Its been a while, get disrupted by the LoL .
So far I have only several fixes to illithid interior fixing visibility issues, polygon gaps and door issues, all that was reported here and some more.
REQUEST: the cell tile group has still some polygon gaps. I wasnt able to fix all of them because the tile is badly designed and the meshes are not connected but overlayed. Much like in beholder tileset which has the same issue. I need help with this one.
Was thinking about some more features I might add:
1) dynamic crafting levels, ie. the max level of the spells you can brew/wand-alize could be overriden by a variable on module and even on player (that would allowed to make a custom feat say "Alchemist +1" that would allowed to brew potions of level 4 etc. etc. many possibilities there
2) add event handling into my nwn©x_patch plugin. While this is handled by the nwnx_events or nwnx_cool it would be better choice for those who dont want to solve conflicts in these plugins and nwnx_patch (they are not working properly together), also it would allow to use this in singleplayer modules (no client version for nwnx_events yet)
3) another improvement into spell engine, rewrite RoundsToSeconds / TurnsToSeconds and HoursToSeconds by a new function which would look like this:
not sure about the function and ".Time" names but the point and advantage of this is that it would allowed to dynamically modify the duration of the spells. For example it would allow to make a metamagic like feat that would changed 1round/level into 1turn/level or to add +1round into duration of all spells. All dynamically from the spellhook without need to modify any spell script.
4) same with range ie.:
object oTarget = GetFirstObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, spell.Range, spell.Loc, TRUE, OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE | OBJECT_TYPE_DOOR | OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE);
that would allowed to dynamically change the radius range for spells, for example a meta-magic like feat that would turn RADIUS_SIZE_HUGE into RADIUS_SIZE_COLOSSAL etc.