Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20373 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #315 on: June 13, 2014, 02:05:52 pm »


already made a new account, waiting for approval. btw: have you considered some form of Bug tracking solution? then all open issues would be visible much more easily, and volunteer contributers would know where they might be able to help. though that all depends on how long the open list is still for NWN.

No. Not worth the effor when I am the only one who can/is willing to fix them. The list of known issues is on the CPP forums on new vault.



Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #316 on: June 13, 2014, 05:09:52 pm »




@ Gruftlord: activated.

Would have been faster, but had this window closed :-P


<...slightly senile imprecations>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #317 on: June 14, 2014, 06:36:33 am »


Two questions if i may ask:


1. ShadoOow, should i post any questions/suggestions i have for CPP at this forum right here, or at the new one at Neverwinter Vault you suggested?

What is this bioware forum thread gonna be used for?


2. Kinda unrelated, but if all you great wizards of NWN can please take a look at a character-making idea i am trying and provide your suggestions, i would be most grateful!

Here is the link: http://forum.bioware...rom-lvl1-to-20/




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #318 on: June 14, 2014, 07:07:36 am »


Two questions if i may ask:


1. ShadoOow, should i post any questions/suggestions i have for CPP at this forum right here, or at the new one at Neverwinter Vault you suggested?

What is this bioware forum thread gonna be used for?

Any you want. Im checking both. The forums at vault are more transparent and every specific suggestion/question can have its own thread which good because on this forum, Im repeating the same questions every 2 new pages '<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #319 on: June 14, 2014, 12:43:44 pm »


I said sunday, but I got it almost complete now, so Im posting the current stuff inside patch171addon package so you have a chance to suggest changes into the features/changes Ive included.


New fixes and features:

Tileset fixes:

- tib01_a04_01 - fixed gaps in the black tilefading coverage

- tib01_a08_01 - fixed gaps in the black tilefading coverage

- tti_d02_01 - black coverage polygon didn't faded properly

- tdm_z09_01 - small polygon gap fixed

- tdm_z11_01 - small polygon gap fixed

- tno01.set - -270 rotation changed to 90 to avoid potentional issues (while the game handled it custom content tools didn't)

- ttr01_l03_01 - fixed walkmesh around stairs, fixed several gaps between various polygons, added additional black coverage to door passage so there is no gap visible

- tts01_l03_01 - added additional black coverage to door passage so there is no gap visible

- ttr01_l06_01, tts01_l06_01 - fixed gaps between the wall and roof, added missing vertical texture for stairs, added additional black coverage to door passage so there is no gap visible

- tts01_d07_01, tts01_d09_01 - tilefading corrected

- tts01_h04_01 - removed flickering white line at the road crossing

- tts01_j17_01 - fixed gaps in the black tilefading coverage

- tts01_z14_01 - fixed gaps in the black tilefading coverage, black coverage extended to cover edge too

- ttf01_a02_03 (CPP tile) - fixed gaps in the black tilefading coverage

- tno_d31_01, tno_d33_01, tno_d34_01, tno_d35_01, tno_d36_01, tno_d37_01, tno01_z_2120 - tiles heavily cleaned and corrected

-- fixed flickering of the ground textures

-- fixed shades under the trees that were messed up completely

-- road texture position united with NWN default (z=1)

-- in tiles tno01_d31_01 and tno01_d32_01, there was a polygon of grass missing

-- in tile tno01_d36_01 few tree trunks had a black texture instead of bark one

-- fixed the tree trunks coverage texture -> united to black (was either none or fuzzy bark in many cases)

-- fixed overlapping trunk with three wall in tiles tno01_d35_01, d36_01 and d37_01

- Beholder Caves tiles heavily cleaned and corrected

-- tib01_a01_01, a01_02, a02_01, a02_02, a02_03, a02_04, a04_01, a05_01, a07_01, a08_01, a09_01, a10_01 - fixed many gaps and overlaps, fixed animloops

-- tib01_a03_01 - emitter position corrected, fixed many gaps and overlaps

2DA changes:

- polymorph.2da:

-- new collumn UseItems to determine whether given polymorph appearance can use items or not - however this is functional only when using NWNX_Patch or NWNCX_Patch plugins

-- collumn values: -1 = no items neither potions, 0/**** = default behavior, 1 = can use any unequippable useable items

-- this patch addon comes with already preset values for each polymorph so players dont need to set anything (basically every humanoid and monstrous humanoid shape with exception of Tenser's Transformation and Shapechange shapes (from balance reasons for now)

-- rebalanced animal shape creature weapons. In vanilla nwn every shapes have the same weapons and damage so both bear and badger has a 1d4 claws. This have been changed according to the standard creature counterparts.

-- table below shows the changes:

  shape   BEFORE: 1.weapon   2.weapon 3.weapon NEW: 1.weapon  2.weapon   3.weapon


| bear        | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d4 | claw 1d8 | claw 1d8 | bite 2d8 |

| panther    | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d4 | claw 1d2 | claw 1d2 | bite 1d4 |

| wolf        | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d4 | nothing  | nothing  | bite 1d6 |

| boar        | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d4 | nothing  | nothing  | bite 1d8 |

| badger     | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d4 | claw 1d2 | claw 1d2 | bite 1d4 |

| dire bear    | claw 1d8 | claw 1d8 | bite 1d8 | claw 2d4 | claw 2d4 | bite 2d8 |

| dire panther    | claw 1d8 | claw 1d8 | bite 1d8 | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d6 |

| dire wolf    | claw 1d8 | claw 1d8 | bite 1d8 | nothing  | nothing  | bite 1d8 |

| dire boar    | claw 1d8 | claw 1d8 | bite 1d8 | nothing  | nothing  | bite 1d8 |

| dire badger    | claw 1d8 | claw 1d8 | bite 1d8 | claw 1d4 | claw 1d4 | bite 1d6 |



- added a module switch to enable managing OC henchmans' inventory. You can toggle this switch via "PC Widget Tool" item (70_pcwidget)

- creatures can now use taunt provided they have a ranks in it, they are in close range to the target, they can actually succeed and the opponent is high AC one


- x0_plc_wsd - fixed secret stone doors to be closed by default

- x3_s2_palmount - fixed nonfunctional paladin mount speed increase

- x2_s2_blindspd - effects made extraordinary

- nw_s2_animalcom - softcoded, druid and ranger levels stacks now - however this is functional only when using NWNX_Patch or NWNCX_Patch plugins

- nw_s2_familiar - softcoded, wizard and sorcerer levels stacks now - however this is functional only when using NWNX_Patch or NWNCX_Patch plugins


- added Ravenloft sky override (

- added Rubies badger overhaul from CCC June 2012 (http://nwvault.ign.c....Detail&id=8159)

NWNX_Patch and NWNCX_Patch plugins:

- softcoded animal companion and familiar summoning - builder is now able to override the summoned creature resref within NWScript

- allowed possession of the animal companion (however this doesn't work well with both animal companion and familiar summoned)

- enabled using items in polymorph, this is controlled with a new collumn in polymorph.2da




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #320 on: June 15, 2014, 04:00:20 am »


I don't understand half of that but it sounds awesome, thank you ShadoOow! '<img'>


I was thinking of making something like a Monk/Druid/Shifter character, that would fight in various Shifter forms/shapes.


Did the CPP ever do any major changes/reworks to how Druid and Shifter forms/shapes work?


Are there any changes or improvements that i should be aware off?


Perhaps changes to which items/weapons/armor/feats/abilities are "transfered/stacking" with the form's/shape's stats/feats/abilities?




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #321 on: June 15, 2014, 07:34:51 am »


I don't understand half of that but it sounds awesome, thank you ShadoOow! '<img'>


I was thinking of making something like a Monk/Druid/Shifter character, that would fight in various Shifter forms/shapes.


Did the CPP ever do any major changes/reworks to how Druid and Shifter forms/shapes work?


Are there any changes or improvements that i should be aware off?


Perhaps changes to which items/weapons/armor/feats/abilities are "transfered/stacking" with the form's/shape's stats/feats/abilities?

Not really, though the change to creature weapons thats coming might be considered as major.


The only changes to shapechanging that are enabled by default are:

- merging of custom non-weapon items in offhand as if it was shield (this is something you wont use in OC but some PWs made a flags that you can equip in offhand)

- spectre shape gets the benefits of incorporeal creatures (50% conceal + passability/ghost effect)

- polymorphing to the spectre shape release character from entagle/grapple effects


The rest of the CPP features is not enabled by default because community wouldnt agreed with them. But as a player you can enable them via CPP Widget tool. This includes:

- allow to merge bracers/gloves into shape (but the item properties goes to the skin, so you wont be able to get damage bonuses for your creature weapons)

- allow to stack ability bonuses from merged items (only ability bonuses stacks, skills werent implemented and other abilities would be imbalanced when stacked)


+ if you use the new_polymorph package from CPP project page then:

- you won't lose spellslots from ability bonuses when shapechanging (that is if you allow abilities to stack, otherwise you might still lose some of them)

- you won't lose any shapechange bonuses when you re-polymorph (often happes in multiplayer when server attempts to save your character, the polymorph is then reinitialized and character loses all the merged properties and additional effects)


Add the ability to use items in polymorph and I think that scripts like this one are not needed. Mainly because of the balance issues. None of the changes in CPP make character any more powerful than it should be, whie the script in link makes them extremely powerful so it can ruin your gameplay experiences.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #322 on: June 15, 2014, 05:17:10 pm »


Great news..

In patch there is some to help the Dm Client like NWNCX_Loader?


I reopen my italian nwn server and many people come back to enjoy the game!

I must thanks shadooow Work and support for this!'<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #323 on: June 16, 2014, 02:22:54 pm »


Great news..

In patch there is some to help the Dm Client like NWNCX_Loader?


I reopen my italian nwn server and many people come back to enjoy the game!

I must thanks shadooow Work and support for this! '<img'>

No, what would you imagine to help with dm client?


and btw CPP doesn't replaces NWNCX_Loader it. Its dependant on it.


BTW: the release of the patch 1.71 addon is delayed for some time until I get a statement on the permission of the ravenloft sky override.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #324 on: June 16, 2014, 02:40:48 pm »


btw: i see ProjectQ is getting some more vanilla fixes as well. do you guys share your resources as well between the two projects?




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #325 on: June 16, 2014, 09:16:50 pm »


btw: i see ProjectQ is getting some more vanilla fixes as well. do you guys share your resources as well between the two projects?


I try to leave the vanilla tile fixes to CPP unless its a tile that I've reworked (or will be reworking - like adding ceilings) for Q. We have a sort of reciprocal relationship - Shadow is welcome to pull any fixes he wants from Q to include in CPP.




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #326 on: June 17, 2014, 02:22:49 pm »


ShadoOow, if you have a bit of time, could you please consider making optional mods/files that do the following:


1. As far as i know, the Throwing Axes are automatically "Mighty" up to the total (maximum) of the character's Strength modifier.

Could you please make a mod/file that makes all ranged weapons in the game be Mighty up to the total (maximum) character's Strength modifier?


It would be awesome if all the ranged weapons automatically scaled with ALL of the character's strength (modifier) without the need to have a specific "Mighty" enchant.


2. There is a feat called Zen Archery (prerequisite base attack bonus +3, wisdom 13+) that makes your Wisdom be used to determine attack rolls for ranged weapons instead of Dexterity.

Could you please make a mod/file that adds an (optional) feat that makes your Strength be used to determine attack rolls for all ranged weapons instead of Dexterity?


It could be named something like "Mighty Archery", and it could require something like BAB+3 and Strength 13+


3a. Could you please make the Weapon Master bonuses/feats (everything that weapon master class gives) also work with all the Ranged Weapons in NWN?

I always wanted to make a crazy Fighter/Barb/Weapon Master that specialized in Throwing Axes!!!


3b. I am not sure does Barbarian's Thundering/Terrifying/Mighty/Greater Rage also work with Ranged Weapons.

If they do not, could you please make them work with ranged weapons?


I do not know how hard is it to program these optional mods/files, but it would be super awesome if you could do it... pretty please? '<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #327 on: June 17, 2014, 02:54:09 pm »


ShadoOow, if you have a bit of time, could you please consider making optional mods/files that do the following:


1. As far as i know, the Throwing Axes are automatically "Mighty" up to the total (maximum) of the character's Strength modifier.

Could you please make a mod/file that makes all ranged weapons in the game be Mighty up to the total (maximum) character's Strength modifier?


It would be awesome if all the ranged weapons automatically scaled with ALL of the character's strength (modifier) without the need to have a specific "Mighty" enchant.


2. There is a feat called Zen Archery (prerequisite base attack bonus +3, wisdom 13+) that makes your Wisdom be used to determine attack rolls for ranged weapons instead of Dexterity.

Could you please make a mod/file that adds an (optional) feat that makes your Strength be used to determine attack rolls for all ranged weapons instead of Dexterity?


It could be named something like "Mighty Archery", and it could require something like BAB+3 and Strength 13+


3a. Could you please make the Weapon Master bonuses/feats (everything that weapon master class gives) also work with all the Ranged Weapons in NWN?

I always wanted to make a crazy Fighter/Barb/Weapon Master that specialized in Throwing Axes!!!


3b. I am not sure does Barbarian's Thundering/Terrifying/Mighty/Greater Rage also work with Ranged Weapons.

If they do not, could you please make them work with ranged weapons?


I do not know how hard is it to program these optional mods/files, but it would be super awesome if you could do it... pretty please? '<img'>

1. Easy to do ingame via OnEquip/OnUnEquip script where you can apply the mighty itemproperty automatically. This might be part of the DnD 3.5 rules mod since in 3.5 throwing weapons are all automatically mighty afaik. However while I do like 3.5 a lot and I consider it to be a patch for 3.0, opinions on this varies and such modification would be generally treated negative and as a balance change. While this modification fits in the CPP scope, I am not sure whether this should be added or not into CPP. I need more opinions before adding something like this to be part of the CPP project. EDIT: when considering this, keep in mind that I can do it both inside engine via NWNX_Patch or via NWScript in the already mentioned OnEquip/OnUnEquip events.


2. There is a Brutal Thrown feat that adds strenght modifier for attack with throwing weapons in DnD 3.5, and I am able to make new feats like this (and Ive actually already done them for my abadoned PW also with Power Thrown) but this is sort of modification that doesnt fit into CPP scope at all. And while I am able to do this I do not have a time to make an additional modification packages outside of the CP project, at least not modifications like that that would need an engine modifications.


3a. The same as 2.


3b. they works, with an exception of the deafning onhit chance from thundering weapon that doesnt. I might be able to fix this by playing this itemproperty onto ammunition where it works. Ok will do it, I have improved gloves like this already.



                     Modifié par Shadooow, 17 juin 2014 - 01:59 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #328 on: June 17, 2014, 03:15:24 pm »


Thank you very much for replying.


I know about balance changes in CPP being an issue, so i thought if you can make it as one of those completely separate files.

Like the "50%/75% empower/maximize" separate (optional) mod/file you uploaded on the Neverwintervault.


So that way no one would mind it existing, since it would be completely separate from the CPP as far as the installation goes.


As far as your explanation of the 1. question, i don't know anything about scripts - so i can't use that information in any way '<img'>


If you happen to catch a moment of time you can spare in the coming days/weeks, it would be awesome if you would consider making these optional (separate) mods/files for improving ranged weapons '<img'>




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #329 on: June 17, 2014, 03:28:31 pm »


Thank you very much for replying.


I know about balance changes in CPP being an issue, so i thought if you can make it as one of those completely separate files.

Like the "50%/75% empower/maximize" separate (optional) mod/file you uploaded on the Neverwintervault.


So that way no one would mind it existing, since it would be completely separate from the CPP as far as the installation goes.


As far as your explanation of the 1. question, i don't know anything about scripts - so i can't use that information in any way '<img'>


If you happen to catch a moment of time you can spare in the coming days/weeks, it would be awesome if you would consider making these optional (separate) mods/files for improving ranged weapons '<img'>

Of course but the problem is that this requires an engine modification. So this needs to be done via NWNX/NWNCX plugin which is a problem because such plugin would conflicted with the NWN©X_Patch plugin and they wouldnt worked together.

And this is already possible to do using existing NWNX plugins, but only for a server. And AFAIK you are playing singleplayer.


This is simply not a suitable modification for a singleplayer...