Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20352 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #675 on: January 12, 2015, 04:02:59 am »




I must be doing something wrong, and sorry if it has been mentioned before, but for now I must disable the hook on monk abilities, otherwise the server crashes when using flurry of blows. Patch version is 1.72 beta 6(and I love it btw).

Its possible there is a bug in my NWNX code. Thats why its still beta. Please PM me:

- logs.0/nwnx_patch.txt and logs.0/nwserverlog1.txt logs

- all variables you can think of, player character build, weapon used, exact situation etc.



On a completely different note, I recall having read that there is an area cleaner integrated to patch, could you please give me a hint as to where to find it?

Hmm no I don't think there is anything like that.



Legacy_Kato -

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« Reply #676 on: January 12, 2015, 04:16:36 am »


Okay thanks for the info Shadooow, I'm re-testing now, I'll PM you the logs



Edit: Logs sent. Correction: I thought it was the monk abilities hook when in fact it is DisableToggleModeHook = 0 which crashes the server, testing with a monk, unarmed. As soon as I activate flurry, everything freezes and upon returning to desktop I get the message: "NWN has stopped working". 




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #677 on: January 12, 2015, 07:32:59 am »


On a completely different note, I recall having read that there is an area cleaner integrated to patch, could you please give me a hint as to where to find it?


I think I know what you mean, you mean my recent post where I mentioned something like this.


Well I meant the "store cleanup mechanism" which work as module switch:


Setting an integer variable called "70_OVERFILLED_STORES_ISSUE_FIX" on module object will apply and workaround to fix the lag issue when there are too many items sold to the store. The value of this variable controlls how many items sold there can be in store at one time. After this value is reached everytime someone sell new item, the oldest item will disappear. Recommended value is 100.
Note: in order this feature could work, the module must use the "x2_mod_def_unaqu" default script (and its 1.70 version!) in its OnUnAcquire event, either directly or from other script via ExecuteScript command.


CPP doesn't have an area cleaner script, though it would be possible to integrate with something I was suggesting earlier in this thread - a system area. Anyway, its fairly easy to do and it was recently asked for in scripting forum, look here



Legacy_Kato -

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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #678 on: January 12, 2015, 03:08:15 pm »


Ah true, I was mistaken. Still, thanks for the link '<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #679 on: January 14, 2015, 08:36:11 am »


Community Patch 1.72 Beta 7 Released



Note that the 1.72 beta is (still) dependant on 1.71 as it contains only new and changed files (to keep distributing simple for me). It won't work without it and might cause crashing.


To install it, follow as in 1.71 manual installation. Simply unpack the archive into folder with NWN files (thus if you do this right it will want to overwrite bunch of files which you have to confirm). The 1.72 is international, works for all languages as there are no changes in dialog.tlk file yet.


To uninstall it, either run 1.69 critical rebuild, 1.71 installation, or manually delete/rename the xp2patch.key file and rename the xp2patch171.key which is included in the 1.72 beta distribution.


Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.72 beta 7 content:

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:

- fixed a bug in NWN©X_Patch plugins that considered weapon focus as if it would be weapon finesse and weapon finesse feat did nothing

- fixed a NWN©X_Patch crash with Flurry of Blows that occured when weapon hooks were disabled in nwnplayer.ini

- Fixed a bug in all cure wounds spells which didn’t maximized the result on normal and easy difficulty.

New fixes and features:

Tileset fixes:

tid01_a02_01 - corrected few gaps between polygons

tid01_b09_01 - corrected few gaps between polygons

tid01_b12_01 - corrected few gaps between polygons

tid01_b13_01 - fixed walkmesh issue that prevented to move into the doorway

tid01_b13_01 - visibility issue fixed

tid01_b13_01 - corrected two gaps between polygons

tid01_b14_01 - pathnode correction

tid01_b17_01 - pathnode correction

tid01_d03_01 - pathode correction

tid01_f03_01 - pathode correction

tid01_h01_08 - added missing doors which also fixed the visibility issue

tid01_h02_01 - added missing doors which also fixed the visibility issue

tid01_h05_01 - added missing doors which also fixed the visibility issue

tid01_h08_01 - added missing doors which also fixed the visibility issue

tid01_h01_08 - corrected two gaps between polygons

tid01_h03_01 - corrected several gaps between polygons

tid01_k02_01 - corrected several gaps between polygons

tid01_k07_01 - corrected few gaps between polygons


Spells and spellabilities:

- Protection against elements: duration unified with resist elements and energy buffer to 1turn/level (simply logical decision as these spells are implemented differently than in DnD)

- Lesser Dispel spell: added verbal component and appropriate chants (in all sources DnD3.0/3.5/NWN2 this spell has verbal component)

- Timestop: added freeze animations visual effect

- Color Spray: sightless creatures are now immune

- Dragon fear aura: effects made supernatural (not dispellable)

- Dragon fear breath: due to the bug in my code, the promised fix for too long duration from 1.71 didn't work - that was fixed, also effects made supernatural and implemented missing effect scaling

- Dragon breath paralyse: effects made supernatural (not dispellable)

- Dragon breath sleep: effects made supernatural (not dispellable), added scaling into duration

- Dragon breath slow: effects made supernatural (not dispellable), saving throw type changed to fortitude as per DnD rules

Other scripts:

- x0_i0_spells: pseudodragon added into list of flying creatures

- x2_pc_craft/x2_inc_craft: added feature to override maximum spell level to brew potion/craft wand. This can be overriden by the specific variable on module or player:

int X2_CI_CRAFTWAND_MAXLEVEL value=1-9 - will override maximum spell level that can be crafted into wand

int X2_CI_BREWPOTION_MAXLEVEL value=1-9 - will override maximum spell level that can be crafted into potion

however the maximum level reported by the error message when player tries to cast spell of too high level (ie. timestop (9) while max allowed is set to 5) it will report the original max level (ie. 3 for potions and 4 for wands)

- x2_inc_switches/x2_def_mod_load: added new switch to disable the new flying creature trap immunity feature

- added four new multispell scripts, the point of this is to enable builder to modify all these spells in single script

 - 70_s0_stoneskin (For stoneskin (and shadow variant), greater stoneskin and premonition)

 - 70_s0_elements (for endure elements, resist elements, protection against elements and energy buffer)

 - 70_s0_abilbuff (for all ability buff spells, including Harper and BG version and their greater versions, but excluding owls insight)

 - 70_s3_iounstone (for all ioun stones)

- 70_s3_healkit - Heal Kits will be able to remove even "fake" poison when poisons are set to stack

NWNX_Patch and NWNCX_Patch plugins (current version v1.10):

- added a new feature to create a favored enemy feat for custom races. This is done by the new collumn in racialtypes.2da FavoredEnemyFeat.

- added a new feature to modify favored enemy bonus. This is done by the integer variable FE_MODIFIER on a creature (can be both positive and negative).

- flying creatures will be now immune to the ground traps (won't trigger them). This feature can be turned off globally via module switch (see x2_inc_switches/x2_def_mod_load) or for specific traps using variable DISALLOW_FLYING int 1.






1) The change to protection against elements and lesser dispell are not yet reflected in ingame description, this is in order to make 1.72beta international, its not overlook, will be added in final version of course


2) There is a question whether add a new custom feat Favored enemy: Oozes that is missing in the game (now when this is possible). The problem is that player picking this feat in character creation screen would end up rejected by server not using CPP (or with nonfunctional feat if not rejected). It is worth this drawback?


3) I made the flying immunity to traps a default state. It makes sense. However this indirectly and significally boost Shifter class and Polymorph Self spell (pixie appearance). Could in certain cases completely ruin a dungeon design. I think that possibility to turn this off by module variable + variable to turn this off for specific traps is enough but Im willing to rethink that...


4) Timestop immunity feature doesn't work in singleplayer, since this is a custom feature that weren't implemented before I think that it could stay this way (default timestop for SP, modified PW friendly timestop for MP). If builder wants to impletement timestop immunity in his SP module, he can modify the timestop script and enforce the MP behavior in his module.


5) The new multispell scripts are not  obligatory. Its simply additional feature and you don't need to merge it into your spells.2da. The purpose of these scripts is to make a global changes to the spells they implement easier. Many times builder wants to modify these spell "families" to not stack/etc., normally builder would have to modify multiple scripts to enforce that, now he only needs to modify one. Purely optional.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #680 on: January 14, 2015, 12:01:38 pm »


Shadow - just a thought...


Would it be possible for you to release the source files for ALL of your Bioware tile fixes, including a listing of the actual path node changes (the tile name and what the correct path node is)? This would allow CC Creators such as myself, when revamping and updating Bioware tiles, to have a good base to use for modification, rather than wasting time correcting issues with them you've already fixed.


I plan on using your 1.72 patch once its finalized anyway, so its no big deal for me either way, but it might be nice for other CC Creators.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #681 on: January 14, 2015, 08:17:50 pm »


I've did it, but only for 1.71 final. Could do this for last 1.72beta as well, though the path node changes and visibility node changes are distributed as new SET file. To see what I did you need to compare it with vanilla SET file in any compare tool.



Legacy_Kato -

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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #682 on: January 15, 2015, 06:58:05 pm »


Lol, beaten by the punch, I was just about to report the bug with Finesse. You're the MAN, Shadooow!




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #683 on: January 15, 2015, 07:42:19 pm »


Lol, beaten by the punch, I was just about to report the bug with Finesse. You're the MAN, Shadooow!

it was reported to me by WhiteTiger few months back and I made a quickfix for him already but had no time to make a new version till now




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #684 on: January 15, 2015, 09:20:38 pm »

               woohoo, great to see an update.

as for your note no 2 i think it is not worth it. in my oppinion, it is more importand for CPP to stay Trouble and error free, than to fix every bug.

if the fix can be released as a separate download, either as override for Players, with big warnings attached or/and as hak source for builders, i think this is the saver approach.

btw: updating from beta 6 to 7 is once again just a simple override of everything, correct?



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #685 on: January 15, 2015, 10:00:15 pm »



btw: updating from beta 6 to 7 is once again just a simple override of everything, correct?





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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #686 on: January 23, 2015, 04:17:13 am »


WhiteTiger reported me an issue with Awaken spell not working. Turned out its a problem in NWNX_Patch as I am setting animal companions as familiars to trick engine to allow possess them. Problem is I forgot that the NWScript function will therefore retrieve animal companion as if he were familiar.


I fixed this issue by modifying the GetAssociate and GetAssociateType NWScript functions via NWNX so they will return correct value and that will fix Awaken spell. For those who need this fix fast I uploaded updated nwnx_patch and nwncx_patch files on my google drive, link (unpack in nwn folder and allow replace).


(WhiteTiger if you download this you can revert/remove the previous awaken spell modification I sent you, you wont need it anymore)




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #687 on: January 23, 2015, 12:18:53 pm »

               Hello everyone !

Here's my problem : I have a bug on the war table and I decided to install patch 2 (pc)  . But the thing is that I don't know how to install it ; when I click in bioware's blog site with the patch 2 , there's only the description of the modification in the patch and  no link to download it . I search everywhere on internet how to install the patch but there's no answer . I saw that it was a patch note , I don't know how it work . I hope you can help me with this

Thanks in advance !



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #688 on: January 23, 2015, 10:07:23 pm »


Hello everyone !

Here's my problem : I have a bug on the war table and I decided to install patch 2 (pc) . But the thing is that I don't know how to install it ; when I click in bioware's blog site with the patch 2 , there's only the description of the modification in the patch and no link to download it . I search everywhere on internet how to install the patch but there's no answer . I saw that it was a patch note , I don't know how it work . I hope you can help me with this

Thanks in advance !

I have no idea what are you talking about.


For NWN1 you need 1.69 critical rebuild. Link

After you install this, then you can apply my Community Patch 1.71 (in any language if you are not native english speaker). Link




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #689 on: January 24, 2015, 09:09:08 am »

               Ok thanks for your answer I'll do that