Author Topic: ANNOUNCING: The Return of  (Read 3861 times)


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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« on: June 20, 2012, 02:46:45 am »

               Fellow NeverwinterNights Enthusiasts, PLAYERs, DMs, Builders and Admins of NWN1 and NWN2, it is with great pleasure that I announce the re-opening of

This is PHASE ONE - ready for a full public test. This PHASE ONE release includes MEMBER LOGIN, MEMBER PROFILE TOOLS, SERVER CREATE/EDIT, EVENT SCHEDULING AND SIGN-UP. We ask all you NWC Members to please visit and login. Use the available services there to participate in scheduled events and/or schedule some of your own. While we tested the new NWC as much as we could (with limited availability of hardware locally to us, we enlisted a fine group of BETA TESTERS - and have thus far found the new NWC design robust and useful. Still, we have not been able to test with all hardware, operating system and browser combinations - so please, if you should spy something that looks amiss, take a screenie (screen capture) and send it to us along with any narrative, specify your operating system and browser too in your message. You can contact me via this forum and I'll share my email address in response to your inquiry so you can send me the screenies and such. WE NEED YOUR HELP to find any errors that may remain in the PHASE ONE features. Please take some time to login and have a look at the NEW DESIGN - awaits, and the re-build team welcomes your feedback.

While we allow NWC Members to access the features of PHASE ONE online, Eriniel and I will be working to complete material for the PHASE TWO release. PHASE TWO will include FORUMS, NEWS, HALL OF FAME, and more.

The re-build team.':wizard:'



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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 02:32:10 pm »


Great news!  I have very fond memories of games played on NWNConnections...



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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 06:49:53 pm »

               Glad to see you back all the more! This is only PHASE ONE of the roll-out, but the rest is not far behind. Please do login, help us test what is working and let us know if anything seems amiss (we need the help of a lot of you good NWNers as we have in our possession only a few computers and were not able to do a solid across the board test of all browsers and operating systems - for that we are counting on you good folks to send us feedback.

Be well. Game on!



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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2012, 02:43:53 am »

               WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

If you are a regular on a NWN server, WE NEED YOUR HELP. We are in need of a few screen captures from NWN to be featured on - what we need:

Group PC images that include
A dwarf
An elf
A gnome
A human
A half-orc

The screenie should be staged to have all PCs facing generally toward the "4th wall" (e.g. looking out at the viewer)... no helmets so we can see the face and thereby KNOW the race better.

The need is rather urgent so the sooner you can make and send us the screen captures the better. MANY THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!

PM me to let me know you have images for me and I'll PM you my email addy to send them.

Be well. Game on!



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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 12:13:50 pm »




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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 04:51:28 am »




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ANNOUNCING: The Return of
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2012, 01:22:43 pm »

               The summer's hiatus on the re-building of is done and we are returning to work on the project. Summer's heat, and the lack of reliable electricity for such computing essentials as 'air conditioning' on the isle of Cyprus necessitated the break from coding (Erins system was overheating quite regularly and threatening to damage the hardware). In spite of the heat, some progress was made in organizing materials from the old site and planning out the steps yet to come in more detail.

Our plans had included a new system for creating new member accounts - for this we need some artwork. If you are a NWN fan and have some art talent, please send me a PM to volunteer to provide a few images for our new system (the sort of system that prevents bots from invading a forum). We require ORIGINAL work, with specific content from an artist (actually several artists would be best as we need a few differing images to make this work).

PHASE TWO of the site is underway and we look forward to getting back to work on our favorite NWN fan site. We hope to hear from you soon too! Feel free to give input and if you are up for testing out work as we roll it out, ask about our bug report forum.

Thanks to all for the kind assistance.

Be well. Game on!


                     Modifié par ehye_khandee, 24 septembre 2012 - 04:23 .