Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20383 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #465 on: July 04, 2014, 09:44:25 pm »


Okay. I see no way how to alter minimap. Maybe it is possible to somehow enlarge the minimap GUI but I doubt that game will be able to work with that...


As for saves:


- 000046 - new bug 1 - what is problem there? havent seen anything unusual

- 000047 - new bug 2 no heal - she didnt healed you because there was enemy around and she doesnt possess combat casting so he doesnt heal in melee combat unless she is very badly wounded but that doesnt apply on you as her master - in this situation you must order her to heal you manually - its intented. As soon as I killed that last convict she started healing me.

- 000048 - new bug 3 passive - when I load it, she stands over there not doing anything but in a second she helps me without me need to order anything

- 000050 - new bug passive 2 - she attacks as soon as I load it, he even use turn undead and kill all zombies around

- 000051 - new bug bash stuck - when I load it she is not bashing anything, and I didnt have a problem with her following me - but sometimes this happens and she really stuck in some corner - in such situation you need to "bump" her


will cut this - all the passive bug saves are working for me - please redownload the 1.71 patch addon and make sure you overwrite all files when you copy it into override.


Will try to look where Linu is in that bug with temple but this looks like a OC specific issue and this is at this moment out of CPP scope.




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« Reply #466 on: July 04, 2014, 10:36:11 pm »


Some update on the global switches.


At this moment, the switch won't be possible to enable if builder set a value of -1. However in opposite situation where builder wants to enforce a positive value I see no seamless way to do that. So I ask - is this needed at all? Ie. if builder sets that you can boost gloves with spells, is it needed to restrict player from undoing that? A specific switch where this would be preffered?


EDIT: realized that there is a "negative" switch like that in vanilla - to drop expertise when casting. Ok I see it is needed. Nevermind.




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« Reply #467 on: July 05, 2014, 05:53:09 am »


On the minimap.... When you zoom in and the "edges" get cut off, you can click on the minimap edges and scroll it up/down/left/right.  It's easy to miss even at lwer resolutions, but when an area's large enough and the minimap can't show all of it, scroll bars appear along the top and one side.




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« Reply #468 on: July 05, 2014, 06:34:11 am »


Okay here is an idea.


To enforce a given switch wont be possible to activate builder needs to set it wit value of -1.

To enforce that all enabled switches wont be deactivated, builder needs to set a new switch 71_DISALLOW_DEACTIVATE_SWITCHES to 1.


Would that work?




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« Reply #469 on: July 05, 2014, 08:09:34 am »


"Missing henchmen" is a save in which my hench Lina (the cleric) died (i think it was from a trap) but she did not appear back in the temple (or anywhere else), and i never saw her again in that chapter.

She is from some reason outside of the hall of juctice.




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« Reply #470 on: July 05, 2014, 08:29:46 am »


One more time about the switches. Very important.


Do you, singleplayer module builders, really need the feature to disallow player to deactivate/activate module switches?


Because there is no ultimate way to do that - if player wants, he can open the module in toolset and disable this restriction + if he will play with 1.70/1.71 regular versions he won't be restricted to do that at all - its not possible to make this restriction backwards applicable, other than including around 100 scripts and the pc widget conversation inside your module.


Which to me, are a reason to abadon this idea...




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« Reply #471 on: July 05, 2014, 10:27:31 am »


To *disallow*, no.


As you stated, the player could open the module up and change it themselves anyway, just as with any other aspect of the module.  As builders, to limit switch availability for the non-toolset savvy player if that's what we really want to do, all we have to do really is overwrite the widget convo with a custom converation in our module.




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« Reply #472 on: July 05, 2014, 10:42:13 am »



 all we have to do really is overwrite the widget convo with a custom converation in our module.

Hmm you are totally right. That will effectively prevent player from changing module choices.


Cool, then I don't have to making up various mechanisms.


Currently, in my working copy the switch system works this way:

- when a switch is set, the switch value is saved also globally into vanilla database (database name is CPP)

- when a switch is read, first, value set on module is retrieved - if the value is not zero its this value that is used AND as a special case if the value is -1 then its substituted for 0 / FALSE in order to ensure that scripts written like this ' if(!GetModuleSwitchValue("some_switch")) ' will behave correctly as if the switch was disabled

- if the switch isnt set in module, then a value from player's database is retrieved and used


Thus. If builder want to enforce some switch to be disabled, all he need to do is to set this switch at value of -1. (Plus possibly overwrite the PC Widget convo to disallow player to overwrite this switch.)

EDIT: crap, that -1 feature won't be backwards applicable again. dammit *thinking hard*



BTW, it looks that I found another CPP bug. The wounding itemproperty code in OnEquip is missing, so this property probably doesn't do anything...


To enable this, put this code into your OnEquip event:

    if(GetItemHasItemProperty(oItem,69))//1.71: wounding item property handling
        itemproperty ip = GetFirstItemProperty(oItem);
            if(GetItemPropertyType(ip) == 69)
            ip = GetNextItemProperty(oItem);



                     Modifié par Shadooow, 05 juillet 2014 - 10:17 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #473 on: July 05, 2014, 04:55:57 pm »

               hey shadoow, i have a few more bugreports, and also fixes for you.

i have been looking at the doa ground models in CPP, and found some odd things with them.

the thieves kit and the cloak ground model use vanilla textures, which have horrible "rainbow discoloration" (odd green and red sparkles, where the color should be an even skin color for example). i was able to fix this with gimp.

i modified the texture of the belt to give much better results with the odd texture mapping.

and last i found the vanilla texture that healers kit is based on, and was able to replace the doa texture with the high res texture. this also got rid of the red cross, which i think makes it more consistent with how the inventory icon looks.

on top of this, i found some more bugs with hem, that i were not able to fix:

the thieves kit and bracer model has very odd triangles in certain places and the texture mapping of the belt and key are absolutelly horrible. would be nice if someone with mesh skills could look into those



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #474 on: July 06, 2014, 02:05:47 am »


Okay. I see no way how to alter minimap. Maybe it is possible to somehow enlarge the minimap GUI but I doubt that game will be able to work with that...


As for saves:


- 000046 - new bug 1 - what is problem there? havent seen anything unusual

- 000047 - new bug 2 no heal - she didnt healed you because there was enemy around and she doesnt possess combat casting so he doesnt heal in melee combat unless she is very badly wounded but that doesnt apply on you as her master - in this situation you must order her to heal you manually - its intented. As soon as I killed that last convict she started healing me.

- 000048 - new bug 3 passive - when I load it, she stands over there not doing anything but in a second she helps me without me need to order anything

- 000050 - new bug passive 2 - she attacks as soon as I load it, he even use turn undead and kill all zombies around

- 000051 - new bug bash stuck - when I load it she is not bashing anything, and I didnt have a problem with her following me - but sometimes this happens and she really stuck in some corner - in such situation you need to "bump" her


will cut this - all the passive bug saves are working for me - please redownload the 1.71 patch addon and make sure you overwrite all files when you copy it into override.


Will try to look where Linu is in that bug with temple but this looks like a OC specific issue and this is at this moment out of CPP scope.


I am sorry for wasting your time '<img'>

I was sure that those saves (the "passive" named ones) had the passive AI bug occurring again...

I reinstalled the 1.71 latest Addons (v3) as you suggested, so far it seems to work fine.



I got a long list of suggestions and potential bugs, if you could please take a minute to read and consider them:


1. Could henchmen/companions be changed so that they always prioritize buffing the player's character instead of themselves?

I always find it kind of a waste for my Cleric henchmen to first buff herself with all those nice buffs (like Bull's Strength) - and then she does not have more to also buff up my Barbarian/Fighter/Weapon Master character (who can make much better use of the buffs) '<img'>


I suppose the AI should first cast party-wide buffs (that affect everyone at once) and then just cast buffs on the player's character - and skip buffing themselves completely, so they have more spell slots for other spells (like spontaneous casting/healing).


Honestly it seems that those spell-caster henchmen (cleric, sorcerer/wizard, bard) should always FIRST buff the player's character (unless the player is a wizard/sorcerer who does not benefit from most combat buffs like Bull's Strength).

In fact, it is probably better if the henchmen ONLY buffs the player (and not themselves) - and leave the remaining spell slots for casting other spells (like spontaneous healing from cleric).


2. I see two (locked) chests in a room.

I approach and click on the first and it says "locked" - my henchmen runs over to that (first) one to unlock it or bash it.

At the same time i run over to the 2nd chest and click on it (says locked) - my henchmen interrupts his own lock picking (or bashing) of the first chest to run over to the 2nd chest (where i am) to try and lock pick that one, thus wasting a ton of time...

It would be much better if the companion insisted on finishing the (first) lock pick he was already very close to completing, instead of abandoning a near completed job...


Could you please make it so that when a henchmen/companion/pet starts doing Lock Pick (or bash) they will not interrupt it unless their master directly orders them something like Guard Me or Attack Nearest?

Also if the master manually orders a new "Pick Lock" command (radial menu) while the AI is already in the middle of a pick lock or bash, the companion/henchmen can be forced to abandon his current lock pick (or bash) and try to lock pick (or bash) the chest the master is the closest to (or the chest the master is trying to bash or lock pick).


3. Could the companion/henchmen AI be forced to hug (in melee) his master when the AI is planning to cast party-wide buffs as well as buffs that should be cast on the master (like bull's strength)?

A lot of times at the start of a fight my companion will immediately start buffing - while my melee character is running ahead to fight the enemy.

So when my henchmen finishes casting her buff, i am usually either out of range or behind a corner/wall...


Forcing a henchmen to approach it's master FIRST and then attempt to cast a buff would help a lot... especially if the henchmen will try to approach the master before EVERY buff to insure that they all properly reach the master.


4. I am loving the new "permanent combat modes" change you made (where power attack does not turn itself off).

However the icon (of power attack, for example) changes very little depending is it on or off - just a very tiny white square appears around the power attack icon when it is on, and it is very hard to notice on high resolutions... which means i gotta open my C panel every time i need to check which combat modes are actually on at that moment '<img'>


Could you please make the icons of combat modes be more noticeably changed when the mode is on?

Perhaps something simple like "invert colors" of the icon when the combat mode is on (like power attack) would be fantastic, it would not require much work but would be instantly recognizable is the mode on or off.


5. Could the companion/henchmen AI be told not to try and cast spells that are borderline useless?

I think the AI will try casting a spell that can never work against certain enemies (like death magic on golems, or a low level daze against high level enemies).

Also certain very weak buffs (like Virtue) are just not worth a spell slot and would be better if the companion never wasted time to cast them, and instead saved the spell slots for healing or other more useful spells.


6. The Whirlwind attack seems to work a bit strange:

It seems to sometimes automatically cancel my previous "attack" command, meaning that my character will stand still (passive) after performing the Whirlwind - and that is horrible in a big fight...

Sometimes after doing a Whirlwind it will automatically queue an Attack command on a certain creature around my character, and if i want to do more Whirlwinds after the first Whirlwind i have to manually cancel that automatic Attack command in the top-left corner.

Overall the Whirlwind attack seems to be plagued by some "automatic adding of an attack or cancel-attack" bugs, where it will sometimes either add (or cancel) an attack command for no reason...


7. A minor bug that is a bit strange and it will not always happen.

When i use the W keybind (move forward) to go through a zone (loading screen), my character will do a 180-degree turn once he "zones in", meaning that if i press W again i will walk back through the same "portal" that i just came through!

My camera is set to "top down" if it is of any significance... anyway it is a minor bug, but kinda annoying when i press W and end up walking back through the zone "portal" that i just came out of - meaning i gotta load the previous zone, and then again load the new zone i wanna go to >.<


8. Is there a way you could make consumable things like First Aid Kits and potions be purchased in big groups of 5 or 10?

Either some new way to buy them in groups, or just to very quickly buy them 1 by 1, or perhaps if the vendors themselves could sell them in groups of 5 (or 10)?


9. NWN wiki says that barbarian Mighty Rage can be stacked with the regular Rage (or Greater Rage) if casted in a specific order:

"one can use mighty rage then barbarian rage to get the effects of both."

That honestly seems like a bug - it should either stack regardless of casting order, or it should never stack at all.

Did the CPP perhaps fix this double-rage issue in any way?


10. Any way for the companion to cast spells like Restoration (or whatever else) in order to remove harmfull spells/effects from it's master - like casting restoration to remove attribute decreases, or casting "whatever" to remove paralysis/fear/daze?

Also any way for a companion to be made to do dispel magic and spell breach on mages/creatures that have valuable buffs/defenses that can be removed/dispelled?


11. Sometimes my companion will stand still at the beginning of combat (passive), and after about ~5 seconds he will properly join the fight.

Is there any way to remove or reduce this occasional passive time that the AI sometimes takes before joining a fight?


12. If a henchmen or pet/companion has Sneak Attack, could the AI be told to prioritize attacking targets that it would get the Sneak Attacks against?

If i (a fighter) and my henchmen (rogue Tomi) are fighting multiple foes - can the AI make Tomi prioritize attacking the enemies that are attacking me, so that he can utilize his Sneak Attacks?


13. When fighting creatures that can turn invisible, my character behaves strangely:

I am fighting a clearly visible Imp in Melee.

The imp casts invisibility, but i never lose sight of the Imp (he becomes transparent, but i still see him).

For some reason, my character stops attacking and goes into the "passive" mode!

I click to attack again... when the Imp's invisibility expires (goes away), my character again goes into the passive mode (stops attacking)!

I click yet again to attack... if the Imp again recasts Invisibility, my character will again stop attacking - even though he can see the Imp!


It seems to me that the act of becoming Invisible or losing Invisibility makes player character (or perhaps all characters) lose their "attack" command...

It seems like a minor bug, but really annoying... especially since i can see the damn imp the entire time in melee!


14. If my companion/henchmen has the Find Trap or Knock spells, can there be an option for me to order him to cast it?

The caster companions would be much more useful if they could cast Find Trap and Knock spells (if they know those spells).


15. My camera controls are behaving rather strange since i installed the 1.71 CPP and it's v3 addons and the NWNC/NWNCX Loader (also the hyper gore and 50%/75% empower/maximize addon you made).

My camera zoom is either extremely fast or very slow - same goes for my camera turning/rotation (both with middle mouse button and by moving cursor to any edge of the screen), it is either very fast or very slow!

I tried changing all the camera speed and camera mode options in the NWN settings but nothing has helped '<img'>

I think the camera work fine if i play NWN without any mods/addons/patches.


16. It would be very nice and helpful if the player could see ("identify") what spells are his party members (both allied players and hench/companions) casting.

It would make sense for your teammates to "tell you" which spells they are casting - and it would also be quite useful for the player to be fully aware of what spells are his party members casting.

Overall it does not make much sense to me that you need Spellcraft to know what spells your ALLIES are casting - they can just tell you the name of the spell, and it is just great for coordination '<img'>


17. Sometimes when i tell my companion/hench to "handle" a ground (not chest) trap we can see (they don't have disarm trap), the companion will walk to the trap's corner and then along the very edge of the trap - but it will not trigger the trap!

After this walk on the very edge of the trap's trigger area, the companion will return to me like it has done it's "handle trap" job!


Usually the companion will properly run into the trap we can see when i tell him "handle trap" and he has no disarm trap - but, sometimes, they will do this "on the edge" walk around the trap... trolling AI '<img'>



Thank you very much for reading and helping out! '<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #475 on: July 06, 2014, 09:05:32 am »


hey shadoow, i have a few more bugreports, and also fixes for you.

i have been looking at the doa ground models in CPP, and found some odd things with them.

the thieves kit and the cloak ground model use vanilla textures, which have horrible "rainbow discoloration" (odd green and red sparkles, where the color should be an even skin color for example). i was able to fix this with gimp.

i modified the texture of the belt to give much better results with the odd texture mapping.

and last i found the vanilla texture that healers kit is based on, and was able to replace the doa texture with the high res texture. this also got rid of the red cross, which i think makes it more consistent with how the inventory icon looks.

on top of this, i found some more bugs with hem, that i were not able to fix:

the thieves kit and bracer model has very odd triangles in certain places and the texture mapping of the belt and key are absolutelly horrible. would be nice if someone with mesh skills could look into those

Cool, pm me link for files - I haven't noticed this myself (expect the red cross of course), however what I find bit odd is that some ground models such as boots are weird positioned - this can be seen when you click on them to pick them. The model is not centered, the center position is at the edge of the model. However - these are not the issues I am good at fixing so I wasn't pay too much attention to this.


Oh and btw, it seems there is no easy way to fix the pauldron on the ogres. Unlike bone golem, the pauldron makes one object with the arm. The bad rotation is caused by animation they uses, the animation really rotates their left arm by 90° from some reason. Perhaps intent or not, I guess its not worth to fix this. To me at least since I don't possess the skills to do this. Pstemarie does and he said the same as it would took too much time for such small issue.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #476 on: July 06, 2014, 10:39:06 am »


I am sorry for wasting your time

I was sure that those saves (the "passive" named ones) had the passive AI bug occurring again...

I reinstalled the 1.71 latest Addons (v3) as you suggested, so far it seems to work fine.



I got a long list of suggestions and potential bugs, if you could please take a minute to read and consider them:


1. Could henchmen/companions be changed so that they always prioritize buffing the player's character instead of themselves?

I always find it kind of a waste for my Cleric henchmen to first buff herself with all those nice buffs (like Bull's Strength) - and then she does not have more to also buff up my Barbarian/Fighter/Weapon Master character (who can make much better use of the buffs)


I suppose the AI should first cast party-wide buffs (that affect everyone at once) and then just cast buffs on the player's character - and skip buffing themselves completely, so they have more spell slots for other spells (like spontaneous casting/healing).


Honestly it seems that those spell-caster henchmen (cleric, sorcerer/wizard, bard) should always FIRST buff the player's character (unless the player is a wizard/sorcerer who does not benefit from most combat buffs like Bull's Strength).

In fact, it is probably better if the henchmen ONLY buffs the player (and not themselves) - and leave the remaining spell slots for casting other spells (like spontaneous healing from cleric).

Well, in HotU you can ask a henchmen to cast a spell on you before battle. I don't think that this feature you want is so clear. There are a situations where this wouldn't have a sense such as that when character is caster himself. And to condition these exceptions would be quite a hard job. I fear we could end up in situation where other players come in here asking for the opposite.

This would need a new option in the tactics conversation - which unfortunately is not in the scope of this project. But it could be possible to add the "Cast a spell on me" conversation tree from HotU.



2. I see two (locked) chests in a room.

I approach and click on the first and it says "locked" - my henchmen runs over to that (first) one to unlock it or bash it.

At the same time i run over to the 2nd chest and click on it (says locked) - my henchmen interrupts his own lock picking (or bashing) of the first chest to run over to the 2nd chest (where i am) to try and lock pick that one, thus wasting a ton of time...

It would be much better if the companion insisted on finishing the (first) lock pick he was already very close to completing, instead of abandoning a near completed job...


Could you please make it so that when a henchmen/companion/pet starts doing Lock Pick (or bash) they will not interrupt it unless their master directly orders them something like Guard Me or Attack Nearest?

Also if the master manually orders a new "Pick Lock" command (radial menu) while the AI is already in the middle of a pick lock or bash, the companion/henchmen can be forced to abandon his current lock pick (or bash) and try to lock pick (or bash) the chest the master is the closest to (or the chest the master is trying to bash or lock pick).

Tricky. Possible to do if he would be picklocking I think, but not seamlessly possible if he would bashing the chest. What would be easy to do is to ignore any automatic "handle lock" calls while he is working on one already but I can imagine a situations where this would be bad idea. I will do this and tomorrow you will come with a request to do the opposite because you want your henchman to automatically stop the current job if he can't bash the chest at all.


At any way, why are you doing this at all? I don't see this as something that would be broken, it seems to me as if you wanted your henchman to be more intelligent than yourself '<img'> .


Sh1tload of work and I don't see any actual gameplay advantage. If you don't want to henchman skipped his current picklock job, just click on the chest by right mouse button where you can see its locked in in such case bash it/unlock it yourself.


3. Could the companion/henchmen AI be forced to hug (in melee) his master when the AI is planning to cast party-wide buffs as well as buffs that should be cast on the master (like bull's strength)?

A lot of times at the start of a fight my companion will immediately start buffing - while my melee character is running ahead to fight the enemy.

So when my henchmen finishes casting her buff, i am usually either out of range or behind a corner/wall...


Forcing a henchmen to approach it's master FIRST and then attempt to cast a buff would help a lot... especially if the henchmen will try to approach the master before EVERY buff to insure that they all properly reach the master.

I understand the intentions but this has so many potentional issues that you don't realize. AOOs from moving, AOOs for spellcasting in close combat. Buffing in melee is terrible idea. Nobody ever yet introduced a system like this to handle positions for sophisticated buff casting in way to target all allies and keep outside of melee. Next to impossible. Project on its own really.


What I see possible is to check master position when casting an AoE buff like bless, however that wouldn't work for you anyway since before hench finish casting you will be gone out of reach.



4: Not in my skills. What resolution do you play anyway? Since you are reporting so many issues with it, wouldn't be easier to play in smaller?



5: This shouldnt happen, its already coded in - if you spot this report it with all details you can. "Think" is not enough.



Also certain very weak buffs (like Virtue) are just not worth a spell slot and would be better if the companion never wasted time to cast them, and instead saved the spell slots for healing or other more useful spells.

Theres a problem. I cannot change their memorised spells. I can stop them from using them via AI, but what they have memorised is controlled by a module builder. Though, in case of OC henchmans, their levelled up versions are in core game resources so it would be possible to change it. You would have to help me with that though. PM me for instructions.


As for spells like virtue. I could indeed block this spell from casting if the target is level 4+, however this more a fault of the henchman designer, I don't think this is good idea because you have to realize that this AI change affect all modules you play (unless those with custom AIs) and in certain modules the Virtue spell might be modified to give better benefit etc. Unlike other AIs out there, I always have to think about custom content as thats the aspect that vanilla AI excels. Though the Virtue spell specifically might deserve this handling...


6. The Whirlwind attack seems to work a bit strange:

It seems to sometimes automatically cancel my previous "attack" command, meaning that my character will stand still (passive) after performing the Whirlwind - and that is horrible in a big fight...

Sometimes after doing a Whirlwind it will automatically queue an Attack command on a certain creature around my character, and if i want to do more Whirlwinds after the first Whirlwind i have to manually cancel that automatic Attack command in the top-left corner.

Overall the Whirlwind attack seems to be plagued by some "automatic adding of an attack or cancel-attack" bugs, where it will sometimes either add (or cancel) an attack command for no reason...

Whirwind attack is known for issue. Its entirely broken on linux for example locking your actions so you cant do anythign after. At anyway, so you prefer to whirwind attack not adding the new normal attack command automatically? Because I remember how you wanted to make some combat attacking automatically before '<img'> . I think I can do this but then you end up flatfooted not doing anything after WW unless you queve another WW or attack manually. Is this what you want?



7. A minor bug that is a bit strange and it will not always happen.

When i use the W keybind (move forward) to go through a zone (loading screen), my character will do a 180-degree turn once he "zones in", meaning that if i press W again i will walk back through the same "portal" that i just came through!

My camera is set to "top down" if it is of any significance... anyway it is a minor bug, but kinda annoying when i press W and end up walking back through the zone "portal" that i just came out of - meaning i gotta load the previous zone, and then again load the new zone i wanna go to >.<

I believe this is caused by a bad area transition design. Imo this 180turn will happen even if you use mouse for trigger area transition. Nothing I can do - common on PWs too, I always suggest builders to bind transition with waypoints and not area transition to area transition (which is this case). Would be sh1tload of work to redesign all area transition in OC campaigns. Worthless.



8. Is there a way you could make consumable things like First Aid Kits and potions be purchased in big groups of 5 or 10?

Either some new way to buy them in groups, or just to very quickly buy them 1 by 1, or perhaps if the vendors themselves could sell them in groups of 5 (or 10)?

Not without modifying OC campaigns which at this moment I choose not to (mainly because I have no campaign injector so I would have to package full campaign file which would enormously increase a patch file size). I can only suggest you to use a numlock. You know if you open any radial menu, you can trigger each choice via number on numpad. 8 for 12hours, 9 for 1.5hours, 6 for 3hours etc. Thus move your mouse on the goods you want to purchase, click right mouse button and press num6. repeat, quite quick unless the goods is in a certain position where radial moves your mouse... ':wacko:'



9. NWN wiki says that barbarian Mighty Rage can be stacked with the regular Rage (or Greater Rage) if casted in a specific order:

"one can use mighty rage then barbarian rage to get the effects of both."

That honestly seems like a bug - it should either stack regardless of casting order, or it should never stack at all.

Did the CPP perhaps fix this double-rage issue in any way?

Of course. Please report things you see in game and not things you read on NWN wiki. NWN Wiki doesn't support neither acknowledge the CPP. They decided not to inform that CPP fixed this or that - mostly because they doesn't see things like barbarian rage to be a bugs. They even intentionally ignore all the new knowhow I found out such as hidden classes, but thats their own problem. I was helping there editing but now I m done with them. NWN Wiki is not an open project.


10: This should be in a place.


As for dispel, that needs a better handling, currently its categorized as offensive spell or something like that. This part of the AI needs rewrite, but seriously I can't dedicate to AI that much - I can do much better things with NWNX ':rolleyes:' . Need someone to help me.


11: He can't see enemies. Non-PCs have usually shorter vision. Also outside of the combat, AI reacts usually only each 6 seconds - this is workarounded by a silent shouts that tell to attack but the problem is that PC isn't shouting these. Which will be probably your situation. Send me a savegame with this exact situation. I can see what can I do.


12: This is already there. Send me a savegame where this doesn't work, I will see whats causing it.




13. When fighting creatures that can turn invisible, my character behaves strangely:

I am fighting a clearly visible Imp in Melee.

The imp casts invisibility, but i never lose sight of the Imp (he becomes transparent, but i still see him).

For some reason, my character stops attacking and goes into the "passive" mode!

I click to attack again... when the Imp's invisibility expires (goes away), my character again goes into the passive mode (stops attacking)!

I click yet again to attack... if the Imp again recasts Invisibility, my character will again stop attacking - even though he can see the Imp!


It seems to me that the act of becoming Invisible or losing Invisibility makes player character (or perhaps all characters) lose their "attack" command...

It seems like a minor bug, but really annoying... especially since i can see the damn imp the entire time in melee!

Yes this is intented. Otherwise it would be possible to track the invisible creature(player) that is running away. As for cancel when the creature loses invisibility, thats something I dont believe. I play this game for a long time and never seen this. Are you 100% sure about that?


14: Re: first paragraph. (Though certain PW admins could be against adding such choice to summoned creatures (PM Doom Knight) I don't think such PW admin would be using CPP in a first place. And, summons can be excluded from this feature anyway, but I think its a good idea.)



15. My camera controls are behaving rather strange since i installed the 1.71 CPP and it's v3 addons and the NWNC/NWNCX Loader (also the hyper gore and 50%/75% empower/maximize addon you made).

My camera zoom is either extremely fast or very slow - same goes for my camera turning/rotation (both with middle mouse button and by moving cursor to any edge of the screen), it is either very fast or very slow!

I tried changing all the camera speed and camera mode options in the NWN settings but nothing has helped

I think the camera work fine if i play NWN without any mods/addons/patches.

Think is not enough. CPP itself is not even able to change this. NWNCX could possibly alter this (though its weird because I haven't altered that intentionally) but I don't think its the case. Might it be caused by other plugins in NWNCX? Don't know.


First run game without NWNCX. It this still happens, rename override folder to _override (which will effectively disable any overrides+1.71addon) and try again.


Also, to track down that something is (not) the CPP fault, what I do is to rename x2patch.key to 171_xp2patch.key and rename xp2patch.key.bak to xp2patch.key (if you installed with installer then you should have this backup). That will effectively disable CPP 1.71 final. If you run the game you will imediately notice this as you won't see the CPP new GUI screen.


16: Too hard for almost no gain - for example, I as an experienced player can recognize every spells cased on casting visuals.



17: Yes, the code for "running" into trap is written a bit stupidly. Ive seen this when incorporating changes before - but haven't found a motivation to change it, to code this is a bit tricky, vectors and such '-_-' ...



Anyway, please. Always try to consider alternative point of view on the changes you are suggesting. Try imagine what would say a player playing on PW about this or a module builder, or whether this wouldn't be different in high-level modules etc. etc. Some could have different opinion about the changes you are requesting.

Also, next time please try post in short batches. This took me more than twenty minutes to reply . Rather post more frequently than this 'B)' .

EDIT: I wasnt even allowed to post so many quotes. Had to edit whole post.




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« Reply #477 on: July 06, 2014, 11:04:34 am »



Currently, in my working copy the switch system works this way:

- when a switch is set, the switch value is saved also globally into vanilla database (database name is CPP)

- when a switch is read, first, value set on module is retrieved - if the value is not zero its this value that is used AND as a special case if the value is -1 then its substituted for 0 / FALSE in order to ensure that scripts written like this ' if(!GetModuleSwitchValue("some_switch")) ' will behave correctly as if the switch was disabled

- if the switch isnt set in module, then a value from player's database is retrieved and used


Thus. If builder want to enforce some switch to be disabled, all he need to do is to set this switch at value of -1. (Plus possibly overwrite the PC Widget convo to disallow player to overwrite this switch.)

EDIT: crap, that -1 feature won't be backwards applicable again. dammit *thinking hard*


Ok I made up a new mechanism to do this. The old code would consider value of -1 as a TRUE, so this needs a workaround and I have found it. Instead of setting value -1 - to enforce given switch disable, builder will have to set the switch as a string with value of "0". This will be possible to do only in toolset in module variables - the SetModuleSwitchValue function won't allow this as I don't think its needed and it could mess with the normal way this works.


Some more features I need to help decide.


Im trying to incorporate the new_polymorph package into 1.71 addon, I see 77 downloads there, have anyone looked into it? Do you see there any issues? Would you made this differently? Im still not confident with this code as its extremely difficult to read and its quite a mess over there. Anyway, I tried to revisit a bit and had this idea.


When I was writing this code I haven't yet made the NWNX plugin to fix the ability decrease itemproperty issue with immunity. So I tried to handle this in the polymorph code itself. Because undeads and constructs has the immunity to ability decrease on their skin and adding a merged ability decrease makes them nonfunctional. I managed to workaround this but it make the whole code a lot messy and confusing to anyone but expert scripters. Removing this workaround would make the code simpler. Which would be an option since this is now handled by the NWN©X plugin. Or should I try to provide this fix even for those who aren't using it? Suggestions?


Some more ideas I need to help decide.


1. I found that it is possible to input an area into game. This area won't be seen in a toolset but will be accesable in DM client. I called it Limbo for now though this is probably a bad name as Limbo is already there in DM Client (not accessable area where you can send monster you don't need now but you want summon later). The advantage of this area would be that there could be "engine" placeables needed to provide certain functionalities. At this moment I am creating them at the Starting Area if they aren't preset by builder and these placeables are invisible and not useable but still... BTW I made this area to be 1x1 '<img'> in Microset tileset.

Worth it?


2. I had this idea about casting spells in stealth/insibility. I think I could be able to keep stealth mode on when a player cast a defensive spell silenced (or spell that has no verbal component - though these shouldn't exist - to support custom content). Also, maybe I would be able to temporarily reveal a casters position if he is casting a non-silenced spell in invisibility. This could solve so many AI exploits as AI is not able to hear this and react to this even if you are standing invisible next to enemy creature.


3. dispell persistent AOEs (clouds) upon respawn?


4. Gruftlord, you had a right idea with randomizing the "ground" casting. Imo it could be done not only for silent but also implosion or perhaps other spells (though I cant recall more like now). As for implosion, it sometimes happens and they are casting it on the ground but I think this is rather because of the issue that they cant see player in certain times exactly after spawn. But this could increase an usage for a player skill - which is imo always good in this autolose/autowin game ':rolleyes:'


5. Teach AI to react on AOEs. Quite silly that NPC is standing still when you are spamming AOEs such as blade barrier next to creature from invisibility. (Though I guess this would have to be only a HIGH_AI feature as I see that certain PW admins like this behavior ':ph34r:'




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« Reply #478 on: July 06, 2014, 11:16:11 am »

               I also experience odd mouse behavior. sometimes the amount and speed i can rotate at with the mouse (when pressing middle mouse button) drops drastically (factor of 2 maybe 3).  I haven't been able to pinpoint when this happens, and when it stops (i.e. is the change based on the module i load, or a certain area there in). It is rather weird at times and comes and goes.

I think i have it long enough to rule out cpp. I never experienced it on an old single core winxp laptop without nwncx. So it may be related to either multiple cores, win 7 or nwncx.

Btw: it looks like i will not get around to write the new text i promised. Too much rl today. Hopefully next weekend. Sorry



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« Reply #479 on: July 06, 2014, 11:41:23 am »


I have downloaded the polymorph addon, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.  Not sure when I would be able to either..... day 3 of updates and reboots for updates and various stuff after a hard disk reformat O_o.