It would allow you more freedom in the development of new features for the plugins, the moment it is no longer that strongly related to fixing bugs. I say go for it. Your creative energy seems to be focussed on enabling new/missing features for nwn atm. You'd get a much clearer and new focus for that project detangling it from the main patch project imho. It would have a smaller userbase, but would attract one, that is more open to experimentations and forward thinking features, without risking to alienate the more conservative part of the CPP users.
Thats true. It would definitely allowed me more freedom and it would be easier to maintain.
However. All this is problem because the nwnx plugin architecture. And making this separate plugin will only make the problem worse.
See, when NWNX was made, having separated plugins made sense. It allowed better controll for user and easier debugging/error finding.
This does not apply for NWNCX though, user doesn't need to manipulate with plugins, in fact, user doesn't want to mess with them at all, he just want to run NWNCX_Loader and enjoy new features provided by those who made the module.
And then there is the problem that plugin A needs same functionality as plugin B or in my case plugin A needs to run code when plugin B executes something.
Personally I think there needs to be only single nwnx plugin containing all the current features. Only thing that needs to be in separate plugin are experiments and unfinished features.
Anyway, this is not possible to do because other nwnx plugin creators doesn't share my concept.
Unfortunately the current problem I need to solve will not be any easier if I port the functionality I need it for into new separated plugin (and project).
My goal is to provide a fully functional plugin which will allow all these extra features along witth bugfixes without any side effects. This is not yet accomplished, but if it will be whats the problem that there are not only bugfixes but also new features in this plugin? Afterall all of that is optional - and you don't even need to run nwn via NWNCX if you don't want to.