That's what I was trying to get at by suggesting modularity.... not make the package an actual collection of modular packets to clutter up the override or have a gabillion different things to install, but have a wider ranger of switches allowing greater amount of choice for the players. The entire CPP would still have to be downloaded and installed as one package, but the player could turn off whatever parts they don't want for whatever reason and not be precluded from the other CPP content they DO want.
I see. Misunderstood. Thats possible, though, do we really need gazilion of switches? At this moment, current switches includes things that "shouldn't be" but are highly desirable by players (multisummon, gloves boosts), things that "should be" but that wouldn't be well received (shifter merging improvements) and lastly things that are reverting behavior to 1.69 (spell immunity order). But do we really need a switch to revert every fix? In my opinion the only not-clearly-fix is the spell immunity order which is switchable, everything else is fix to me and a switch to unfix would be a cheat. I don't think that CPP should provide cheats, otherwise there would be, for example, a switch to ignore all prestige class prerequisities already.
But lets talk about the things that you would want to be switchable then.
From the players I've talked to about the patch, they are interested in given aspects, but not all-or-nothing aspect or how it would affect *every* module they played.
For better or worse, the patch DOES change ALL modules the player has, not just ones where the builders set whatever switches... and to set those switches in the first place, the player has to have the CPP installed, which affects, however directly or indirectly, modules that specific builder does NOT set switches on.
And I can completely understand your frustration with mods that require constant changing of options/tweaking, and yes, the CPP as a whole is intended as a single simple application of multiple options/mods/fixes... but I simply think it should be up to the end users when all is said and done. With the license and how you don't want individual parts of the CPP distributed outside of the CPP as a whole (which is totally your right, don't get me wrong on that)... the end user does not have a choice. And this original point of the discussion was about how "open" the project was, and if specific parts could/should be open for use without taking the entire package as a whole.
Little correction. Patch changes the core game, it doesn't changes modules directly. But since singleplayer modules are using client's core game resources, community patch of course applies to every single module you play. This is a patch and works the same as official patches in this regard - so I don't see why it is a bad thing, considering the CPP is designed specifically to keep default gaming experiences as much intact as possible. Its not House Rule package as some suggests and it doesn't cause any issues with older modules nor any custom content - it won't break any of the module feature/change.
Anyway, I am still not sure whether you understood current license - but that doesn't matter because it seems that the current licence will be, whether I like it or not removed .
Good question. Perhaps it would be like any other in-game system like death/respawning, resting, ect? the builder could make the settings known at the start of the module or in a journal entry, or not, and the player finds out on their own? Same with if the player can override or not.... builder could decide. If he doesn't want unlimited resting and no unlimited summons (or no summons at all), he can make those decisions.
It's not unheard of for a builder to make specific game-changing modifications to his or her module... Like say, evasion not working in leather armor as per PnP rules (the guy who made that mod deserves many dragon-hordes worth of treasure '> ).
Hmm you are right. And I think that builder definitely should make those settings known if he alters them!
Otherwise I can see a way how to disable player to override a module switch but there is a big issue. The 1.71 final is out and I dont think its wise to modify it and add anything to it except some high priority fix for issues that CPP caused (none yet - the one bug you found is very minor '> ). It is possible to alter the switch system in a way that if builder sets a value to -1 it wont be possible to enable that switch. However, to make this possible I need to provide new scripts for players, so players with "vanilla" 1.71 will still ignore this and will be able to override the module settings. (Not to mention that this needs to update quite a great number of scripts and the addon is getting bigger and causes real mess in override folder - as scripts cannot be added to hak from compatibility reasons).
EDIT: even if this would be part of the CPP 1.72, anyone using 1.70/1.71 would be able to override it again. The only way would be to include the scripts in your module - which is no easy task itself as you have to locate them etc.
Modifié par Shadooow, 03 juillet 2014 - 05:43 .