Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20366 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #585 on: July 25, 2014, 07:53:27 pm »


i don't know if is possible in patch..but would be great if you could open a nwn dm window and a nwnmain.exe .

Sometimes i need to use 2 account one for player and 1 for dm!




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« Reply #586 on: July 25, 2014, 08:06:06 pm »


i don't know if is possible in patch..but would be great if you could open a nwn dm window and a nwnmain.exe .

Sometimes i need to use 2 account one for player and 1 for dm!

I think it could be possible however there are problems with cdkeys/ip not sure whether this applies on dmclient + normal client but when running two clients you cannot log in to the same server because of the cdkey in use message.


Anyway - try Sandboxie, allows to run any application multiple times.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #587 on: July 27, 2014, 10:47:48 am »


There is a well known and well used cheat where a PC can quit and return to get all of their spells and feats back to get around resting restrictions...some player sayd me the bug still here.

It was already correct in patch?




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« Reply #588 on: July 27, 2014, 10:59:10 am »


it is not fixed by this patch, but usual PWs have a fix for this emplemented in their host client extension for a long time already.




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« Reply #589 on: July 27, 2014, 11:31:33 am »


There is a well known and well used cheat where a PC can quit and return to get all of their spells and feats back to get around resting restrictions...some player sayd me the bug still here.

It was already correct in patch?

patch 1.69 added this feature - in nwnplayer.ini add under [Server Settings] this line


Restore Spell Uses On Login=1



relog also replenish hitpoints and make player alive but CPP doesn't provide a fix for that - since every PW fixes this differently it is something that is hard to add into CPP especially since I cannot determine whether the given PW fixed this already or not - if you got problems with this issue drop me a PM I will point you into scripts fixing this




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #590 on: July 27, 2014, 04:57:01 pm »


Community Patch 1.72 Beta 5 Released



Note that the 1.72 beta is (still) dependant on 1.71 as it contains only new and changed files (to keep distributing simple for me). It won't work without it and might cause crashing.


To install it, follow as in 1.71 manual installation. Simply unpack the archive into folder with NWN files (thus if you do this right it will want to overwrite bunch of files which you have to confirm). The 1.72 is international, works for all languages as there are no changes in dialog.tlk file yet.


To uninstall it, either run 1.69 critical rebuild, 1.71 installation, or manually delete/rename the xp2patch.key file and rename the xp2patch171.key which is included in the 1.72 beta distribution.


Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.72 beta 5 content:

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:

- fixed name and description of the Eye of Gruumsh's Blinding spittle ability (the first one, second had correct name).

- duration of the paralyse from Planar binding spells was calculated incorrectly when spell was cast extended

Revisited features from previous Patch versions:

- the "stack ability bonuses" switch renamed and redescribed in the PC Widget Tool conversation because it now stacks not just abilities but also skills and saving throws (and x2_inc_switches library). Note: nothing changes for builders, the internal name stays the same to provide backwards compatibility of course)

- improved barkskin texture changed to be closer to the vanilla in colors

New fixes and features:

HAK version only:
baseitems.2da: added hidden/unused standard content: pouch (1x1 container), small box (2x1 container bag), old icon style cloaks (same name in the list, its the lower one)
appearance.2da: added one more hidden/unused creature: orc chieftain C (wasn't added before because he missed animations - that turned out as an easy fix however, so there he is)

2DA changes:
baseitems.2da: slightly increased reach of the attacks made with whip (should allow to attack distant placeables like in Indiana Jones)
iprp_feats.2da: added all standard feats as a bonus feats, starting on line 100. Some feats were excluded though: those that were already available and those that doesn't work as bonus feats or has undesired side-effects. This is specifically tailored to be easily used by scripting. To create a new bonus feat itemproperty with chosen feat, use ItemPropertyBonusFeat(100+FEAT_* constant); just check if the property is valid - if not its either one of the feat that has the IP_CONST_BONUS_FEAT_* counterpart or that doesn't work as bonus feat.
appearance.2da: all creatures with F type of model allowed to select wing and tail (comes with modified creature models) [Showcase image]


- added flank immunity to elemental and ooze creatures (using the bonus feat: defensive awareness 2, this also applies for a druid elemental shape)


- unwillingly polymorphed creatures will attempt to cancel polymorph if they are allowed to do that (shapechangers/shifters)

Spells and spellabilities:

- Continual Flame: stolen flag replaced with item cost decrease workaround (NOTE: the item cost after casting this spell will be slightly lower than before)

- Time Stop: added immunity feature - builder can now make creatures immune to the time stop (NOTE: works only in multiplayer unless builder modify the script to use the multiplayer workaround also in singleplayer (line 53 change to "if(FALSE)")

- metamagic checks in all spells has been replaced with the binary AND (&) to support custom content such as metamagic stacking


- added a new switch into PC Widget Tool: switch to merge all items into all polymorph shapes.

- HotU associate conversation made custom content compatible (if player had custom content familiar or animal companion he couldn't talk to him before)

Other scripts:

- Improved OnOff script, will try to activate/deactivate nearest sound object with same tag (based on http://neverwinterva...e-noises-lights )

- Devastating attack: added a module switch option to enforce "only once per creature" devastating critical behavior

- improved merging weapon properties in polymorph: if weapon is allowed to merge but the shape is unarmed, itemproperties will be merged onto skin instead (to support staffs and other weapons with defensive itemproperties)

- improved polymorphing others support - the new polymorph supports custom content abilities that polymorph others (such as Baleful Polymorph spell). This has been improved with extended immunity check and a possibility to cancel such polymorph for a shapeganger/shifter creatures or player characters.

- 70_inc_spells: added secondary protection to undispellable AOEs which will prevent AOE from being dispelled (destroyed) even in the module which doesn't use CPP dispel scripts

- 70_inc_spells: added new function spellsIsImmuneToPolymorph to determine whether is target immune to polymorph ability

- 70_inc_shifter: ApplyPolymorph subroutine detached into 70_mod_polymorph in order to make possible to modify the merging items routine without need to recompile all polymorph spellscripts

- 70_inc_shifter: a short explanation of how this new polymorph engine works written into the library header comments

- 70_mod_polymorph: added a new polymorph event type "PREPOLYMORPH" which fires before polymorph effect is applied to the player and handles the ability bonuses and additional polymorph-related effects

- x2_inc_switches: added three variables for NPCs, IMMUNITY_DEVAST to enforce creature immune to devastating critical ability (NWNX_Patch dependant), IMMUNITY_POLYMORPH to enforce immunity on custom polymorph others abilities and IMMUNITY_TIMESTOP to enforce immunity to Time Stop spell (CPP Time Stop script dependant)

- x2_inc_switches: module switch to restrict musical instruments now allow value of 3 which combine both 1 and 2 restrictions

- nw_i0_generic: generic creature ai detached into 70_ai_generic script to allow to change internal AI without need to recompile all scripts

- x0_inc_henai: henchman ai detached into 70_ai_henchman script to allow to change internal AI without need to recompile all scripts

- gargoyle/skeleton/zombie placeable scripts: added secondary protection to undispellable AOEs which will prevent AOE from being dispelled (destroyed) even in the module which doesn't use CPP dispel scripts

- nw_ch_ac1: enforced stealth mode when explicitely told to from associate conversation (which worked only in case that player ended conversation right after the spoken command)

- nw_ch_ac4: fixed the bug that allowed to speak with associate in disable states such as petrify

- nw_ch_ac4: animal companions, familiars, summoned creatures and even dominate creatures will now use HotU associate conversation which allows to command cast spells

NWNX_Patch and NWNCX_Patch plugins (current version v1.8):

- fixed crash exploit with special attacks




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #591 on: July 27, 2014, 05:20:40 pm »


Oops unintentionally sent the post too early. Nvm, will write additional notes here.


Note1: barkskin texture - the new texture has only one resolution version thus xp2_gui.erf texturepack was modified and the previous darker barskin was removed from it.


Note2: old cloaks - there is a small issue I outlined before and thats the fact that any item you equip into cloak slot (even if it will be some kinf of backpack 2D image item) will show a plain gray cloak on a character. I found out a way how to disable this, but I am not sure whether its a good idea to do or not. Suggestions needed.


Note3: tail and wing support - hopefully I did it right, was notepad job, I tested all but only in toolset haven't tried to fight with them etc. so there might be issues. Also, some wings or tails might not be positioned perfectly, I tried my best but only for the most noticeable ones. So let me know if some creature wing/tail should be repositioned.

For those who wonder what is this for - the goal of this is to enable custom content. In the showcase image I used red dragon disciple wings, thats however a bit unusual usage since it doesn't reallz match for most appearances. But the backpacks and scabbards are more interesting. Furthermore - I might add a vanilla visual effects as a tail/wing such as CEP2 adds - I just wasn't sure whether its in scope of this project and it would also required HAK so suggestions needed.


Note4: bonus feats - for players not using CPP this will show up as Bonus Feat: Bad Streff but otherwise it will be functional. However main usage is for the PC skin. Note that feats with normally limited uses will when added as bonus feat have unlimited uses which is a big problem but on the other hand might be desired for custom content. Some feats are not functional without the class - most of them is not included, added only MonkAC because this works without Monk class when added to Shou Disciple class.

Again to use in script do this:

itemproperty bonusFeat = ItemPropertyBonusFeat(100+FEAT_*); //where FEAT_* is the feat constant


Note5: flank immunity for oozes and elementals, I know a bit hardcore, Im willing to remove this if you think this shouldn't be there


Note6: improved associate conversation - at this moment this works on a script basis - Im not sure whether is it a good idea to do it this way and to do it at all, I have alternative method of doing this (to modify the OC familiar/anim conversation and add new choices there) which would work even in module with modified assoaciate scripts where this won't be at this moment functional.


Note7: Clarified the AI change. As of now the main AI is detached into standalone script and any AI modification can be done by compiling this script. This is a feature for custom content builders as it makes modifying AI very simple and without the usual side effects such as overwriting custom changes in creature events.


Note8: Polymorph engine change: same as above, the new method allows to modify the whole item merging process without need to recompile all polymorph ability spellscripts. This will make custom content features such as the ability to merge offensive properties into unarmed shapes ultra easy and won't break future CPP features.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #592 on: July 27, 2014, 07:49:18 pm »

               Wow, that is a surprisingly long list. Just a quick question: what happened to the other textures i sent you?



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #593 on: July 29, 2014, 08:10:14 am »


I would like to help with french translation for the community patch.


I downloaded "" file and have the dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk in french for v1.69.

I will use Killer TLK Editor to edit these files.


What shoud I pay attention for ? Is there some common mistakes to avoid ?

Where should I send the files after translation for checking/testing ?






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« Reply #594 on: August 05, 2014, 08:47:37 pm »


PMed both.


Attention: WhiteTiger just informed me about 172 crash issue.


I investigated this and found out that there was actually two 1.71 versions, I uploaded a second release few hours after initial where I removed some unused/forgotten files. No functionality changed but those who downloaded 1.71 among first have different patch171.bif size and thats whats causing the crash issue as I have created the 172 with the later version.


If you have this problem, redownload 1.71 from new vault, reinstall 1.71 then install 1.72 that should fix this issue. In future, I will release the 1.72 as a single package replacing 1.71 so this won't be an issue. But at this moment since its beta and a number of peoples that downloaded the first version can be count on fingers I won't do this yet.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #595 on: August 05, 2014, 09:20:21 pm »

               So, which file size should we have? Or is it as simple as: as long as nwn loads everything is fine?



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #596 on: August 05, 2014, 09:43:20 pm »


So, which file size should we have? Or is it as simple as: as long as nwn loads everything is fine?

In order to use 172 without crashing, the patch171.bif should have 104 MB (109 301 563 bytes).


To keep it simple - if anyone will have a crashing issue with 172, just redownload and reinstall 1.71 from new vault, and then apply 1.72 again.


Btw, I am now closely looking to the horse system. Never used it so I didnt know about all the issues this suffer.


Currently I managed to fix:

- paladin mount speed increase issue (not me actually, I took it from Whizard who posted it on this forum I think)

- losing skin

- attack penalty stacking issue

- permanent attack penalty issue

- issue with restoration spells able to remove ranged penalty

- losing effects after relog/reload

- custom content effects compatibility issue (the horse system might incorrectly remove different attack penalty, skill penalty, speed increase)

- fixed possibility to mount horse that cannot be reached (behind fence, pit etc.)

- fixed mounted character height after reloading save/relogging into multiplayer server while mounted


If you know about any other horse/related bug I don't have on this list, let me know.


EDIT: Oh yes and I thought I could also make the effects invisible. Icons I mean - maybe it would be less intrusive?



                     Modifié par Shadooow, 06 août 2014 - 08:31 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #597 on: August 05, 2014, 10:26:16 pm »


there is this issue where the character keeps his increased size when reloading a save game done while on horseback. anything you could do about this?




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #598 on: August 06, 2014, 11:47:28 am »


there is this issue where the character keeps his increased size when reloading a save game done while on horseback. anything you could do about this?

hmm size? maybe im using wrong horse but it doesnt change creature size


if you meant speed than I just tested that I fixed this already along with the same issue with attack penalty


btw what about the effect icons? I thought of this since I had in plan to add effects on skin (which I couldnt because of a bug) and if I did it the effects wouldnt be visible in main GUI only in character sheet




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #599 on: August 06, 2014, 12:04:14 pm »


did anyone test the wing and tails?


I just found the wings doesnt work very well on orc chieftan


it seems to me as an animation issue, don't think I will be able to fix it - can anyone with higher CC skills look into this?

