I put together a page containing all non CPP specific content that CPP has/uses. LINK Maybe could be helpful.
Now, to the new 1.72 beta update:
Sorry bogdanov, but I decided not to add the auto mighty for sling and shuriken. I know these weapons would deserve it, but they are following the 3.0 DnD rules which NWN is based on. The change you want is in 3.5 which is basically a patch for 3.0 however CPP cannot act as a 3.5 ruleset.
Also, the switch for buffing ranged weapons doesn't seem promising. This is because some itemproperties works only on ammunition and some doesn't. In the end, the character would have to buff GMW on bow and Flame Weapon on arrows. This could also lead to unintented stacking (although properties from bow and arrows actually doesn't stack). Its weird and I don't know how to solve it.
As for new content:
I am adding the old cloaks into game for once again - they will occupy the line 90 in baseitems.2da - unless someone has better idea. This will be of course in a hak version (because client need this).
I would like to add IMProvments from _six but this file is not yet uploaded on new vault, does anyone have it? And possibly also Animated Inventory GUI Glow from _six though there are no screenshots and I voted 9 so not sure, what do you think? - but if anyone have this please upload on new vault. (Where is _six anyway?)
And I got a new idea how to handle ground item models. Current method isn't perfect because if a builder merge baseitems.2da from CPP and player without CPPwill play it he will experience weird behavior with inventory and possiblycrashes - to avoid that the ground item models must be added into hak as well which is explained several times across CPP documentation. However it is possible completely avoid this issue. Instead of using a base ground model, each item could have its own. So basically 255 copies of doa_boots, 255 copies of doa_belt and so on. Its a bit "ugly" method since this generates cca 5k files. But the size is not a problem and neither game/server loading will be. And it can act as a framework for anyone who would like to rework this and provide an unique model for each item (such as different buckle on various belts). The biggest problem of this approach is probably that any future modification in the ground model will be a hell to add into all these models... Opinions on this subject?
EDIT: completely forgot, I added a module switch to enforce "roll only once per target" devastating critical behavior. The question is - is this desired to add into PC Widget tool? to me it looks like 100% builder feature so...
Modifié par Shadooow, 20 juillet 2014 - 08:10 .