Author Topic: House Rules / Hak Rules (HR) Alpha 7.50 /patch 1.69 update release  (Read 310 times)


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               7.50 Alpha 'B)'
Fixed last letter being cut off in custom language system.
Added durability system for weapons and equiped slots and repair tool
Added Sunder ability for everyone.
Updated torches with all six visual effects.
Added Gem model override to hr base hak
Added Books model override hr base hak
Updated tlk for spells (1st pass)
Updated removed the use of the old animal emapthy so not it cannot be used.
Modified resting so it does not mess up fighting defensively
Added Die Hard Feat
Added Tongue of the Sun and Moon
Updated j_inc_constants with monster speak functions so now you can script what lanuage your monster will speak. Pretty cool
Remember the monster speak functions are in j_inc_constants and hc_inc_master for future updates.
Use Mon_Languagespeech function in your scripts (requires hc_inc_master)
Put local int on the creature of Language with the number you want them to speak
Language       0 =  Common
Language       1 = ABYSSAL
Language       2 = AQUAN     
Language       3 = AURAN
Language       4 = CELESTIAL
Language       5 = DRACONIC
Language       6 = DRUIDIC
Language       7 = DWARVEN
Language       8 = ELVEN
Language       9 = GIANT
Language     10 = GNOME
Language     11 = GOBLIN
Language     12 = GNOLL
Language     13 = HALFLING
Language     14 = IGNAN
Language     15 = INFERNAL
Language     16 = ORC
Language     17 = SYLVAN
Language     18 = TERRAN
Language     19 = UNDERCOMMON
Language     20 = PLANT
Language     21 = ANIMAL

Updated Track to do a ground search also (Need to adjust Hr_SearchGroundSecrets so it looks for triggers with tracking feedback)
Added Comprehend Languages spell
Updated tlk of armor.2da changes.

Need to update class feats up to 20 level need update descriptions (generally In progress)

Armor.2da to more pnp (balanced)
Items that gain a Deflection bonus:staves, rings, melee weapons, helmets, cloaks, belts, gloves, and ranged weapons that use ammunition.
Items that gain an Armor bonus: Armors and bracers.
Items that gain a Natural Armor bonus: Amulets.
Items that gain a Shield bonus: Shields.
Items that gain a Dodge bonus:  Creature Skins,Boots.

class STUFF
Barbarian (need to add barbarian rage fatigue as optional)
Monk  updated bonus feat at 6th and created Tongue of the sun (Need to add Empty Body, Abundant Step )
Paladin Need to adjust for divine champion(champion of torn)
Ranger (need to adjust saving throws from 40 to 60)

Endurance feat added
(added check so if you have endurance you get +4 to your S.T. under extreme temp of area effects).
(added so if you have endurance you get fatigued instead of taking damage from starvation/thirst)(if that system is used)
(added so you have endurance you chance of stablizing is doubled.)(if that system is used)
(added so you have endurance you can rest in medium-heavy armor without penalty(if that system is used)
Added Die Hard Feat (automatically stabilize when -1 to -9 (if bleeding system is used)
Added Improved Sunder feat
All Skill have skill focus and epic skill focus
Fixed Trip to not use the casting animation and include size adjustment.


Added: Craft: Mine, Smelt, Log, Carpentry skill
Added: Craft: Accessory & Clothing skill
Added: Craft: Tinkering, Jewelry skill
Support for the durability system and custom crafting coming. '<img'>
Add skill focus and epic skill focus for these skills.
Added skills Decipher script, Escape Artist, Handle Animal
(Need to put custom skills into conversation and speak system)
(Need to update all class skills)

Updated Find Traps to only find traps and not disarm them. 3.5
Modified Restorations spells so they do not ruin fighting defensively
Modified Restorations spells so they do not ruin skill penalty while on a horse.
Modified all Dispel magics  & disjunction so they do mess up fighting defensively
Added visuals to fighting defensively
Added Mending spell
Added Bless water spell
Added Comprehend Languages spell

Big spell list change
Identify / only identifies one item per cast now (3.5). with artifact check.
Updated Find Traps to only find traps and not disarm them. 3.5
Modified Restorations spells so they do not ruin fighting defensively
Modified Restorations spells so they do not ruin skill penalty while on a horse.
Modified all Dispel magics  & disjunction so they do mess up fighting defensively
Added visuals to fighting defensively
Neutralize poison does not remove disease and negative abilities
Remove Disease remove just disease now.

Appraise Value
Creature Lore
Cursed Lore
Decipher Script
Escape Artist
Handle Animal
Herbalism Alchemy

NEW SPELLS (Starting from the low level spells and working up)
Bless water
Create Food and Water
Create Water
Purify Food & Water
Comprehend Languages

Aura of Courage (Real Aura)
Bard Weapon Proficiency
Druid Weapon Proficiency
Die Hard
Indomitable will
Skill focus / Epic Skill focuses
Slow Fall
Sunder, Inproved Sunder
Swift Tracker
Timeless Body
Tireless Rage
Tongue of the Sun and Moon
Tower shield feat
Wild Empathy

Aid other Attack
Aid other Defense
Fighting Defensively

Custom Systems
AFK button = Away from Keyboard toggle
Examine / Search = Change over the search system to a scripted one.
Emote / Info = All sorts of useful information and information about your character.
First Aid = You can do a stablize check on anyone, remove poisons and / or disease
Pray = So you can have a custom Religious system

Future Systems
Auto-split loot system
Crafting System
Underwater System
Domain update

Need to add another collum for spell type to include spell arcane spell divine
Need to add  colum to spells one for Alignment type spell (for cleric alignment spells check)
Need to add  colum to spells to check if effected by water ( in water or underwater )
Need to make a PDF the explains things alittle better.
Need to update j AI to be adjusted by the DM and builder easier.
Need to change all the % chance int. to floats that have more range example 74.8
Need to seperate pc token settings, DM token setting and rules token settings and organize it better (systemsetting script)
Add  / wild magic area system, add ability of dm to set NPC use custom spell system in game and info on it.
Need to update 2da to make items have more of the negative effects like weight increase
Make sure to cleanup all the poison testing scripts and placables.

make a custom recipes.2da for crafting
make a custom spellcoponents.2da for the spell system.

HR Base


                     Modifié par ShadowM, 21 décembre 2011 - 07:55 .