Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20384 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #360 on: June 26, 2014, 04:11:24 am »


I have not been able to play NWN the last few days due to college exams.


About the passive AI problem, would it be somehow possible to make the "Attack Nearest" command be automatically send to all companions/henchmen when a player attacks a hostile monster (or changes targets between monsters)?


Either that or perhaps, if possible, make the command "Attack Nearest" automatically repeat (duplicate) itself every ~10 (or whatever time period) seconds after a player has manually ordered the "Attack Nearest" - in that way it acting as a "hostile mode" for the henchmen/companions?


Most of the passive AI issues get solved by manually clicking the "Attack Nearest" command (not always, but in most cases).

So i thought if the "Attack Nearest" command was somehow automatized so that it "sends itself" every couple of seconds, the henchmen/companion could be forced into a constant aggresive mode.

Such a mode would obviously be countered by clicking "Follow me" or "Guard Me", if you don't want your hench/companion to be aggresive at that moment.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #361 on: June 26, 2014, 05:34:48 am »


Having henchmen attack nearest when the PC attack pretty much duplicates the "guard me" command, wouldn't it?  That too has them stay passive until the PC attacks, while 'attack nearest' would have the henchmen attack enemies on sight without the PC having to get directly involved in combat.

As for resurrecting henchmen.... I don't see this as an issue as in the OC's except for SoU.  In the OC and HotU, the player is automatically zoned to a temple of tyre/the gatehouse on death.  It's only in SoU where there's no respawning option (and even then just in the interlude and chapter 2.... chapter 1 has an auto-zone to Drogan's house).  Unless the henchmen manages to fire off a resurrection a split second after the PC dies, but before the ondeath script zones them to the safe-area, I don't see it really having any effect either way.


For player made modules that would be a different story, and it would go module by module.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #362 on: June 26, 2014, 07:24:59 am »


Bogdanov - its definitely doable but thats a workaround and not a fix. I would like to fix it completely, not just workaround it. Still in my todo list, just give me time.

Having henchmen attack nearest when the PC attack pretty much duplicates the "guard me" command, wouldn't it?  That too has them stay passive until the PC attacks, while 'attack nearest' would have the henchmen attack enemies on sight without the PC having to get directly involved in combat.

As for resurrecting henchmen.... I don't see this as an issue as in the OC's except for SoU.  In the OC and HotU, the player is automatically zoned to a temple of tyre/the gatehouse on death.  It's only in SoU where there's no respawning option (and even then just in the interlude and chapter 2.... chapter 1 has an auto-zone to Drogan's house).  Unless the henchmen manages to fire off a resurrection a split second after the PC dies, but before the ondeath script zones them to the safe-area, I don't see it really having any effect either way.


For player made modules that would be a different story, and it would go module by module.

Well normally in OC/SoU you cant manage henchman inventory and Im sure that the companions in there doesnt possess any resurrect items or spells. So if player toggle a switch to control their inventory and equip them with resurrect scroll its his responsibility.


Thanks for HotU reminder, then its ok I guess.


As for player modules, if the henchman has such spell/item normally, I would assume that original author intented the henchman be able to use them. In case you give res scroll/rod to your henchman manually, that might be issue though. But still probably the player's responsibility right?




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #363 on: June 26, 2014, 09:35:11 pm »


Yes, it would still be the players responsibility.  I actually am having trouble thinking of *any* SP module where henchmen being able to use resurrection/raise dead would be an issue.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #364 on: June 27, 2014, 01:04:15 pm »


I got some free time this weekend and i would like to help fix the AI bugs if possible.


ShadoOow, do you still need save games with the bugged AI?

If yes, then please tell me at which point is it best i do a save (during combat or after it, or something else?)


If i can help by doing something else, please let me know '<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #365 on: June 27, 2014, 02:37:03 pm »


I got some free time this weekend and i would like to help fix the AI bugs if possible.


ShadoOow, do you still need save games with the bugged AI?

If yes, then please tell me at which point is it best i do a save (during combat or after it, or something else?)


If i can help by doing something else, please let me know '<img'>

saves wont help me anymore at this point but thanks




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #366 on: June 27, 2014, 08:47:31 pm »


Has anything about healing kits been changed in the patch?

I'm curious because I was mucking about with SoU chapter 1 last night, and I noticed that the healing kits were not working as usual on the wounded NPCs in the starting town.  Usually when you use the kits on the three wounded halflings by the caravan and the two wounded humans in the town hall, you receive 25 XP, alignment shift towards good, and the NPCs stand up and say thanks.  However, with the community patch, the NPCs are healed, but I get no XP, no alignent shift, and stay down.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #367 on: June 27, 2014, 11:28:11 pm »


Has anything about healing kits been changed in the patch?

I'm curious because I was mucking about with SoU chapter 1 last night, and I noticed that the healing kits were not working as usual on the wounded NPCs in the starting town.  Usually when you use the kits on the three wounded halflings by the caravan and the two wounded humans in the town hall, you receive 25 XP, alignment shift towards good, and the NPCs stand up and say thanks.  However, with the community patch, the NPCs are healed, but I get no XP, no alignent shift, and stay down.

Not yet. I have softcoded healers kit but that wasnt yet released. Are you sure this works with healers kit normally? healers kit doesnt run any script normally so the only way to do that is in onheartbeat. If its at the start I can look into this and verify this.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #368 on: June 27, 2014, 11:45:25 pm »


Yes, it works normally (when I start SoU, it's one of the first things I do to get a level up before heading out of the town).

I'll open the chapter1 module in the toolset later tonight and see how exactly bioware set it up.  I was thinking it stopped working because of the community patch for some reason as that and kamiryn's customizer are the only two modifications I have on my NWN install at the moment, and Kam's does absolutely nothing with healing, it's just armor/pc appearance changing.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #369 on: June 28, 2014, 03:04:43 am »


Yes, it works normally (when I start SoU, it's one of the first things I do to get a level up before heading out of the town).

I'll open the chapter1 module in the toolset later tonight and see how exactly bioware set it up.  I was thinking it stopped working because of the community patch for some reason as that and kamiryn's customizer are the only two modifications I have on my NWN install at the moment, and Kam's does absolutely nothing with healing, it's just armor/pc appearance changing.

Okay, seems you've found the first CPP bug. Thanks for report.


First I was wrong. This is something I had no knowledge about, healers kits are actually running the OnSpellCastAt event with the 503 spellid. Very interesting.


Second the problem is in the new default OnSpellCastAt script. Normally this script does an combat AI which causes weirdness in situations whether the creature is not commandable. The most usual case is repeated undead turning. When you turn the undead for second time, it forgets its turned and go attack you again. I effectively fixes this by canceling this script for non-commandable creatures. Thats the situation of those halfling as they are set up non commandable by script so player can't speak to them. And at the OnSpellCast event there is a line that fires OnUserDefault (where the xp is given). But in the CPP script version of the SpellCastAt the script won't reach this line in this situation at all so the OnUserDefined won't trigger.


Fix for this here: download, put into override and in case you have there 1.71 addon, replace it with this version. (Or in case you are a module builder, open module and put into modules/temp0) This will be added into 1.71 addon in next release.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #370 on: June 28, 2014, 07:38:56 am »


I got two minor strange things to report, maybe they are bugs.


Been playing multiplayer original campaign with my brother over internet (cpp 1.71 final) and we could not progress through a couple of quests - however right now i only remember one such quest (i am stupid for not writing it all down '<img'> ).


One was the "fight in the arena to win a tavern" quest in the first chapter (the fancy rich district where the crazy wizard took the nymph creature).


First my brother tried challenging the first contended to fight (some dwarf) and he defeated (killed?) him, but the quests did not update - every time he tried fighting again he fought against the same dwarf, instead of progressing through the fighters.


Then i tried it and got the same buggy result.



Separate question, would it be in any way possible if we could have combat modes like Defensive Casting and Power Attack mode last until we cancel them manualy - and not as soon as the mode itself chooses to turn off?


On my cleric i like casting in melee combat, but it is reaaaally annoying to constantly have to manually activate Defensive Casting (to skip AoO against me).

Also on my weapon master/barbarian i have a really high attack bonus, so usually i am guranateed to hit my enemy - so i would fancy having a constantly turned on Power Attack mode without having to click on it every damn time.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #371 on: June 28, 2014, 11:33:04 am »


Separate question, would it be in any way possible if we could have combat modes like Defensive Casting and Power Attack mode last until we cancel them manualy - and not as soon as the mode itself chooses to turn off?


On my cleric i like casting in melee combat, but it is reaaaally annoying to constantly have to manually activate Defensive Casting (to skip AoO against me).

Also on my weapon master/barbarian i have a really high attack bonus, so usually i am guranateed to hit my enemy - so i would fancy having a constantly turned on Power Attack mode without having to click on it every damn time.

Yes, this is something I was considering to add as thats what I did for my personal PW some time ago already. Before I add this, please lets think about possible issues / personal preferences. Could this break something? Could someone not wanted this? And btw this would need the NWNX plugin to work.


One note, the defensive stance mode gets bugged when casting spell - it will not cancel itself but its deactivated in such case, this is unfortunately something I wasnt yet able to fix...


Will test the arena quest.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #372 on: June 28, 2014, 12:12:43 pm »


this auto toggle sounds more like something that should be a separate mod to me. or at the least a togglable option that is disabled by default


btw, currently hidden doors do spawn in a closed state for me now, but they do not open when activated. (possige CPP issue)

also i think i found a mesh error: the left pauldron of the Bone Golem is turned to the back instead of to the side (vanilla bug)




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #373 on: June 28, 2014, 12:14:19 pm »


Defensive *stance*, or defensive casting?  Casting is a mode available to all spell casters.  Stance is the dwarven defender ability.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #374 on: June 28, 2014, 12:23:09 pm »


this auto toggle sounds more like something that should be a separate mod to me. or at the least a togglable option that is disabled by default


btw, currently hidden doors do spawn in a closed state for me now, but they do not open when activated. (possige CPP issue)

also i think i found a mesh error: the left pauldron of the Bone Golem is turned to the back instead of to the side (vanilla bug)

hmm, can you tell me why?


weird, I have tested the doors and they opened for me, but maybe this got messed up when I compiled model, will check EDIT: works for me with hidden doors I set up in toolset, can you post a savegame? might be different scripting there or something

I haven't messed with creatures in max yet - maybe you can fix it and send it to me?


Defensive *stance*, or defensive casting?  Casting is a mode available to all spell casters.  Stance is the dwarven defender ability.

right, I misread it



                     Modifié par Shadooow, 28 juin 2014 - 11:26 .