Zarathustra217 wrote...
Let me make it clear though, I appreciate every initiative to bring the community to life and continue to run, and I honestly do not feel I'm enough active in this part of the community to really say if there's a critical issue here.
I also appreciate the feedback and to be honest, the discussion. For good or ill, this subject has brought us together...sometimes with a bump, but then, we are only human (well, I'm not of course, but I meant the rest of you *grins a toothy grin*).
But the discussion was opened, and it was opened because of lack of response and reaction to the initial posts. To me, if I was the AME, that would be a worrying sign. If it's related to a crisis of credibility I don't know, but it seems that something has to be done to reach more out to the community.
You know, a few years ago I would have agreed with you, thinking that the lack of response was indeed worrying. However, 6 years of being a member of the review team and other teams on and off, has shown me that while we are a community; it takes something that either completely excites, irritates or seems suspicious, for the community to speak out.
Unless producing something that the community can actually use, like CEP, CTP, Project Q, custom content whatever category it sits in, very little community acknowledgement/feedback, gripes or kudos is made to those who give back/contribute to the community in a different way. That isn't necessarily wrong, but it can be a little disheartening if a lot of effort has gone into contributing and you have no idea if that contribution is wanted, liked or ignored.
So the fact that no feedback was forthcoming on this thread until a question was posed by Flunky Swerve, does not surprise me in the least. In my opinion, while I know a huge amount of work goes into the work at the AME, the end result, be it excitement, outrage or even surprise, is so tiny you have to wonder if you missed it when you blinked. In the end, we slap an award on someones profile, module or CC. The author may or may not notice, may or may not feel pride. Often I have noticed a happy reaction from nominees, finalists and winners. But overall? The excitement from the community is tiny compared to the effort put in to create not only the awards, but forums, award badges, Vault pages listing the winners by year, etc. etc. etc.
I don't blame us as a community for that, although it took me some time to accept as my own idea of the community was likely rose-tinted in many ways. I was completely in love with NWN1, but today, it has a little less hold on me but still gives me great pleasure nonetheless.
We each, in our own way, give something to the community. Player, creator, reviewer or group member alike. So I don't worry that in the normal course of things the community neglect to pop in and say hi, good job, or are you crazy? I know these awards, or reviews, or polls are noted by folks, but playing the game is far more fun than taking time out to post on a forum.
After all, if I were not a member of a review team or AME or website or whatever...would I take that time to comment? I'd <like> to think so, but the truth is