I made a few brand new save games in which the hencmen healing and/or aggression is bugged.
All the 9 saves i made are heavy 186 MBytes, but i used WinRar (free) to compress it down to around 10 (ten) Megabytes - so you will need to uncompress (unzip?) them first '>
I uploaded the same zip on various different websites, hopefully one of these will be fast and reliable for download:
http://wikisend.com/...load/302312/bug complilation.rar
Overall description:
I made a brand new barbarian/cleric (singleplayer, original campaign, fresh beginning of chapter 2).
immediately as my character first spawned, i used the console cheats to enable debug mode and "givegold / givelevel 8" to my character, so she can properly fight in chapter 2.
As soon as i gave my char the gold/levels i disabled the debug mode through console command.
After finishing cheat-leveling (lvl9 character) i talked to aribeth and to that black spy-man and then picked the cleric henchmen for my party.
Through talking with my cleric henchmen i set her to "Heal me if i am under 75% health" and "Stay close to me"... i also talked all there was with her about her personal quest/life.
Went out of the building, gathered all quests i know of in the village and went to the "north road" to find that guy's wife that was kidnapped.
Through ~90 minutes of playing, my cleric automatically (on her own) cast healing spells on me about 4 times in total.
My character rested at least once every ~4-5 minutes due to the buffs expiring, so my henchmen always had healing spells ready.
I was seriously wounded many times and was near death a couple of times, during which my companion tossed no heals (or maybe just one just once).
Most of my saves are labeled clearly, but just to mention:
- saves called "test1" is my first save before any combat was done.
- saves called "not healing" mean that my henchmen definitely had her healing spells ready, but she did not automatically use them on me - either during combat or when getting hurt by a trap. I had to order her "heal me" through the right click radial menu to get her to heal me, and even then she sometimes used very weak heals. Sometimes i specify in the save's name that it was only a trap that damadged me (took me below 75% hp or even to near death) but my hench did not heal me.
- saves called "suddenly heals" are when a companion suddenly decided to do some automatic healing on me (i was wounded)... she casted one or two healing spells on me (without me manually asking for it) during combat (or slightly after it), but after that she seems to resume to her "no healing" behavior.
- saves named "passive" are when my companion was not defending/attacking at all, even while i and her were being attacked.
- the save called "passive near death" is especially important (i think), since my companion did not fight and she did not automatically heal me... she just stood there (close to me) and i had to drink a potion to not die.
I tried to give as little (almost none) orders to the companion, so that her automatic AI does all the thinking.
I think i manually told her "heal me" twice during ~1.5 hours of play, and i do not think i ever manually told her "attack nearest" during that play time.
If you need more saves or anything else, please do let me know '>
Thank you very much for trying to improve the AI!