Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20353 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #660 on: November 22, 2014, 09:33:07 pm »


Sorry. I read, in the readme I think, that these don't show up in the item detail in game. i.e. that they are not visible to the player. I though that was done by not having a tlk reference for the name or something, but then these have both Name and label so I was thinking it was just the shortness. So I could change them to something more readable. It's the blank GameStrRef and description that make them not show in game isn't it...

correct its GameStrRef collumn not filled up (its row 42)



Legacy_Kato -

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« Reply #661 on: December 04, 2014, 10:40:57 pm »


Amazing job, what a nice surprise to see nwnx_cool functionalities integrated!!



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« Reply #662 on: December 24, 2014, 11:03:45 pm »




Using patch 1.72 beta 6, I noticed that the 2da cls_feat_asasin has 2 similar index entries at index 69. I don't know if the index is used, just thought I should mention it.







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« Reply #663 on: December 25, 2014, 12:18:53 am »




Using patch 1.72 beta 6, I noticed that the 2da cls_feat_asasin has 2 similar index entries at index 69. I don't know if the index is used, just thought I should mention it.




this issue appears in vanilla 1.69 - its not an issue at all because engine doesn't care about the number written in the 2da, it will be automatically renumbered by engine so in fact the second 69 line is recognized as 70 by engine




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #664 on: December 31, 2014, 11:13:48 pm »


Hello Shadoow. I recently bought Diamond from Gog and going through the game again and found your efforts. I've read several pages of all the work you have done. I really appreciate your efforts!


I have two questions/suggestions:


***Have you considered a fix for the Shifter bugs?


***Is there a seperate effort that includes some of the things not deemed v3.0 Patch related by some people? (I am referring to things like some of the 3.5 edition fixes that are not 3.0 and some have voiced concerns of not having them in this Patch.) If there is a seperate effort, could you refer me to the place I could review those and see if it is something I would like to put into my version of NWN?


Thank you.


--------------------------------Here is the copy/paste of Shifter Bugs. I don't do Persistent Worlds, so G5 bug doesn't matter, but the others would be nice to have a fix or toggle for.--------------------------------------

Currently (as of version 1.61 at least), Shifters with a tertiary base class
(i.e., Druid/Shifter/Fighter or Druid/Shifter/Monk) suffer from a nasty bug
which penalizes them 20% of earned experience points.  Why?  Simple enough, from
game mechanics:  since you actually *become* a Minotaur, Wyrmling, Basilisk,
etc., you are no longer Human or Elf or whatever.  None of the races you Shift
into lists Druid as its Preferred Class.  So you're earning experience points as
a Minotaur, but since Minotaur is your Preferred Class while Shifted you suffer
the 20% multiclassing penalty, no matter what race or class you are naturally.

As always with the 20% XP penalty, if you're careful to keep your base classes
within 1 level of each other it can be avoided.

Pure Druid/Shifters of any race do not suffer from this bug, nor do Shifters
with a tertiary prestige class (i.e., Druid/Shifter/Champion Of Torm or

Currently the only known solution is to cheat:  at level up, use debug commands
to grant yourself 20% of the XP toward the next level.  For example, if you've
just made 15th level, you'll need 15,000 XP to make it to 16th.  And 20% of
15,000 is 3,000.  So type this while in-game:

   `DebugMode 1
   `GiveXP 3000
                (the cursor changes to a select cursor - select yourself)
   `DebugMode 0
                (check your character sheet to see if it worked)

Let's hope they fix this pronto, especially for Shifters on Persistent Worlds
who may not even have access to the debug commands.

(G) Other Bugs

(G.1) The Bonus Attacks Bug

FAQ reader Jamie ( reports a Shifter bug while Hasted:

It would appear that Haste, which should give an extra attack at your highest
Attack Bonus, instead just gives you an additional attack at the low end of your
existing attack sequence.

Unshifted         +24/+19/+14/+24
Shifted           +24/+19/+14/+9
                               ^---Haste bonus attack

This bug also affects Monk/Shifters using Flurry Of Blows, but for some reason
the standard -2 AB penalty for Flurry Of Blows is not applied:

Unshifted  +18/+15/+12/ +9/+6/+18/+18
Shifted    +20/+17/+14/+11/+8/+5 /+2
                               ^   ^---Haste bonus attack
                               +-- Flurry Of Blows bonus attack

I think you'll agree, +9 is not nearly as good at +24, and +2 is no substitute
for +18.  Let's hope BioWare fixes these bugs soon.

(G.2) Bonus Spell Items Bug

FAQ reader Jeremy Jones reports that items which grant bonus spell slots seem to
lose their settings after each Shift.

(G.3) The DR Attacker Bug

According to the PnP rules, creatures with natural Damage Reduction face no
Damage Reduction penalty when attacking creatures with Damage Reduction equal or
lesser to their own.  Since several Shapes have natural Damage Reduction (even
as high as 5/+20 for Epic Manticore and Epic Drider), this rule should apply to
them.  Playtesting, however, shows that only a magical weapon is sufficient to
bypass Damage Reduction; natural DR does not.

This makes a difference for all unarmed Damage Reduction Shapes (Gargoyle, Epic
Gargoyle [if the bug gets fixed], Epic Manticore, Spectre, Death Slaad Lord,
Stone Golem, Demonflesh Golem, Iron Golem, and Dragon), since by definition they
do not have a magical weapon, against any opponent with Damage Reduction.

Furthermore, it affects the armed Shapes which have higher DR than their weapon
(Epic Drider is the only one).  If and when this bug is fixed, the Epic Drider
(with DR 5/+20) even beats the Dragon against DR 20/+20 opponents!

(G.4) The Epic Pink Soft Bunny Please Kill Me Now Bug

The game resource listed as the Epic Gargoyle's skin, x2_it_egargprop, is
missing from the game.  Whatever properties are defined in this skin (very
likely including some form of epic Damage Reduction) are therefore missing from
the Epic Gargoyle.

Effectively this turns your Epic Gargoyle into an Epic Pink Soft Bunny Please
Kill Me Now.  Yes, I am copyrighting that name.

(G.5) The Persistent World save bug

In playing on a Persistent World, I've noticed a bug which occurs when the
server pauses a moment to save all active characters.  It's good that they do
this, but unfortunately to do so they have to unShift you momentarily, then
Shift you back.  When the engine automatically Shifts you back, it fails to
properly merge your item properties.

So, for example, if you have a weapon with +1d6 acid damage you will see it
listed in your character sheet when you shift into Minotaur.  But after the
engine saves your character all you have is the standard +1 battleaxe.
ReShifting will fix the problem easily, at least until the next save sequence,
but with a limited number of Shifts available this could be a problem on a
quick-saving world.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #665 on: January 01, 2015, 11:47:39 am »




First, the negative voices you heard cannot really specify which specific change is the from 3.5 or 3.0. There is more than thousand fixes and improvements, and some peoples will refuse to use this patch because single fix they don't consider as fix because they think they know better. My patch was released in 3year ago and if you look at NWN Wiki where my main critics are grouped, they only recently starting to find out issues I have fixed 3 years ago. Most of the CPP critics haven't even tried to install it, they just read readme and made their decision on that. For them its so bad they will never use it, I suggest you to try it and if you won't like it uninstall it. If you try 1.71+ you might not like the colored icons (which are in vault HoF but after I added them lots of ppls started to dislike them) if that happens to you there is a package you can put into your override to restore old icons.


There is not many 3.5 changes/fixes and even those that are described in some of the readmes as 3.5 might as well be consistent with 3.0 ruleset - its possible I simply didn't bother to check that up or in one case I remember its because that monster did not existed in 3.0 rules.


Second, NWN is not exactly by the 3.0 ruleset. Its based on it and that means that there are differences. Community patch has no intent to be 3.0 or 3.5 ruleset package. Its just that if something was wrong I didn't made up my own change as many of those who think better does but I looked into 3.5 ruleset how its implemented there. Also when implementing some of the logical changes like that its not possible to petrify a target that is blinded I took all these from DnD 3.5 ruleset of course.


As for Shifter issues.

#0 this can't be fixed so easily as XP calculation is hardcoded (in campaign, every PW and some modules have their own calculations), it would be possible to modify this via NWNCX BUT 1) exactly the peoples whom voices you've heard woul critice this change as this is not a bug by their own logic 2) many peoples refuse to use NWNCX because of multiple reasons

#1 from where you have this info? I am not aware of this behavior and it does seems to me like a bit outaded info.

#2 this is fixed and enhanced in 1.72 beta - the memorised spells are not lost completely, only their uses (if that item is not merged, if it is not even uses are lost)

#3 this AFAIK works, you can even cast a stoneskin spell on yourself, then shapeshif into bear and voila you pierce +5 damage reduction, imo its quite weird and shouldn't happen this way (only with natural DR) but its hardcoded and subject to doubts from NWN experts so I ignored that

#4 AFAIK this is not true

#5 fixed in 1.72 beta, except not many PWs uses CPP and even less uses 1.72beta - anyway after saving your character all itemproperties are remerged and they are remeged in a fashion that you won't lose any spellslots of course (still this remove all weapon spell buffs you might have from other players etc.)




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #666 on: January 01, 2015, 03:14:31 pm »


btw, is there an eta for the 1.72 release? Looking forward to it.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #667 on: January 01, 2015, 04:14:33 pm »


btw, is there an eta for the 1.72 release? Looking forward to it.

Sorry but 1.72 is nowhere closer to finish than it was 4 months ago...


Reason is lack of interest / lack of betatesters who would tried/report me and lost of interest in NWN for now...




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #668 on: January 01, 2015, 05:34:30 pm »


is there anything in particlular, where you feel further testing is needed? in principle, a lack of bug reports is a good sign, no?




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« Reply #669 on: January 01, 2015, 06:01:43 pm »


is there anything in particlular, where you feel further testing is needed? in principle, a lack of bug reports is a good sign, no?

All the NWNX fixes and features

- devast (make sure there are no issues, check melee/ranged weapons against crit immune/sneak immune/both immune/none immune/immortal creatures) (I did all of this but maybe I overlooked something so secondary testing is needed)

- death attack (check what it does against immortal/immunes etc.)

- healers kit (there is known bug where the DC of poisons/diseases is random and not based on poison/disease - this is because there is no native function to retrieve this information AND my patch currently doesnt add new functions (because thats what other plugins doing - but I had in plan to break this precedens))

- check whether all combat modes works as intented (ie. whether expertise cancels after equipping ranged weapons/flurry of blows in same occassion etc.)

- check whether shapeshifting with spellslots works as described - I did very extensive playtesting there but its so complicated issue with so many variables that secondary testing is needed imo

and more. currently I dont even remember what else is there but it were a lot




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #670 on: January 01, 2015, 06:10:02 pm »



As for Shifter issues.

#0 this can't be fixed so easily as XP calculation is hardcoded (in campaign, every PW and some modules have their own calculations), it would be possible to modify this via NWNCX BUT 1) exactly the peoples whom voices you've heard woul critice this change as this is not a bug by their own logic 2) many peoples refuse to use NWNCX because of multiple reasons

#1 from where you have this info? I am not aware of this behavior and it does seems to me like a bit outaded info.



OK, I will just do as the ShifterFAQGuide suggested and use the debugmode cheat to give myself the 20% upon level up.


As far as where I got this info, here is the link:


It doesn't pertain to what you are doing and yes it is outdated.


Thank you for addressing the issues and letting me know your thoughts on them.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #671 on: January 01, 2015, 08:33:58 pm »


I am sorry I am such a noobie. But I have questions I can't find on my own. I guess most people already know.


I've installed the 1.71 patch. Works well (i guess) and no problems. But from my understanding, to take advantage of a lot of things, I have to run the Auto Merger.


The instructions says to put your 2da into the "Yours" foulder and run the two batch files (replace_everything and then hak_version). Here is my questions:


1) Where do I find the 2da file?

 ---I found a 2da.bif file in the data folder, but I ran the batch files and it didn't do anything much. The only other thing I saw was a compressed folder called

"2dasource". <2dasource    7/7/2008    Compressed (zipped) Folder    577kb> I took everything from that zipped folder and put it into "Yours" and ran it, and it done a lot of stuff.

  1 sub question -- So did I do it correctly? Now all I need to do is just take the files from "Yours" and put them back into the "2dasource" compressed folder and that is that?


2) There is a folder called Spell Scripts. Inside is folders called Poisons, Spells, Traps, etc. with NSS files. There is also a "Compile It" batch file. With me being a noobie, could you explain how I get that to become part of the NWN game?


3) What about the base item files? where/what am I to do with those?


I really tried looking other places to find my answers, but I think I am the only one dumb enough to not know already. Sorry.




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« Reply #672 on: January 01, 2015, 09:10:41 pm »


Looks like you are regular player. If you are then Auto2DAMerger is not for you. Install is all you have to do, in single player more than 90% of the patch will always apply, in multiplayer only graphical improvements (in multiplayer, server needs CPP installed not you).


If you are a Single Player module/Persistant World builder then you would want to merge all 2DAs, but then you wouldnt probably ask this question '<img'> .


EDIT: It might be bit hard for you as a player to determine whats a module specific override and what is a CPP bug, I mean, you read in readme that if you use HellBall on yourself it no longer knock you down but in game it still will knock you. In that case you might want to think that this feature from CPP doesn't work, yet the cause is that the module you play customized Hellball on their own. Thats the way it is and it has to be as what module designers intented shouldn't be touched.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #673 on: January 12, 2015, 12:31:24 am »


Found some new mood for CPP. Current plans:

1) replace Auto2DAMerger with 2dilate from leo_x

2) enable to add custom favored enemy feats (done via new collumn in racialtypes.2da + possibility to modify the favored enemy bonus value by variable - useful for feats like improved favored enemy +1-+10), the question is, should CPP bring a custom feat for missing oozes? The problem is that player with CPP will be able to select this at lvl 1 when playing PW without CPP which result in invalid character and rejected login.

3) documentation for NWN©X_Patch



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #674 on: January 12, 2015, 03:28:11 am »




I must be doing something wrong, and sorry if it has been mentioned before, but for now I must disable the hook on monk abilities, otherwise the server crashes when using flurry of blows. Patch version is 1.72 beta 6(and I love it btw).


On a completely different note, I recall having read that there is an area cleaner integrated to patch, could you please give me a hint as to where to find it?



Again, congrats on such an impressive, amazingly useful work that is the CP.
