I bought this version of the game and began installing add-ons. While trying to get 1.70 up and running I ran into a snag. Here's the result:
After ShaDoOoW's patient assistance, we have determined that the (English) edition of NWN, packaged with NWN2 as NEVERWINTER NIGHTS COMPLETE, does NOT include the latest official version of the game (1.69) in the installation. It currently retails for $29.99 in the US. A picture of the edition in question can be found here:
www.wackychaco.com/shane/pics/nwncomplete.jpgThis is significant because after you install the game, the launcher and the updater both say 1.69. Even worse, if you try to update the game, it will not only tell you that the game is up to date, but will also try to get you to install an add-on for Mass Effect and Sonic Chronicles. Below is a link to a set of "Critical Rebuild Patches" that you can use to rectify this problem.
The following is a list of ways to verify that you have 1.69 installed:
1. Check the toolset (second down on the launcher) and see if you have access to the following tilesets:
--City Interior 2
--Fort Interior
--Castle Exterior, Rural
If they're missing, it's likely that you are using an out of date version of the game.
2. Go to your NWN installation folder and open the "data" folder. Once there, find the file "xp2patch.bif" and check it's size. Installing the game from the "Complete" package results in a file size of 124MB. A 1.69 updated (English) version of this file is a whopping 351MB - a difference of about 225MB.
Considering the enormous difference in sizes for the 2 versions of "xp2patch.bif", I think it's safe to say there is likely a considerable amount of other game pieces that are missing (besides just the tilesets mentioned above). At the link below, you can find the "Critical Rebuild Patches." I strongly recommend you make use of them before playing the game using the "Complete" edition. Specifically, you'll want the one labeled "NWN + SoU + HotU" if you installed the 2 expansion packs.
www.neverwinternights.info/players.htm#critpatchI hope this information helps anyone having strange issues while using this edition of the game.
Modifié par Daralen, 14 janvier 2012 - 01:27 .