Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20305 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #885 on: May 29, 2016, 09:04:29 pm »




he he - have found another bug ... '<img'>

I have on my animal campanion (i am druid) the option to take possession ... but if i remember it right, this is only an option for magical companions from mages as example ..

<Edit : have found this is normal - with v12 this option is here too, and works fine>

so - to try this result in an crash '<img'>






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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #886 on: May 29, 2016, 09:19:03 pm »


mhh .. again it is crashed by summon the animal companion after his dead ...

looks the v13 is realy unstable by summoning and animal companion handling ... will atm stay at v12 to play with friends without crashes '<img'>






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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #887 on: May 30, 2016, 05:51:47 am »



I ask one thing perhaps absurd, are not a programmer so I can not understand what you can do or what not.


It would not be possible with a patch edit the code so that the parts of walkmash not walkable tile sets him become once placed a positionable containing walkmash? This would open up many avenues for mapper.

I read about this on another topic, I forget which, and I thought of proposing that one.


I don't understand what you want to accomplish exactly.


As far as I know there were successful attempts to modify tile walkmesh ingame on the fly using placeables with walkmesh, maybe that would be solution for you?


Anyway, there are basically no limits with nwnx+nwncx coding, other than limits of the programmer. I was already messing with walkmesh since I wanted to enable flying creatures to pass over water etc. I spent around 24 hours on this and while I was able to walk over water when I wrote "test" into chat, that applied for everyone in module not just me as I wanted. And I was unable to modify this to work only for specific creature. Thats best what I can do right now unfortunately, so I am not able to code the feature you need. Im not good enough. Yet...




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #888 on: May 30, 2016, 05:59:00 am »




he he - have found another bug ... '<img'>

I have on my animal campanion (i am druid) the option to take possession ... but if i remember it right, this is only an option for magical companions from mages as example ..

<Edit : have found this is normal - with v12 this option is here too, and works fine>

so - to try this result in an crash '<img'>



Animal companion possessing is a new feature which is there from beginning of the 1.72beta. It is intented to provide indirect buff to the druid. Its also more fun to play with druid when you have the full controll over your animal.


Anyway. I am unable to reproduce any weird behavior and crashing with the latest plugins from this download.


Here is what I tried:

1. summon animal, possess, unpossess -> no crash

2. summon animal, possess, go to trap, get killed -> no crash

3. summon animal, rest, summon new animal, possess, go to trap, get killed -> again no crash

4. summon animal, possess, go into another area, unpossess -> no crash either

5. summon animal, possess, attack npc, kill npc, attack master -> no crash

6. summon familiar, summon animal, possess -> familiar possessed even though I wanted to possess animal (which is a known limitation atm), but no crash


I tried it both in singleplayer and multiplayer.


Can you verify you are using the latest nwncx_patch (plus nwnx_patch if you are testing this in multiplayer) and send me step by step how to enforce crash or savegame?




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #889 on: May 30, 2016, 09:53:14 am »




yes - have used after your post, and before the bug reports,the actual plugins.

The crash with possess happen on my bear, after i found the option - and as you say , it is here after 1.72beta, my memorys are right that it is not an default option.

(have last played an PC with animal fellow maybe with 1.71 ..)

After the crash we load the last save again (still with the v13 and v14 plugins) and play/fight 5 mins - then after my death and respawn, i try to summon the bear (was disapered after my death ..) and it crashes again (the last bug report) - after this we decide to stay at v12 - here we have no problems at all.

Have now tryed again v13+v14plugins and use fraps to capture any problem/crash on an Video ..

Mmhh .. what should i say - its coming most time other as expected '<img'>

Have loaded the last save (was saved with v12) - and as you see in the video, the possess work now flawless - but on the beginning, i see it works and will verify that it works after an re-summon too - and on re-summon an already here animal fellow, an second apear ... an problem we haved last night on playing with the v14 plugins not one time .... so anything is "wrong" imho ... and it will not always happen ....


btw. is the new feature Animal companion possessing an official rule from more advanced D&D rules then i have no doubts ...

But i found it (even it was funny..) not "right" .....

An mage have an magical bound to his Animal subordinates and if he die, the mage lost energy - this looks right ..

But an druid have not crated/sworn the animal(not in the first time ..) , it was already here an it have going an binding to the druid, but this is not an magical - it comes from the nature an spirit of the druid .. so i think an complex magical control like possessing is not right here ....(but this is only my sight ....)


anyway ... the url to the video:


(i dont know if the diff that i have now an spider, as you see in the vid, and not more an bear make an difference for the bug  ...)


(and i can upload an save game if you need..)






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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #890 on: May 30, 2016, 10:54:08 am »


Aha. Found the problem with summoning second animal companion. This happens when loading a savegame with already summoned animal. But still no crash anywhere and I don't even understand from your post whether you still have crashing issues or not. If you do, please provide a savegame before crash with explanation how to cause it.


As I see this. It will be better to either completely remove this feature or rework it completely.


As far as DnD rules concerned, you can't controll familiar like in NWN, but you can controll animal companion with some limits though. Its basically a quality of life change. It might look weird but it basically restores balance between familiar/animal and various animals. Afterall majority of them are useless and only bear is worthy, others are much weaker. With this change it should add a bit usage to other types of familiars when you will be able to use stealh/detect mode etc.


I can remove this feature if there will be more opinions similar to yours.




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« Reply #891 on: May 30, 2016, 11:26:54 am »




chronological  :

29-05 you relase the v14 plugin download

29-05 on the eve i play with an friend with the v13 + v14plugins

  - The game crash after i try to possess the animal (bear) - i dont know exactly what i do before .. but i have found the new (for me)

     option to possess the animal and thinked it would be nice to scout ahead, so i think it was an relative secure place where i try it

     and not in an fight..

  - after the crash , i reload the last save and we play a few minutes .. after an fight where i died (and my animal disapear) i respawn,

    i try to summon it again - and the game crash

  - we decide to play with v12 to prevent crashes (this was the time i edit the post #886, to show v12 is running fine ..)

30-05 i see your post and think it would be good to have an video to show the problems (i thinked it will crash with v13 + v14plugins)

  - i install the v13 + v14plugins over the v12 and make the video, as you see, to my surprise it have not crashed ...


I will test the v13 + v14plugin later ... if it crash i will upload the save game and wrote the "hopeful" steps to reproduce it...

("hopeful" so, as with the "crash" with the market and the duplicate scrolls/potions, it have not always crashed .. )






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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #892 on: May 30, 2016, 08:36:25 pm »


I don't understand what you want to accomplish exactly.


As far as I know there were successful attempts to modify tile walkmesh ingame on the fly using placeables with walkmesh, maybe that would be solution for you?


Anyway, there are basically no limits with nwnx+nwncx coding, other than limits of the programmer. I was already messing with walkmesh since I wanted to enable flying creatures to pass over water etc. I spent around 24 hours on this and while I was able to walk over water when I wrote "test" into chat, that applied for everyone in module not just me as I wanted. And I was unable to modify this to work only for specific creature. Thats best what I can do right now unfortunately, so I am not able to code the feature you need. Im not good enough. Yet...

Something very similar to flying over the waters.

I imagine a chasm and a stream not walk, adding a walk bridge would be the maximum. But as you say I guess this is really hard.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #893 on: May 31, 2016, 08:26:39 am »


So I completely rewrote the possession system. It also fixes the problem when both familiar and animal were summoned so now you can possess each of them correctly (previously trying to possess animal possessed familiar in this case).


And it also allowed me to provide the NWNXPatch_PossessCreature function for scripters. That function has some limits for now:

- possessed creature is not able to start coversation (but can use placeables)

- atm there is no option to make that locked or not (like polymorph), instead, if the creature is associate then unpossess will show up in radial menu, but if its not then there will be leave party (which doesn't work)

- also when possessing non associate, player will see whole NPC faction party which isn't very good


Either way, I can imagine this being used for party controll system like in NWN2. It would just need a PC Tool feat to select who you want possess, then prepare some actions, unpossess and unpause.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #894 on: May 31, 2016, 09:35:56 am »


That sound amazing '<img'>


update on the "bugs" (i dont know if this still relevant with the rewrote ...)

Have last night played with the v13/v14pl combo. (the other player was not very happy - as he like to play and not bug hunting in his limited time, but i can get him to

play ..)

Just after the load, i un-summon the animal to prevent errors from already here animals at re-summon.

By the again summon the game just crash (and the other player LOL [have teamspeak] )

I set up the video capture with fraps to show the crash in video and load again...

We make both the same things ..... nothing happen .... game run fine ... the whole night (4h) no problems ...

So it looks it is(was) unstable just after load or by load an game save where was maked with v12 and the actual game now runs at v13/14pl ?

Dont know - cant reproduce the crash ...


Good you rewrote it '<img'>


Btw. the thing with possesion the animal from the druid,... make fun .... but many "additional" things would make fun .. the question is, make it "sense" ...

If the druid animal have the same ability as the mage magical familiar , then he musst make the same amount of damage to his master if the animal died .. and then it is no diff more in this 2 things (animal/familiar)

I can understand the reason (make the druid animal more usefull ..) , but i have always seen the animal/familiar not as an henchmen replacement or addition , more an "little" helper where "can" make the diff from life or death in an fight  and an way to individualize the char on an logical and immersive aspect of his role...






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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #895 on: June 01, 2016, 12:05:24 am »


That sound amazing '<img'>


update on the "bugs" (i dont know if this still relevant with the rewrote ...)


If you can, you can help me test the new familiar/animal companion possess system.


Here this version of nwncx_patch that includes this.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #896 on: June 01, 2016, 06:15:25 pm »


This is one long thread.......'<img'>


Here is my situation, in a nutshelll.....hey, how did I get in this nutshell!!! I have been using NWN's 1.69 for some time now, but am curious about the community patch. Is there a single list of what this does to extend 1.69? I would like to evaluate the patch to see if it is something i may wish to adopt.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #897 on: June 01, 2016, 06:43:26 pm »


There's a boatload of information if you follow the links off the vault page.


I've been using 1.71 for a while now and have not had any issues with it. Shadooow is pretty responsive to bugs, too. I think it's excellent. That said I have no intention of moving on to 1.72 because of all the dependencies on nwncx and the fact that it seems to have expanded beyond a patch. cpp1.71 is a very good patch.    




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #898 on: June 01, 2016, 07:13:06 pm »


This is one long thread....... '<img'>


Here is my situation, in a nutshelll.....hey, how did I get in this nutshell!!! I have been using NWN's 1.69 for some time now, but am curious about the community patch. Is there a single list of what this does to extend 1.69? I would like to evaluate the patch to see if it is something i may wish to adopt.

Well if you are new try 1.71. There are few rare issues in this version but ordinary builder shouldn't run into them. And if you do get any issue you can write here, Im still active and will help you.


If you are building a PW and you already got a working module, definitely avoid 1.72, that version is unfortunately still very untested and requires lot of playtesting.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #899 on: June 05, 2016, 11:12:58 pm »


Community Patch 1.72 Beta 14 Released


To install it, follow as in 1.71 manual installation. Simply unpack the archive into folder with NWN files (thus if you do this right it will want to overwrite bunch of files which you have to confirm). The 1.72 is international, works for all languages as there are no changes in dialog.tlk file yet.


To uninstall it, either run 1.69 critical rebuild, 1.71 installation, or manually delete/rename the xp2patch.key file and rename the xp2patch171.key which is included in the 1.72 beta distribution.


I also made a short teaser video showing this version features.

Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.72 beta 14 content:

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:

- fixed OnPolymorph event not starting out properly for polymorph with delay like Shapechange

- fixed casting epic spells in polymorph

- Turn undead: re-enabled this ability to affect neutral targets in order to support scene in vanilla campaign where the cleric turning undead is not hostole towards the skeleton

- [nwnx_patch] fixed crash when buying stackable items from store

- [nwnx_patch] fixed name of summoned animal companion in case player already had old one alive

- [nwnx_patch] fixed few multiplayer issues caused by the custom spellcaster code

- [nwnx_patch] fixed bug in GetHasSpell function that always returned 0

- [nwnx_patch] fixed bug with subradial spells having 0 spell uses

- [nwnx_patch] fixed bug when spells, class and races weren't reloaded in a case player started module A, ended it and started module B (assuming module A and B custom content differs)

- [nwnx_patch] fixed crash occuring upon shutting down client after loading multiple modules with different custom content

Revisited features from previous Patch versions:

- the "Enhanced Creature AI for Herbivores/Omnivores" from LoCash disabled by default as often builder wants to make an animal which won't move (especially in town areas), instead, new behavior will be optional using 70_c2_omnivore/70_c2_herbivore scripts

- the flying creature immunity nwnx feature has been disabled by default and builder must enable it via module switch if he wants to

- the unarmed damage 2da externalization nwnx feature was removed from performance reasons, since there exists a vanilla workaround to modify unarmed dmg using creature weapons, I decided its not worth it

New fixes and features:

- no new fixes and features

NWNX_Patch and NWNCX_Patch plugins (current version v1.17):

- fixed losing spell uses from spontaneous casters in several cases where this shouldn't happen (unequipping same item twice, losing charisma buff etc.)

- added the nwnx_connect functionality, as of now you should not use nwnx_connect with nwnx_patch together

- NWNXPatch_PlayMovie function now works in multiplayer as well, now takes second parameter oPlayer (note: player needs to run nwn client via nwncx with nwncx_patch to see the movie)

- added new custom functions for scripters:

 - NWNXPatch_GetTileAnimLoop

 - NWNXPatch_SetTileAnimLoop (note: player needs to run nwncx with nwncx_patch to see the change in animloop)

 - NWNXPatch_PossessCreature (note: using this function on non-associates is not recommended)



1) Today, I lost last week coding of nwncx_patch because my computer crashed when I was building dll. After restart, the source code was empty and my last backup was week old ':unsure:' . Hopefully I readded everything I did but I can't guarantee that. Because of that I need to retest and confirm all the promised fixes and features are working correctly.


2) I disabled the trap immunity feature and I want to know what you think about possessing animal companion and adding prestige classes into spell gain calculation in level up (which significally buff sorc/pm build).

I guess I can see why a module builder would not want to allow possessing animal companions, maybe he buffed them already and this would make them too good. But the second feature is basically a bugfix, while its true it makes sorc/PM stronger, is there anyone who would not want to allow players to get this buff?


3) Since I am behind in schedule of 1.72 release I need help testing 1.72 so I can finally release it. I need you to install this version into your game and try play some module (prefferably module you know so you can track issues easier) and report here any kind of oddities and issues you will get.

I need to test 1.72 without NWNCX, with NWNCX and also I need to test vanilla 1.69 with my NWNCX plugin. The plugin must work correctly even without CPP.