I got two minor strange things to report, maybe they are bugs.
Been playing multiplayer original campaign with my brother over internet (cpp 1.71 final) and we could not progress through a couple of quests - however right now i only remember one such quest (i am stupid for not writing it all down '> ).
One was the "fight in the arena to win a tavern" quest in the first chapter (the fancy rich district where the crazy wizard took the nymph creature).
First my brother tried challenging the first contended to fight (some dwarf) and he defeated (killed?) him, but the quests did not update - every time he tried fighting again he fought against the same dwarf, instead of progressing through the fighters.
Then i tried it and got the same buggy result.
Separate question, would it be in any way possible if we could have combat modes like Defensive Casting and Power Attack mode last until we cancel them manualy - and not as soon as the mode itself chooses to turn off?
On my cleric i like casting in melee combat, but it is reaaaally annoying to constantly have to manually activate Defensive Casting (to skip AoO against me).
Also on my weapon master/barbarian i have a really high attack bonus, so usually i am guranateed to hit my enemy - so i would fancy having a constantly turned on Power Attack mode without having to click on it every damn time.