@ _Six A spiky grandfather clock trap would be cool.
I've come up with a work around for mine using two hidden passage tiles, two sliding bookcase placeables and one script. Got it so a successful Listen skill check will give a "Sounds hollow" clue (Placeable Reflex), a successful Lore check will get a "Books look odd" clue (Placeable Fortitude) and a successful Search check (Placeable Will) will open it. When the placeable is set useable it overrides the door mouse over on the transition SAM behind the placeable. The placeable's script sets it unuseable when opened so the transition can be used.
I tried giving it an inventory full of books to throw players off the scent if they don't have the needed skills but I can't stop the blimmin' thing from pening when I open the inventory. Would changing the open2close & close2open anims to on2off & off2on work?
Modifié par Borden Haelven, 10 janvier 2012 - 01:27 .