am »

               The banana peel trap is shaping up.  I still have some stuff to learn to get it to function like a normal trap.




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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #100 on: January 28, 2012, 09:57:52 am »

               For this challenge I wanted to make a thieves guild, but I think that a thieves guild should be hidden, not out in the open where everybody can see it.
I wanted it to be hidden in some kind of vaulted chamber below a huge building (3x3 tile group).
I had planned to make a convent/hospital below which I'd hide the thieves guild, but since I don't have enough time to finish that by Feburary 1st, I used a temple from the Roman City instead and changed it a bit.


Hiding that cave entrance is up to the builder '<img'>.
As you can see it's not quite finished. You can walk into that cave and there'll be a vaulted chamber with stairs leading down there.
The problem with that is that if the area has weather effects activated, it will rain inside the cave.
Another problem is that you'd have to place the camera somewhere behind the PC when entering the cave because you wouldn't see much from a top-down view. A lot of people don't like to use other camera modes than that one. That's why there'll also be an area transition at the cave entrance.
Builders can make it lead to an interior area. If they don't use that area transition it won't show up in game and the PC can walk into the cave and use an area transition at the stairs leading down.

At the moment this tilegroup is part of the Medieval City tileset, but I'll change it so it will fit into the Bioware city tileset. I can't add it to the TNO tileset because of the lower height difference between normal and raised terrain in that tileset. There are ways around that, but I'd have to make the tile group bigger and make changes to it for which I don't have the time.



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #101 on: January 28, 2012, 02:09:21 pm »

               That looks great, Zwerkules. I like the options you have given builders - and that this will work in both tilesets.


Legacy_Vibrant Penumbra

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #102 on: January 28, 2012, 05:15:18 pm »

                @ Spirited: I could make it an item,as well (perhaps for V2?) so you can drop it like Rubies bear-trap. But until then, enjoy^_^

Here's my sister all set up for when you get the trap working (she is so not my favorite!): ':devil:'


And up close, though I suppose I ought to cut out two of the lobes to match your icon...

@ The Z man: Defiantly giving me ideas...'<img'>
But I'm still hoping to meet you down a dark alley some time Real Soon Now '<img'>


                     Modifié par Vibrant Penumbra, 28 janvier 2012 - 05:25 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #103 on: January 28, 2012, 06:14:52 pm »

               <arm wrestling the dwarf for control of the computer...>

@ Z: Nice!

@ TSL & Pen: If you change anything, change the icon.
I *like* the 6 peels, 4 is too few.
And if you have to change the icon anyway, change it to match the model and you're done :-)

Anyway, here's a reminder of who is doing what <mostly to keep it straight in his own mind>
(CC Makers, remember to coordinate resources!):

+ The Spirited Lass: Script, item, placeable - Banana Peel trap
+ The Amethyst Dragon: Placeable, convo, VFX & script - The Shell Game
+ Borden Haelven: Placeable - Hide-in wardrobe (w/o lion or witch). *SUBMITTED*
+ Cestus Dei: Tile group & door - Thief-proof Vault. (hah!) *SUBMITTED* (but still being tweaked because I can :-)
+ _six & aaronn: Placeable, script, sounds - Timed Real Spike Trap
+ Borden Haelven: Placeable - Sliding bookcase. *SUBMITTED*
+ Pen & Lass: Placeable, script, creature, sounds - Duck x3 Trap, Mallard duck, A nasty surprise for Cestus
+ Izk the Mad: Creature - Rory the Thief NPC
+ Rubies: Placeable - Bear Trap (possible)
+ Tyndrel: Placeable - Wanted Posters *SUBMITTED*
+ usagreco66kg: Placeable - Wanted Posters
+Tiberius_Morguhn: Placeables - Loot-worthy chests
+ Zwerkules: Tile group - Secret HQ 

Updated 2012-01-31
Please correct me if I have anything wrong.

For V2 (due March 10th):
+ Vibrant Penumbra: Placeable, script - Pirahna trap

<...after chugging a drought of storm-giant strength>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 31 janvier 2012 - 11:50 .



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #104 on: January 28, 2012, 10:50:21 pm »


Vibrant Penumbra wrote...
@ The Z man: Defiantly giving me ideas...'<img'>
But I'm still hoping to meet you down a dark alley some time Real Soon Now '<img'>

That sounds like a threat. Don't kill me! I'm too young to die! ':unsure:'