Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20319 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2012, 05:57:07 pm »

               Well, Im going to fix this unintented feature in next CP version. Its great feature, but it could change the environment significally as its not possible in vanilla. Neither I will add module switch to make this possible as to do this is easy enough for anyone who would want to do it.

Whats the issue with CEP 2.3? CP is compatible with everything and majority content should be active after installation as CEP doesn't contain spellscripts etc.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 05 août 2012 - 05:01 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2012, 04:30:14 pm »

               Hey, im currently doing on next and last beta release. Got some new fixes and features. Im however stuck atm on the one feature I want to add which is extended special abilities description.

I would like to add special description for each special ability as many of them shares same descrition that is not accurate and very brief. Anyway its a lot of work for me atm as I do not have so much time anymore, so Im looking for anyone willing to help me with this one. Any takers?



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« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2012, 06:31:07 am »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 beta 8 released:

DOWNLOAD - (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)
(only english version available, builders resources are included)

Finally, took so long but its done. This is last betaversion before final release as proposed. Thus it is last time to point any flaws in design, though it takes at least another month than I create a complete documentation to what I have done within all 1.71 betas. Also, I will need a help integrating the dialog.tlk changes into translations. I would also like to unite all translations to use 1.69 english as a base and all the differences of the foreign version will be integrated in new bif loaded on top of all others. Opinions? Questions?

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:
- corrected saving throws type in function DoMissileStormSpell at 70_spellfunc include
- fixed bug in Bigby's Clencing Fist which stunned creatures with immunity to paralyse (and not immune to stun) without any saving throw roll
- fixed bug in Dismissal spell that calculated SR/saving throws with wrong target
- fixed bug in Wail of Banshee that checked the inability to hear on wrong target
- added missing spellsIsTarget feature proposed in beta7, yet not actually added due to an oversight
- Aura of vitality range reconsidered and corrected to the short as per description (touch in vanilla, long in previous CP releases)
- fixed toolset error when placing 'Shop 2 1x2' group in City interior 2 tileset
- fixed toolset error when placing 'Round basement 1x1 down' in Caste interior 2 tileset

Removed features from previous Patch versions
- Alchemist fire re-allowed to be thrown at ground (this behavior isn't intented according to the spellscript, yet it should be according to the DnD rules and common sense (was quite weird))
- "secret" Gem placeable blueprints removed because they were present in standard palette already
- Sunbeam & Sunburst damage/saving throw type reconsidered and restored into their default state
- removed Undeath's eternal foe improvement from previous CP beta version
- Stonehold: undocumented change of saving throw subtype restored back to mind spells (the spell should probably have paralysis but that would be significant improvement as there are no vs. paralysis items)
- Ghoul touch: saving throw subtype restored back to negative (this applies only for initial spell not the poisonous cloud)

New fixes and features
- torch AC type changed from shield to deflection from balance reasons
- allowed stacking of empty potions and blank scrolls to 10pieces
- several changes related to the wounding itemproperty such as allowing this property to be added on items and selected in toolset
- MaxLevel raised to 60 for most prestige classes to allow add creature more than 40levels via creature wizard
- fixed AI stuck issue with Animate Dead, Summon Undead and Summon Greater Undead feats
- all feats' toolset category corrected and united
- fixed spell index for "cure critical wounds other" that was linked with standard cure critical wounds and thus allowed to heal self
domains.2da, cls_feat_cler.2da
- fixed client bug with active domains and custom feats in radial menu
- Greater restoration spell school changed to conjuration (as it should be - no impact on gameplay anyway)
- few small corrections into Psionic mind blast spellability
- Psionic charm monster spellability corrected to gaze/cone per spellscript implementation and changed into special ability; that means maily not be be subject of contentration (was spell probably as a result of copy&past from original spell counterpart)
- Golem ranged slam spellability corrected to actually be the special ability; that means maily not be be subject of contentration (was spell probably as a result of copy&past from original spell counterpart)

Tileset fixes:
tid01.set - pathnode corrected for tiles d03_01, f03_01 and b17_01
tni01.set - visibility node for home groups corrected to default (copy of what Zwerkules have done for original City interior)
tic01_z09_01 - tilefading corrected
tni02_z09_01 - tilefading corrected
tti01_c02_01,02,03, c03_01, c04_01,02,03, c06_01, c07_01,02, c18_01, m07_01, m09_01, z02_01, z06_01 - white polygon tilefade issue corrected
tdc01_s13_01, t13_01 - white polygon tilefade issue corrected
tds01_s13_01, t13_01 - white polygon tilefade issue corrected
tcn01_c07_01 - white polygon tilefade issue corrected
ttr01_d07_01 - tilefading corrected
tib01_z01_01 - missing polygon added
ttd01_g05_04 - weird shadow issue (overstretched texture) corrected
ttu01_g15_01, m01_01,02,03,04, m02_01,02,03,04, m04_01 and z11_01 - tilefading corrected
tde01_s05_01, t05_01 - walkmesh corrected
tde01_h05_02, h05_03 - corrected pillar position, added missing polygon
tde01_p13_01, o13_01 - tilefading corrected
+ many tiles' light sources in drow interior, winter rural, rural and desert tileset corrected or, if was missing completely, added (the ammount of files is too large to mention, mostly the light nodes were just misnamed, if they were missing I copied them from similar tiles)

Creature fixes:
- corrected Helmed/Battle horror's spell immunities, these constructs are now immune to the fireball, cone of cold, lightning bolt and magic missile
- spectre polymorph from Undead shape will retain also the benefits of being incorporeal (implemented in x2_inc_switches and x2_s2_gwildshp)
- added the usual undead immunities to the Wrath spider and his alignment also changed to lawful evil (was chaotic good)

Spells and spellabilities:
- Cure critical wounds (others): corrected maximize spell damage, undead are now damaged by positive (was negative)
- Cure wounds spells: empower is doubled in case the caster has also healing domain
- Curse song: bards will no longer be immune to the curse song of others
- Elemental shape, Wild shape, Greater wild shape: all shapes now consider custom content item in left hand as a shield and thus merge it (unless its weapon of course), also implemented two new features to merge bracers/gloves and stack ability bonuses when merging
- Find traps: won't reveal undetectable traps anymore, won't disable undisarmable traps anymore, at DnD rules and higher difficulty setting, the spell no longer disarm traps at all
- Flame arrow: the extra point of damage removed to match description
- Ghoul touch: added immunity workaround to ensure that cloud AOE won't be created on paralysis immune creature and to ensure no roll behavior
- Golem ranged slam: fixed knockdown duration
- Holy water: second signal event removed
- Horizikal's boom: saving throw subtype corrected to sonic as per spell's descriptor
- Stonehold: added special workaround to ensure no roll behavior in case that target is immune to paralysis but not mind spells
- Sound burst: silenced creature also immune to the stun (deaf were already since beta4)
- Summon creature spells: the animal domain power doesn't work anymore when the spell is cast from an item
- War cry: deaf/silenced creatures are not affected anymore (sound descriptor)

- x3_def_mod_enter: fixed bug that changed polymorph appearance when relogging into game
- DoGrenadeSpell (70_inc_spellfunc): impact damage from grenades will be treated as target type SINGLETARGET instead of STANDARDHOSTILE (SINGLETARGET is new target type added in CP 1.70, and its used for spells with direct target and such they can normally affect neutral NPCs)
- spellsIsImmuneToPetrification (x0_i0_spells): added missing Lich appearance
- improvements into item wand crafting
 - the class restriction on wand will match the classes that are normally (domains aren't considered) able to cast the spell + class from which the spell was cast (thats the case of cleric's domain spells)
- nw_c2_gargoyle: original source restored (the one added in expansions were wrong entirely)
- nw_o2_gargoyle: rewritten to use of an AOE for efficiency reasons, also improved the spawn "animation" (the new script will automatically in first heartbeat replace the placeable with no-heartbeat version, credits to henesua for the idea)
- nw_o2_skeleton: rewritten to use of an AOE for efficiency reasons
- nw_o2_zombie: rewritten to use of an AOE for efficiency reasons, also improved the spawn animation
- new module switches (x2_inc_switches):
 - switch adding the Pale Master levels into the caster level calculation
 - switch allowing to cast weapon boost spells on gloves
 - switch to merge bracers or gloves into polymorph (only defensive bonuses counts)
 - switch to stack all ability bonuses from all items merged by polymorph together
- added new spell-related variable 'SPECIAL_ABILITY_CASTER_LEVEL_MODIFIER' (integer/any number) allowing to modify caster level of all special abilities by certain value. This allows to maintain certain variability of the caster level between various special abilities.
- added new spell-related variable 'SPECIAL_ABILITY_DC_MODIFIER' (integer/any number) allowing to modify DC of all special abilities by certain value. This allows to maintain certain variability of the DC between various special abilities.
- added new spell-related variable 'ITEM_CASTER_LEVEL_MODIFIER' (integer/any number) allowing to modify caster level of all spells on item.
- added new spell-related variable 'ITEM_DC_MODIFIER' (integer/any number) allowing to modify DC of all spells on item.
- added new spell-related variable 'SPELL_CASTER_LEVEL_MODIFIER' (integer/any number) allowing to modify caster level of all spells.
- added new spell-related variable 'SPELL_DC_MODIFIER' (integer/any number) allowing to modify DC of all spells.
- added new scripting function GetJournalQuestEntry into the 'nw_i0_plot' include file
- added new scripting function GetSlotByItem into the 'x2_inc_itemprop' include file
- added new scripting function GetIsAbleToHear into the 'x0_i0_spells' include file
AI fixes and improvements:
- better ranged weapons handling, ordinary creatures will always try to equip ranged weapon at ranged distance (this further improves the CP fix to allow throwing weapons - with this change creature using throwing weapons will equip new stack after ran out)
- fixed AI stuck issue with Animate Dead, Summon Undead and Summon Greater Undead feats
- creatures will use smite evil, smite good and stunning fist regardless of their "attack" rating (they didn't used these talents against high AC targets at all)

- (re)implementation of the unused Wounding itemproperty to be the opposite of the Regeneration - however the clients without patch will not be able to see actual value of the draining unless builder apply the 2DA changes to his own haks - the default damage type is magical and this itemproperty won't work without new version of X2 default OnEquip script (x2_mod_def_equ). This itemproperty also works only for player characters.
- added a "PC Widget tool" into standard game resources, the resref of this item is 70_pcwidget and it does allow players to toggle usefull module switches comfortably (the widget works even without tag-based scripting active)

- a_ba.mdl: fix to maintain NO position or rotation keys for Impact node (OldTimeRadio - http://social.biowar...7236394#7268261)

- Alchemist fire: coated weapon deals additional +1 bonus
- Cloud of bewilderment: descriptor renamed to poison
- Fire storm: added missing divine descriptor
- Flame strike: added missing divine descriptor
- Geedlee's electric loop: added missing descriptor (mind-affecting)
- Greater restoration: spell school changed to conjuration to match new 2DA settings coming with this patch
- Monstrous regeneration: added missing Druid into casters list
- Tasha's hideous laughter: added missing descriptor (mind-affecting)
- War cry: mind-affecting descriptor replaced by fear

HAK content:
- added new misc small, medium, large and thin that stacks up to 10pieces, they have same name in toolset, but the stackable ones are the lower in list


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 02 décembre 2012 - 09:18 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2012, 04:59:33 am »

               just found out a typo in my main spell include that calculates the new modifier feature wrong for items (the variable is returned from caster instead) - not so serious issue as this feature was created mainly for spells from special abilities which works correcty - with modifier variable you can add +10 to all spells which retain the CL variations between all the spells creature might have, the old override feature didn't allowed this as all spells had same CL value


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 03 décembre 2012 - 05:00 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2012, 07:45:04 am »

               This is impressive Shadooow, and if you aren't offended by modules/PWs using components of your work (yes we like flexibility, and the ability to fit a customization to our needs), we might use some more of it.

I do have one thing to add here however, if it is in the realm of possibility, and you haven't already done it. Fix NPC turners, and smiters. When an NPC has turn undead, and doesn't have the HD to actually do it (say vs a PC undead shifter, or an epic mummy) it will continue to spam the ability despite the fact that it has no chance in hell of succeeding. Same with smite (if IRC), and NPC with smite evil may attempt to smite a neutral or good character.... , but on failing, it will keep trying.... Heck you could even fix KD..... if the opponent is KD immune, one and done.... the aggressor does not attempt it again.

It's prolly not possible, but if it is, and you pull it off, I would certainly be interested in incorporating it into my mod.


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 03 décembre 2012 - 07:46 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2012, 08:09:49 am »


Lazarus Magni wrote...

When an NPC has turn undead, and doesn't have the HD to actually do it (say vs a PC undead shifter, or an epic mummy) it will continue to spam the ability despite the fact that it has no chance in hell of succeeding. Same with smite (if IRC), and NPC with smite evil may attempt to smite a neutral or good character.... , but on failing, it will keep trying.... Heck you could even fix KD..... if the opponent is KD immune, one and done.... the aggressor does not attempt it again.

It's prolly not possible, but if it is, and you pull it off, I would certainly be interested in incorporating it into my mod.

Already done. The KD would be probably more appropriate for the high AI monsters, using this by normal mobs on kd immune char isn't problem, gives a benefit to the player as kd attepts are at lower AB.

initial 1.70 release - from link to documentation in my signature

-Creatures now won't waste smites on wrong (neutral) targets.
-NPCs won't try to turn undead anymore, if their turning level (was character level) is not high enough.

and much much more, the list of all AI changes is now really long

the AI fixes are done in numerous include files and these include files must be nin your module if you are riping my work from the whole package. The licence rules I have released CP under allows riping the content for PW use - just not re-packaging and resubmitting.

I still doesn't understand the reasons not to use the patch itself. See you already merged the most "conflicting" part of the content and those are spell scripts. Granted that the files from CP has lower priority it cannot break anything. By riping part of it, you are getting into troubles that this and that will not work for you.

Anyway - to make these AI changes work for you:
1) this does work only for the default AI, if you installed Jasper's or Tony K, I cannot guarantee functionality neither any support
2) download latest beta
3) get some comparing program, I do use Beyond Compare 2 (shareware)
4) open your module
5) compare 1.70 builders resources/1.70 spell scripts/includes with the modules/temp0
6) copy all includes you don't have in your module into your module (not all are AI related, but for sure)
7) reimplement the code changes I have done into your modified includes you have in your module (I ma writing comments into the code for making this easier)
8) recompile all scripts
9) rip all AI scripts from CP (to do this you must install it and open patch170.bif in nwnexplorer/bifeditor) into folder somewhere (the AI scripts usually have a _c2_ prefix, there might be others included but I dont recall their name - see thats why installing is better)
10) copy the scripts in folder into modules/temp0 but don't overwrite anything

EDIT, with CP installed this task is still needed but easier (point 6, 9 and 10 are not needed)


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 03 décembre 2012 - 10:04 .


Legacy_NWN_baba yaga

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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2012, 06:48:20 pm »

               hey ShadoOow, i realy appreciate all your hard work and would love to use the patch once again. But there is one thing that annoys me... you put in a few tiles from trr01 which i cant override for some reason. Please consider to throw them out or make them optinonal. Thanx for all this enourmous stuff:)

well annoys me is a bit harsh but it bothered me one time so hard to figure out what caused my override to not work and after some good time finally found out... it´s in your bif:wizard:


                     Modifié par NWN_baba yaga, 03 décembre 2012 - 09:26 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2013, 07:14:04 pm »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 RC1 released:

DOWNLOAD - (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)
(only english version available, builders resources are included)

Playtesting this on PW revelead quite a lot issues mainly in AI changes over latest beta versions so I had to put together quickfix. This is it, except some extra stuff managed to get in somehow... '-_-'

Now I'm working on a full documentation of the all changes from all betas together. Could also use hand for integrating several description/TLK changes into various languages, any takers? This time we could maybe add support for other languages. Haven't experimented with this yet, but my plan is to build all languages on the english version with the extra files in override/extra bif, so it could be changed on the fly without need to reinstalling anything...

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:
- fixed canopied forest edge tiles from helvene that could cause crashing (the tile tff01_p01_01 was copied into ttf01_z01_01, all light nodes and emitters were removed)
- fixed the caster level and DC modifier feature on spells cast from items
- fixed typo that prevented to quicken the lesser dispell spell
- fixed bug in AI that prevented monsters to chase player characters fleeing from combat
- fixed bug in AI when creatures ignored previous effect of empty body feat and reactivated it again
- the previous AI feature to cast auras instantly at highest difficulty setting fixed - appeared to be nonfunctional for creatures without haste
- added missing heartbeat fix in cloudkill spell (in modules with HB issue, this spell AOE wasn't enabled)

Removed features from previous Patch versions
- removed empower/maximize scripting support in scare spell script
- removed previous AI fix to spell categories - this bug happened only in singleplayer so this fix actually led to the same bug in multiplayer

New fixes and features
- enabled quickened metamagic for spells shadow conjuration and greater shadow conjuration
- innate level of Resistance corrected to 0
- removed verbal component from SuckBrain special ability

Tileset fixes:
tii01_z03_01 - missing tile created and added, fixes the edge issue in illithid tileset

Spells and spellabilities:
- Ball lightning: spell target area changed to the single target as per spell's description (the spell is still "missile storm" that creates multiple missiles and each inflict 1d6damage)
- Bard song: the skill bonus of bard lvl 22+ is now -1 to unite with curse song and to fix the gap between 21 and 22song
- Clairaudience/clairvoyance: spell couldn't be recast before expired
- Cure wounds spell family: added missing saving throw as per spell's descriptions
- Divine power: strength increase will be calculated from base strength, this also fixes losing the strength bonus after second casting
- Gate: NPCs will always summon friendly Balor due to the AI implemetation reasons (AI casted this spell continuously, creating new balor each time)
- Healing circle: saving throw subtype changed to positive as per spell's descriptor
- Hell hound fire breath: damage calculation corrected (was same for all in area of effect)
- Horizikaul's boom: silenced creatures will be immune to the deafness effect (already deaf not however)
- Hold animal, person, monster: saving throw subtype changed to mind affecting as per spell's descriptor
- Identify: spell couldn't be recast if caster had both identify and legend lore effects
- Inflict wounds spells: saving throw subtype changed to negative as per spell's descriptor
- Lay on hands: ResistSpell check removed to avoid new issue with demilich and spell mantle (in this case the spell was blocked by spell immunity)
- Legend lore: spell couldn't be recast if caster had both identify and legend lore effects
- Storm of vengeance: the stunning duration was shortened to 1round as per spell's description
- Breach spell family (lesser spell breach, gr. sp. breach, mord. disjuction): added feedback for the target as of which spells were removed (as dispell magic also gives this feedback)

- DoMissileStormSpell: the excess missiles will be distributed evenly among all targets in area of effect (in vanilla NWN, all excess missiles are directed to the first target, example: vanilla, 5targets, 9missiles, each target gets hit by 1missile, first target 5, now: each target gets hit by 2missiles except last that takes only 1)
- DoBreachSpell: added feedback of which spell were removed (the feedback is not multilanguaged unfortunately, but the value of this feature should prevail this drawback)
- WrapperActionAttack: attacked target is stored into variable NW_GENERIC_LAST_ATTACK_TARGET for custom content purposes (this feature was intented, but never added)
- Item appearance crafting fixes:
 - fixed loss of local variables on modified items in case of failure
 - scripts that check whether the crafting of weapon or armor is possible will check the intented local variables there were omitted
AI fixes and improvements:
- fixed bug that prevented the monsters to stop attacking dying player
- creatures with high AI will be able to activate any (spell based) auras instantly

- added water texture fix for 1.69 tilesets from Chaos Theocrat, should improve game performancy around water

Ray of enfeeblement: descriptor changed to the negative as per spell's implementation
Circle of death: area of effect changed to medium as per spell's implementation
Drown: note about immunity expanded upon the spell's new implementation

HAK content:
- several new secret/unreleased creatures added; some of them are bit unfinished, but mostly useable, you could actually saw many of them in CEP already, they are occupying lines 307 to 322
- these appearances are in toolset listed at the top of the list with prefix "1.70:"
 - bargest
 - greater barghest
 - minogon
 - green slaad
 - ogre
 - cow
 - lizardfolk shaman
 - wraith spider
 - bombarier beetle
 - vampiric mist
 - cat, cougar
 - rakshasa wolf, female
 - rakshasa bear, female
- blueprints created and integrated into standard palette for few of these creatures:
 - barghest and greater: listed under shapechangers
 - bombardier beetle: listed under insect/beetles aka scorching beetle, strong fire beetle with fire aura, fire breath and 4 fire bolts
 - lizardfolk shaman: listed under humanoids/lizardfolk, this is a druid shaman with sickle, latest in the list


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 01 janvier 2013 - 07:16 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #53 on: February 18, 2013, 02:56:53 pm »

               The version 1.71 is near release, but I need help.

I need someone that would compared NWN datas at 1.68 for all languages and packed all extra files specific for that language and send them to me) - its easy work but requires huge space on disk which I dont have. This work doesnt need any custom content knowledge and I will send a list of steps how to do that. Any volunteers?

Also, if there is someone with graphic assets, I think its time to replace the current main GUI with something more colorful. The creator of the gui for 1.70 left the community so if noone help with this the current logo stays for 1.71 as well.

And btw Since the masterserver went down and recently even gamespy, its a time and opportunity to distribute a custom NWN client within this project. The only things what it should do is to disable or rerouter(to the community handled MS) master server and rerouter gamespy listing to the Skywings implementation. Anything else is extra, and I rather avoided it and kept is as simple as possible.
Key is not to rely on NET 3.5> or anything else that must be installed externally such as vc++ redistributables (dlls coming with this are not problem) and possibly not to override default client but rather hook it and execute it, if possible. Possible solution might be NWNCX. If a virusman gives a permission a someone compiles it without using a plugin interface that would be probably best. But thats only my opinion, maybe that the plugin architecture can stay?



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #54 on: March 04, 2013, 03:49:01 pm »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 RC2 released:

DOWNLOAD - (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)
(only english version available, builders resources are included)

Since 1.71, I decided not to support unofficial 1.69 patches anymore. This is nothing personal, neither its because authors of those unofficial patches did it badly. Its simpy to maintain match in data files for players of all languages and OSes. Users with unofficial Polish/German 1.69 should therefore install 1.69 english and then change language file to their language.

This version was originaly meant to be final, but I'm having difficulties with writing the documentation and I still haven't found anyone who would help to update russian language texts. Neither anyone who would made a new GUI or help me to change the "1.70" text inside the current logo to 1.71. I'm also still hoping that someone will provide a solution for gamespy replacement to be used within this project as it is a great opportunity to distribute it with new unofficial patch. Anyway, I would like to release the final 1.71 in a week or two. There shouldn't be any major changes anymore so this version should be safe to use by PWs already. Report any issues or bugs you find out to me with PM please.

Now to the RC2 content. First at all, I removed or revised many features that could cause troubles in already existing modules. I also moved all new functions to own includes to avoid compile errors of the new spellscript trying to compile with old includes. Now all default scripts should be able to be compiled with new includes without errors and at the same time new scripts should be able to be compiled with old includes without errors.

I also radically changed how the spell engine works. The spell structure is now global, meaning you can access and even modify any spell informations in functions called by the original spellscript such as MyResistSpell. This works also within delayed functions so you don't have to pass them inside function parameters anymore.
From this reason, many builders who used this spell engine in their modules will have to make some adjustions to be able to compile spells. A simple mass replace tool will do this, replace:
"struct spell spell = " with empty string
"struct aoespell aoe = " with empty string
"aoe.Id" with "spell.Id"
"aoe.DC" with "spell.DC"
"aoe.Meta" with "spell.Meta"
"aoe.Level" with "spell.Level"
And you have to merge old bioware includes again because of the movement of the new functions. This is easy and swift task if you use some compare-app like Beyond Compare 2.

I also softcored two hidden prestige classes that Bioware partly implemented. They are not enabled by default but a module builder can do that simply via modifying Playerclass collumn in classes.2da. It is recommended to move custom classes occupying their lines (39,40) on different lines to avoid getting hidden functionalities. For example, class line 40 (that is Shou Disciple) has different unarmed damage and is able to reuse monk AC feat. I haven't tested it much, thats up to you. More informations below.

EDIT: And BTW the multisummon feature uses an unique solution that is scripted in summons' OnSpawn script and doesn't interfere with spellscripts like the solution from PRC. The unsummon VFX still appears - but with some work you can get rid of it by deleting the VFX_IMP_UNSUMMON line in visualeffects.2da and moving it on different line - that is however something I couldn't do in CP from compatibility constraints.

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:
- fixed scaled fear effect under low difficulty, now properly reduces attack rating (wasn't working due to the bug in bioware script)
- fixed paralysis gaze special ability which didn't worked due to typo in script
- fixed fear howl special ability which didn't worked due to typo in script
- fixed crafted wand class restrictions change from beta 8 release
- corrected stacking protection in silence spell that could led into the removal of the previous silence effect without applying new one
- corrected name of the breach origin in the breach feedback
- corrected GetScaled* functions within AOE spells
- Gate: the previous change was revised to keep summoning the weaker of the balors (still they are summons of the caster)
- removed the death VFX from the destruction spell as that wasn't there in its default version
- SR check now properly calculate caster level also from "caster level modifier" feature which was omitted

Removed features from previous Patch versions:
- Scare spell implementation restored to default (as a reaction to critique)
- removed duration scaling from krenshar spell (as scaling shouldn't affect exactly specified duration)
- removed a workaround for making onhit poisons extraordinary (according to the Whizard's research, this is not neccessary because since magical by GetEffectSubType, onhit poisons cannot be dispelled)
- removed the rebalanced cost of the negative bonus itemproperty (as this change affected also preexisting items with this itemproperty and could affect ILR greatly)
- removed the armor.2da change of the robe DEX limit (as it appears that the AC from robe is unlimited despite this limit in 2da)
- removed two module switches of arguable value: dusty rose ioun stone revert switch and continuous light spell revert switch

Revisited features from previous Patch versions:
- The CP spell engine radically revisited: the spell engine structure is now global to allow access to all spell informations within all called functions, even those delayed - all without need to pass the spell structure in parameters and with ability to modify any spell information in any part of the script (from now on, the function spellsDeclareMajorVariables is of void type! and its purpose now changed, it simply initializes the global spell structure now)
- All new functions created by CP and originally added into bioware includes moved into own includes to maintain forward compatibility
- From the same reason, extra parameters from default bioware functions were either removed completely or in few cases kept with default value but unused by CP spells
- previous AI improvement to suggest creatures with death attack (or BG's sneak) to flank, if possible, revisited: creatures with BG's sneak attack or death attack won't automatically flank unless they also posses at least one level in the matching class (this is to enable builder to make use of these feats without the flanking behavior)
- previous AI improvement to allow creatures to use barbarian rage disabled by default. To allow it, the creature must have variable 70_ALLOW_RAGE set to 1. (this is to prevent hunting creatures that suddenly started using rage and tone them down. It also appears that bioware added many barbarian monsters the monster rage which caused default nwn creatures to activate both abilities at once)

New fixes and features

Two hidden classes and their feats added to the game. These classes are unavailable withou 2DA edit, but I setup their saving throw, feats, skills and prerequisities already and most of theirs feats works (yes martial flurry is really working!). Some aren't (blinding spittle) because I haven't also added spells for them. So far blinding spittle points into black slaad spittle so you can add a code in the spellscript to support this feat.
Some extra info on this:
- the Shou disciple feats are bound with the class id (40)
- Shou disciple is able to reuse Monk AC feat without monk levels
- Shou disciple unarmed damage is 1:1d6, 2:1d8, 3:1d10, 4:1d10, 5:2d6 this is not documented in the class description.
Thats all I've researched so far, the rest is up to you.

Tileset fixes:
tcn01_a09_01 - white polygon tilefade issue corrected
tcn01_t09_01 - missing polygon then tilefading issue corrected
tin01_d02_03 - fixed nonfunctional animation loop lights
tin01_h16_02 - added missing polygon when tilefading
ttz01_edge - added missing edge tiles (Squatting Monk)

Creature fixes:
- missing soundset fixed for a celestial avenger and half celestial warrior creatures
- blinded and sightless creatures (namely oozes) are now immune to the gaze special attacks
- dexterity and constitution stats of the panther wild shape corrected (swapped).

Spells and spellabilities:
- Infestation of maggots: duration corrected to 1round/2levels to match spell description
- Mass charm: extended duration corrected to be twice of the normal duration
- Hell hound breath: damage increased to account for added saving throw and scaled by hit dice to enable reuse it by stronger creatures (damage is 2d6 for standard hell hound which matches with DnD 3.5 manual for this creature)
- Gate: spell resistance check corrected for the balor's death explosion, also fixed unsummon vfx that appeared at balor's spawn position rather at his position in the time of despawn
- Silence: allies will be correctly affected by the silence effect no matter of game difficulty/pvp setting and without need to make SR checks
- Slow: target pool was decreased only in case of failed SR check and saving throw
- Terrifying rage: fixed the automatic paralysis/shaken penalty on targets with fear immunity
- Slay living: immunity check corrected per new save vs death behavior in order to fix the action cancel issue

- added a new module switch to allow more than one summon at the same time, up to unlimited (x2_inc_switches)
- WalkWayPoints (x0_i0_walkway): added new flag NW_WALK_FLAG_LOOPING (value = 16), creature with this flag set will go back to the first waypoint instead of walking reversely.
- spellsIsSightless (70_inc_spells): function now returns true for every ooze creature even such with custom appearance type
- added new scripting function GetIsAbleToSee into the '70_inc_spells' include file
- fixed declaration/implementation inconsistencies in few default includes (x0_i0_anim, x2_inc_spellhook, x2_inc_restsys)
AI fixes and improvements:
- creatures with blindsight ability will not waste see invis/true seeing talents as well


Battletide: descriptor changed to the negative as per spell's implementation
True strike: removed the somatic component from this spell that was never required
Owl's insight: innate level corrected
All healing spells: added positive descriptor as per spells' implementations

HAK content:


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 04 mars 2013 - 04:04 .



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« Reply #55 on: March 04, 2013, 05:17:06 pm »


ShaDoOoW wrote...
I'm also still hoping that someone will provide a solution for gamespy replacement to be used within this project as it is a great opportunity to distribute it with new unofficial patch.

It's called NWNCX.



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« Reply #56 on: April 06, 2013, 10:20:11 am »

               I'm setting final release day to 1st of May.

Currently working on unresolved tile model bugs and documentation. Still, there is a room for a new features. I could provide these new features, but only if there is enough interest from those who actually uses CP.

- new itemproperty "+X to caster level [of given class]" (would had to be in hak version as players without CP wouldnt see it)

- feature to modify damage and DC of monster abilities via variable just like for spells (technically would be handled by a custom function GetMonsterAbilityCasterLevel and GetMonsterAbilityDC instead of using GetHitDice/3 etc. so it would changed all monster abilities' spellscripts (again))

- feature to modify caster level, metamagic, DC of certain spell/monster ability using a variable format  SPELLID_NORMALVARIABLENAME, ie. 56_DC_OVERRIDE / int / 60 -> would modify DC of the Finger of Death spell no matter whats global (SPELL_DC_OVERRIDE) override set to. The same could be done to monster abilities as spoken above.

- new monster abilities (I created tens of unique monster abilities, think they would be a good addition to the CP if desired, but would have to be in hak version (where you can however rip them into your own haks))

So is there interest for any of these features?

I was asked if I could provide a replecement for a dispell check so it retains the modified caster level, however that requires ugly workarounds I don't think are desirable generally, so thats not in plan for final release. I might however release a override/hak allowing this once final 1.71 will be finished.



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« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2013, 01:43:11 am »


i am an big Fan of your work and use it on my NWN install and friends who playing with me online too.
I can only say what "I" and other players miss from NWN today (not from an builder point of view - more from the point of an player who compare NWN with other Roleplaying games today) ....

I can say NWN stays VERY good today (if you not compare newer GFX engines - and even here with NWNCQ and various gfx override it looks still good) but i miss few things :
(i am not sure if this "makable" with CP or only with NWNX/NWNCX or not possible ...)

- Integrate the "God Level System By Genisys" - would be nice to level above Lev40 ...

- Integrate weapon/armor wear (so the weapon/armore crafting system become realy usefull ..)

- The last i miss (yes - it is only a little list '<img'>  NWN is still the BEST Roleplay Game Out here) is maybe not makeable without an engine-code change ... i am from the beginning of playing NWN a little bit frustrated that flying cratures CANT fly - she MUSST follow the walk path and cant fly over an abyss ...




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« Reply #58 on: April 07, 2013, 07:00:43 am »


R-TEAM wrote...

- Integrate the "God Level System By Genisys" - would be nice to level above Lev40 ...

Dont think thats a good idea for a generic project like CP. Too specific imo and what would be nice is the ability to level up past lvl40 normally, not virually. But only virusman has key to the NWN client to be able to do that, so ask him for a NWNCX.

- Integrate weapon/armor wear (so the weapon/armore crafting system become realy usefull ..)

not sure what you mean, durability? If so then thats not a good idea as it would require many module-related events and so on. But Im sure you can download such system externally.

- The last i miss (yes - it is only a little list '<img'>  NWN is still the BEST Roleplay Game Out here) is maybe not makeable without an engine-code change ... i am from the beginning of playing NWN a little bit frustrated that flying cratures CANT fly - she MUSST follow the walk path and cant fly over an abyss ...


I already experimented with this: LINK
Long story short, nothing really useful. The flying above unwalkable areas can be faked via small patches of walkable terrain inside, but not globally and rather locally for certain area you need. The solution I used on that image isn't such great as it sounds and I dropped it. Also, the flying creatures would need a special animation set like beholders has which is not in my abilities.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 07 avril 2013 - 06:02 .



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« Reply #59 on: April 08, 2013, 01:23:52 am »


ShaDoOoW wrote...

R-TEAM wrote...

- Integrate the "God Level System By Genisys" - would be nice to level above Lev40 ...

Dont think thats a good idea for a generic project like CP. Too specific imo and what would be nice is the ability to level up past lvl40 normally, not virually. But only virusman has key to the NWN client to be able to do that, so ask him for a NWNCX.

This would be even more nice - right.
I was only aware of the system by Genisys (with is seperate downloadable- but req script editing of the modules) and the integrated system in Realms Of Netheria to lev60.

ShaDoOoW wrote...

- Integrate weapon/armor wear (so the weapon/armore crafting system become realy usefull ..)

not sure what you mean, durability? If so then thats not a good idea as it would require many module-related events and so on. But Im sure you can download such system externally.

The only system here (and yes - i mean durability) is still imho in development and not public available ..

ShaDoOoW wrote...

- The last i miss (yes - it is only a little list '<img'>  NWN is still the BEST Roleplay Game Out here) is maybe not makeable without an engine-code change ... i am from the beginning of playing NWN a little bit frustrated that flying cratures CANT fly - she MUSST follow the walk path and cant fly over an abyss ...


I already experimented with this: LINK
Long story short, nothing really useful. The flying above unwalkable areas can be faked via small patches of walkable terrain inside, but not globally and rather locally for certain area you need. The solution I used on that image isn't such great as it sounds and I dropped it. Also, the flying creatures would need a special animation set like beholders has which is not in my abilities.

Mhh - i have i think right thinked - only with an engine code change possible to real fly with flying creatures..

Thanks for the answers '<img'>



                     Modifié par R-TEAM, 08 avril 2013 - 12:26 .