Queensilverwing wrote...
... I have had to vote a COI (conflict of interest) on the module that I privately bug tested.
That is something I deeply don't understand. A subject which has been, sometimes even strongly, discussed in the AME forums.
The way I see it, you shouldn't have to choose between being an NWN player and an AME member. Why are you an AME member, or a reviewer to the Guild in the first place: because you're a dedicated and concerned player. That’s the reason why you can pretend being a relevant, useful and valuable AME member.
Now, if I follow your idea, does that mean you shouldn't help NWN builders? Littering your great knowledge of the game, just for being AME or a reviewer? Do you think NWN, and AME,'s got enough members to allow themselves such a luxury today?
That would be a waste of your talent. On both sides, creation and awards.
You didn't rewrite the story? You just helped making it playable? Well, nothing to say but our greatest thanks!
Even more, I suppose you offered playtesting that particular module because you liked it, didn’t you?
'meaning seeing it already... as a potential AME nomination perhaps? Legit.
It's kind of contradictory.
When I was AME myself, I tried to submit only one rule: no rules. And miserably failed...
No rules at all. But trust and respect, mixed with the most awake awareness.
I'm deeply respectful with people offering some of their free time, and strong knowledge of that very game, to help its community. Both builders and judges.
I trust, and trusted, every single AME member, and that was more than enough for me.
Even to the point I believe the author of an AME nominated module itself should be allowed to vote for his own module for the GDA. Because he is a player. Before anything else.
The "Double peine", in France, is now a prohibited sentence. One can’t be condamned twice, in two different ways, for the same single crime.
So, for being an helpful, and very needed... just ask the builders how much they need playtesting... tester, you're holding, retaining, wasting your vote, or nomination even?
To that very module you believe being among the best ones out there?
Now, what about a builder, when 'not voting' means voting against his own module, when it reaches the finals?
I find it unfair. Worse: wrong.
A pity and a waste to the whole community.
You seem to like exemple? Here is the worse possible one: the AME chairman today, Andarian, is a builder himself.
Unfortunatelly for him, among the best.
Problem! His serie, « Sanctum of the Archmage », happens to be eligible this year.
What should we do with this ‘situation’? Because this is the one we all have been talking about all the way here, lets be honnest.
Now, I wanna tell you something: « Sanctum of the Archmage » is one of the most important modules ever written for NWN.
Now, because of the many years he’s been already spending on it, NWN knowledge and talent combined, Andarian is probably the best chairman the AME could get today.
Shall he be punished for being helpful. For free?
Just listen to my three personal answers to that situation:
This is a game.
This is a game.
This is a game.
Can’t we just have fun?
What is the point of gaming if it’s not being free... for a couple of hours.
This is an entire new world. A new frontier to explore and enjoy.
Let’s just do so, as long as it’s permitted.
Even if it raises some eyebrows...
I do that with my kids sometimes:
They just laugh...
Just for the records:
I found very healthy, and even smart, some NWN players brought that subject up.
That shows they're concerned and caring. And how much that community is wild awake.
And vigilant.
Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 27 août 2011 - 08:41 .