henchmen features are actually only needed for OC, and a bit SoU, and maybe MAYBE some very old modules.
SoU did introduce inventory management and some convo options are in fact available (handle locks, buff. missing compared to tonyk: handle traps and weapon preference)
most modern modules have such features.
so really i wouldn't worry too much about TonyK mixed/custom installs. get tonyk if you want henchmen customization in the OC. everything else, we should try to get the CPP updated.
the thing that might be a bit more tricky is inventory item usage. i consulted the great wisdom of google, but got mixed results.
it seems that some people got Deeking and nathyra in HotU to use scrolls, and maybe even wands. the results have been mixed. it may be that only certain AI packages use it, or only certain classes (one person suggested, that nathyra leveling as assassin might not use scrolls, while she leveling as wizard might). that may be unfortunate, mainly because it would be tricky to trouble shoot or get reliable results. my current henchmen of preference in SoU is Dorna, and i managed to get her AI to disable traps again (which she does in SoU, you can only not enable/disable that feature as with Tonyk). i'll give her some scrolls ans wands and what not, but a negative result does not have to mean anything, if the AI is only made tu use those as either wizard or Sorcerer.
Shadooow, do you have any knowledge about which henchmen/classes i could expect to use inventory items? all (as long as they can use them)? only some that are classified as casters? what about bard and instruments? what about rogues and... everything with UMD?
basically: which henchmen do you suggest makes the most sense as a first test? xanos? or would you say it shouldn't matter?