Author Topic: January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff  (Read 2589 times)

Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #60 on: January 14, 2012, 01:00:06 am »


Tyndrel wrote...
Sadly I have squillions of ideas but only a miniscule amount of ability...  as yet  '<img'>

Keep trying and asking questions.  I used to barely be able to recolor a texture for a model, then use notepad to change it.  Now I can do a little bit more. '<img'>



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2012, 02:10:42 pm »

               I had started a set of wanted posters too (something my mediocre skills can do), but I like Six's arrow idea... THAT I might be able to whip up.

For those working on traps... We could also use new trap triggers.  Pressure plates, breakable tripwires (indoor wires and outdoor ropes/vines), origin points for projectile traps..


Legacy_Vibrant Penumbra

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #62 on: January 14, 2012, 06:14:13 pm »


TheSpiritedLass wrote...
@Borden - Awesome stuff!  How badly did Pen threaten you to get those made?  *grins*

Hey! Me and Borden are pals! I'd never threaten him!
Rob him blind, maybe, but only of things that are bad for him... like chocolate and too much gold and stuff '<img'>
But I'm liking the sliding bookcases and the whole secret passage 'cuz-I-like-to-watch idea '<img'>

@Ty - Hey you.  *hugs*  Great start on the posters!

Ooh! Ooh! Me too!

On the Duck Duck Duck trap (soooo disappointed no one named the reference ':crying:' ), my only real question is how to make a trigger act like a trap (discoverable, disarmable) or a trap trigger a script I want, instead of some cheesy old acid or flames...

I want ducks'<img'>

Go, Ducks!'=]'


                     Modifié par Vibrant Penumbra, 14 janvier 2012 - 06:21 .


Legacy_Vibrant Penumbra

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #63 on: January 14, 2012, 06:20:16 pm »


usagreco66kg wrote...
For those working on traps... We could also use new trap triggers.  Pressure plates, breakable tripwires (indoor wires and outdoor ropes/vines), origin points for projectile traps..

Yep! That's what I said '<img'> 

Visual feedback, hints that there are or have been trappings of traps about. 

If this Duck Duck Duck trap wasn't soooo tricky, I'd be doing that...
or wanted posters... I want one!
or hidden passageways... Too cool!
or alleys... *sighs in Zwerkules general direction*

*Tripping the light shadow fantastic 'cuz she's so wired*


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #64 on: January 14, 2012, 11:42:13 pm »

                <whipping out...>

So, what I've got so far is:

  • The Spirited Lass: Scripts (possibly 3) - Noogie trap and...?
  • The Amethyst Dragon: Placeable, convo, VFX & script - The Shell Game
  • Borden Haelven: Placeable - Hide-in wardrobe (w/o lion or witch).
  • Cestus Dei: Tile group & door - Thief-proof Vault. (hah!)
  • _six: Placeable, script - Timed Real Spike Trap
  • Borden Haelven: Placeable & tiles - Sliding bookcase.
  • Vibrant Penumbra: Tile group? Placeable, script & stuff - Duck x3 Trap
  • Izk the Mad: Creature - Clockwork Assassin (with extra windup key? ;-)
  • Rubies: Placeable, item, drop model - Bear Trap (possible)
  • Tyndrel: Placeable - Wanted Posters
  • usagreco66kg: Placeable - Wanted Posters (alternate versions)
Please correct me if I'm wrong :-)

<...the wrong list>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 16 janvier 2012 - 03:11 .


Legacy_Vibrant Penumbra

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #65 on: January 14, 2012, 11:51:16 pm »


Rolo Kipp wrote...
So, what I've got so far is:

  • Vibrant Penumbra: Tile group? - Duck x3 Trap
Please correct me if I'm wrong :-)

You're wrong, cutie '<img'>
Placeables, triggers, scripts, finicky/tricky stuff.
No tiles. Not up to those ':?'

And it's the Duck Duck Duck trap '<img'>

Tho Duckx3 is easier to write... ':blush:'

Ok. Works for me!'<img'>



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #66 on: January 15, 2012, 12:03:18 am »


Gah! Don't startle me like that!
You and usagreco are *waaaaay* to quick for me today :-P
*whispers to Pen* Think he's a ninja/monk/assassin/rogue/shadowdancer multi-class. Well, maybe not the dancer part.
*whispers to usagreco* I *know* *she* is. Well, maybe not the monk part.

<...a foot>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 15 janvier 2012 - 12:21 .


Legacy_Borden Haelven

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #67 on: January 15, 2012, 12:26:01 am »

               @ Rolo. It's 2 placeables, 2 Castle Int tiles and a couple of scripts actually.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #68 on: January 15, 2012, 12:33:23 am »

               <grumbling about fleet-footed lasses...>

Hmmm, so script with placeable & tile for each (Wardrobe & bookshelf)? You have two entries...

<...and nimble, tricksy lads>


Legacy_Borden Haelven

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #69 on: January 15, 2012, 02:42:03 am »

               Oh and the wardrobe. LOL I've made identical replicas of both the standard NWN bookshelves so players won't be able to spot them without the proper skills. I'll make a rar file of it all and PM you the download url.


                     Modifié par Borden Haelven, 15 janvier 2012 - 02:42 .



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #70 on: January 15, 2012, 02:26:49 pm »


Rolo Kipp wrote...

 The Spirited Lass: Scripts (possibly 3) - Noogie trap and...?

Huh, now just where did I say I'd be making possibly 3 scripts?  *Stares at Rolo and snorts*  Nice try!  Possibly one script.  *one*.  *testing noogie theory on the crazy wizard*  Hmmm... not quite right.  *tests a different method while taking notes*  Hmmmm.  *walks about Rolo in a slow circle*  Yes, that one leaves a nice selection of hair standing up on end.  *scribbles a few more notes while chuckling.*



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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2012, 01:54:42 pm »


Vibrant Penumbra wrote...

On the Duck Duck Duck trap (soooo disappointed no one named the reference ':crying:' )...

Simpsons? ':wizard:'


Legacy_Vibrant Penumbra

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2012, 02:54:15 pm »

                We have a contestant! :happy:

But he sure knows how to make a young drow feel old <>

Waaaay before the simpsons... '<img'>

A cute little red X because at least you tried '<img'>

Reskinning and mooshing the seagull today to make it a mallard... it wiggles and squawks a lot.

Now, how to make it quack? On cue?



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2012, 03:17:29 pm »

               <pointlessly trying...>

TheSpiritedLass wrote...
Huh, now just where did I say I'd be making possibly 3 scripts?  *Stares at Rolo and snorts*  Nice try!
Possibly one script.  *one*.

In chat. you said you've been wanting to do 2 or 3 scripts for mythos...<boss! you're doing it again!>
No, I have it right... *stares in dismay at the odd blank area on the scroll*
That's funny. It was right there... <*raven facewings*>

*testing noogie theory on the crazy wizard*  Hmmm... not quite right.  *tests a different method while taking notes*  Hmmmm.  *walks about Rolo in a slow circle*  Yes, that one leaves a nice selection of hair standing up on end.  *scribbles a few more notes while chuckling.*

Hey now! *ducks and dodges*

< tame his wild hair>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 16 janvier 2012 - 03:18 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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January 2012 Custom Content Challenge: Rogues stuff
« Reply #74 on: January 16, 2012, 03:25:14 pm »

               <hedging his...>

Vibrant Penumbra wrote...
But he sure knows how to make a young drow feel old <>

Waaaay before the simpsons... '<img'>

And you make an old man feel young =)
Simpsons who? ;-P

Do the initials GTT mean anything?

Now, how to make it quack? On cue?

Step 1: catch a duck. record the sound. make it NwN compatible (haven't done sounds before).
Step 2: add a sound event in the animations for the aurora base where you want it (bottom of the rollout).

Note: I'm going by what I've read, I haven't mucked about with sounds/events yet.
So corrections gleefully accepted :-)
