Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20351 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #165 on: February 04, 2014, 08:42:43 pm »

               think of it like this: there is a difference between: what would the designers have wanted to be fixed 10 years ago, and what would they want to include into a game nowadays.

by original design, they did not think ceilings are a must. maybe they needed to cut space because of disc limitations. maybe they didn't think it was necessary given the vanilla camera angle. maybe they wanted to keep the polygon count low because of hardware expectations back then.
would they decide differently today? most certainly.
but that is the question: does the CPP try to provide a fix for all the things that were not fixed from way back then, or do you see the CPP as a project to bring Neverwinter Nights into the 21st century?

it is certain, that you draw the line somewhere inbetween. so do i. i like the ground models and i think the colored spells icons and distiguishable immunity icons are a great addition to make things discernable with much more ease. especially given today's screen resolutions.
but where that line is drawn is ultimatelly arbitrary. a complete overhaul of most tiles with the attempt to add ceilings to all of them is way behind where i draw that line.

as i said, i use them myself. i would not want to miss them any more. i recommend them full heartedly to anyone. but some people would disagree with the visual change this addition would bring. it is at it's heart not a bug fix, but an addition. and a quite visually impacting one. i think that is, why i think a patch project would remain inviting for a larger audience, when not including such things.
ceilings may also hinder gameplay at times, so they come with a minimal drawback, unlike ground models for example. also comaring to the ground models again: personally i caught myself thinking when i first played the game: what a bag as groundmodel for all these things? come on....
unlike the ceilings. being the first step into 3d rpg (for bioware), with isometrc view the norm just a few year back, i wasn't expecting a ceiling anyway. i was too amazed by the fact i could rotate and tilt the camera. and i would have felt confused had things gotten in my FOV while doing so. (that brings another thought: fading features: the original programmers took great care to make extra sure everything was visible at all times with the fading feature. something they maybe felt a ceiling could not provide. i know most community ceilings fade much later than vanilla buildings and trees do. zwerks ceilings even keep the wooden framwork in interiors for nearly the whole screen. a feature i enjoy today, as i said.)

i summary: there is no definite answer as to why and where to draw the line. it comes down to: for how many people do you want to remain open. and what is the harm in keeping the ceilings and visual improvements as optionals the way they are?
if you are going to put together a nice documentation for 1.71, may i recomment a section: "The CPP recomments the following patch haks/overwrites, that go along nicelly with it's content" followed by links to the various improvements (zwerkules, monster mash, weapons redux, undead redux, IMProvements, varied groundmodels for rings and potions, translucent UI to name a few)


                     Modifié par Gruftlord, 04 février 2014 - 08:59 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #166 on: February 04, 2014, 10:31:07 pm »


Gruftlord wrote...


Ok you are correct with the tilefade. For me as an action-tsype of player playing in a topdown camera mode, fading feature is a must. Todays' tileset developers often intentionally doesnt suppor this feature or they dont pay that much attention to it. This is a case of Zwerk's facelift which exposed a lot of objects that doesnt fade properly, this led me to uninstall it, but I dont condemn his project. I see it as a new standard, that only have to be a bit polished which is what I could do myself - as you might notice the most tileset bugs Ive fixed in CPP has something to do with tilefade, its very easy to fix this really and I believe Zwerkules will eventually fix this later. PS it shouldnt have caused any visibility issues, afaik the ceiling is transparent from a top-down view. But again. I guess this is solely depending on a fact whether the author, Zwerkules probably (I guess there isnt reason to go back for chiko's work?), will want/allow to add his ceilings into the patch in a first place. I would certainly not want to substitude his entire project. As you've said Gruflord the line is somewhere between.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #167 on: February 04, 2014, 10:43:21 pm »


ShaDoOoW wrote...

Im still looking for help with recoloring higher resolution of a nymph texture. And now I am also looking for a linux NWNX developer that would helped me to port my new NWNX Patch plugin (for server). And I would definitely welcome help with the windows plugins (both server and client) development as well.

This has been solved, Gruftlord has provided a high resolution nymph retexture and pope_leo is working on a nwnx_patch port for linux. Thank you both.

There is one more issue to solve though. Seems there is quite a lot peoples who dislike the new colored icons from AD. I still believe this was a good idea to do, and if this itself decide someone to uninstall patch, well its a price Im willing to pay. However there was an objection that has a point.

In a case when user has different colored icons in override already but not the scrolls, after installing the patch, few scroll icons gonna change. That is suddenly problematic because the icon of the spell hasnt changed (the icons in override has a priority). This is definitely not a wanted behavior and I would like to fix it. Can someone make a new colored icons for those few icons the AD replaced completely (with a way better image indeed)? Maybe The Amethyst Dragon himself? Pretty please. I know you have a lot of work.:innocent: In this regard what Im looking for is a high quality matching the rest of the AD icons. The colorization must have a sense, it cannot be a recolorization of the whole icon, it must be a hard work of coloring each part of the icon on its own. I know I want a lot and my expectations are high but it really must match with the rest of the icons otherwise it gonna be just worse.'<img'>

And now, given the idea of Bogdanov89, there is an easier job to help with. It is possible to add a new loadscreen hints. If you have an idea for a load hint, whether its a general knowhow/mechanic (really no idea what) info or something from CPP perhaps (maybe mentioning new feature added into Sunbeam/Sunburst? something like that). If you have an idea for a loadhint share it.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 04 février 2014 - 10:51 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #168 on: February 05, 2014, 06:37:28 pm »

               NWNX_Patch development update:

Thanks to pope_leo and his help, this project can now offer various new features. Question is only if its in scope of this project and if there are builders who want this. All features that this plugin adds are designed to be automatical.

Examples of the possible changes:

- addition of the DURATION_TYPE_EQUIPPED and DURATION_TYPE_INNATE constants to be used in a ApplyEffectToObject function (I dont really know if innate behaves differently, but equipped is automatically removed when a item (creator of the effect) is unequipped. + It might allow to add additional feature such as to make effects applied as equipped to ignore immunities)

- GetAttackTarget function would also returned a counterspell target.

- a Supernatural penalty to magic resistance would ignored the monk's immunity to this effect (this would fixed the problem with the CPP's caster level modification)

- SetTrapDetectable(FALSE) would removed the trap's flagged status. (as there is no way to hide flagged trap anymore)



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #169 on: February 08, 2014, 04:02:27 pm »

               does automatical mean they are allways on, or are this features that can be switched on and off by the builders? i got the impression the NWN©X plugins are optional anyway, so i guess there is no harm in having them. i can not speak for the features presented here, since i do not understand enough what they do, and how they would change things ingame. i'm probably the wrong person the answer this question, but i thought i'd chime in after 3 days of no other responses



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #170 on: February 08, 2014, 06:41:56 pm »

               Same as a CPP itself also CPP NWNX Plugin is designed in a way "all or nothing", the features in there wont be switch-able. So it needs to be planned in a way that builders wouldnt want to disable anything.

One advantage of this plugin is that its consistent across both OS types and even client. So you can plan with its features and then use it regardless of your hosting. Even switch it without need to rewrite anything.

Basically the question is whether to add new functionalities into default scripting functions - eg. something that works only on creatures will suddenly work on player as well, and so on...



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #171 on: February 08, 2014, 07:19:18 pm »

               then my question would be: which ingame bugs would this fix? i have a hard time telling from the more technical explanation given above



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #172 on: February 08, 2014, 07:23:33 pm »

               None. Fact that the weapon color on CopyItemAndModify is limited to 4 is not a bug afterall. All these new features Ive listed only expands the possibilities of the NWN scripting functions which are limited/bugged/missing functionality.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #173 on: February 08, 2014, 07:44:05 pm »

               so it does add new functionality but doesn't change anything per se for the end users (aka players) without the builder making use of it?



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #174 on: February 08, 2014, 08:06:11 pm »


Gruftlord wrote...

so it does add new functionality but doesn't change anything per se for the end users (aka players) without the builder making use of it?

Yes exactly, at least for this part of the plugin. The main content are playerstuff fixes actually (trident, circle kick...).



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #175 on: February 11, 2014, 09:49:43 am »

               Came to important decision.

I reconsidered the "CPP light" version or whaterver you want to call it.

Since there are now two version, I approve the possibility to remove some features from the 1.70. No way that there would be a fork development (or what is that word...) and I dont approve of adding anything from a version 1.71 into 1.70. Also it would still be all or nothing. Thus the result would be:

1.70 - a lightweight version without features/fixes that are causing that aversion against whole project
1.71 - ongoing development with larger scope

But I need a list of features that should be removed. Best would be if someone volunteered and become a part of this project and had this in a task.

//I still think its a bogus anyway, but hey lets see what happens.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 11 février 2014 - 10:12 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #176 on: February 11, 2014, 07:34:40 pm »

               I am unable to help you at this time...

However, I believe you are on the right track now ShaDoOoW (et al)
Unify your standards (v1.70 "lite" with basic improvements/fixes +explanatory docs)
Achieve a modest goal first and let the rest of us catch up to you...




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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #177 on: February 21, 2014, 06:02:39 pm »

               Since the new version is coming, I got another question.

Would be builders using CPP too confused/unconfortable if I changed the metamagic checks from == to the & ?

This would allowed to make a spell with multiple metamagics at the same time without need to change all spellscripts. Builder that would want to allow this would only have to bring some way to combine it ingame, but the spells would be simply ready for it.

It wouldnt have any impact on the default scripts other then lesser readability. The & produces the same result as == without custom content.

This is something I am thinking long time already but I thought it wouldn't be accepted well. But I thought, I might ask first.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #178 on: February 21, 2014, 07:09:53 pm »

               interesting idea. i like it.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #179 on: February 22, 2014, 05:37:48 pm »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 RC4 released:

DOWNLOAD - this is english version - to install, simply extract in the NWN folder and allow overwrite everything.
German, polish, czech language file for this version is included in this archive.
(builders resources and all NWNX Patch plugins are included inside main package)

CPP current documentation was updated to reflect changes from this version:
Project main documentation.
Spell changes documentation
Special Abilitity and feat changes documentation

EDIT: forgot that I also added an AI support for polymorphing based on discussion here. This is not enabled by default, to enable creature to use shapechanging feats, you need to se variable 70_ALLOW_SHAPECHANGE int 1 on a creature.

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:

Revisited features from previous Patch versions:
- On a suggestions from the community, the Empower Spell feat behavior changed to enforce the "vanilla" behavior which is "empower everything" rather than SoU "empower only dice results" which CPP till now used.
- Removed the double-empower from healing spells which would now, with vanilla empower resulted in too high healing. Thus, the cure wounds spell healing/damage was restored to match exactly the vanilla values. (Deeper explanation: the healing domain makes the spell to be also empowered, but when the spell is already cast empowered this has no effect normally. This is why CPP previously enforced doubling the empower, but due to the fact that empower is now twice as strong already, this feature was removed.)
- DoGrenade function in x0_i0_spells include revisited again to make spells using it backwards compiling compatible again (this compatibility has been lost somwhere between RC 2 and 3).
- Greater restoration spell school restored to the default (Necromancy) due to the issue with specialized wizards - still, the changed spell description intentionally remains Conjuration so it doesn't bother anyone anymore. Nobody spots the difference anyway.
- Tanglefoot's bag can affect characters with woodland stride again.
- Removed the credits from the comments on the spellscripts - this was there because some of the fixes comes from other contributors, but due to the fact that almost every spell contained my own name I rather removed it all as someone might seen that as a advertisement or something.

New fixes and features:

Tileset fixes:
- tde01_a15_01, tde01_a15_02 - fixed visibility node (allowed to see hidden rooms)
- tde01_d09_01 - small gap when tilefading fixed
- tdc01_f10_01 - fixed polygon gaps on the black coverages
- ttr01_z10_01 - fixed polygon gaps on the black coverages
- tin01_l13_02 - the two collumns under the ground position corrected

2DA changes:
- Cure spells uses now a new script, 70_s0_curewounds to allow higher flexibility in modifying the way how healing works. (This change is backwards compatible - aka it is not needed to merge this at all if you dont wish to)
- Added Epic Ranger feat as a prerequisite for the Bane of enemies feat - this will prevent the exploit with bane completely. (Also, unlike previous solution, this will automatically turn all those, who abused this exploit before, invalid.)
- Added Epic Blackguard feat as a prerequisite for the Epic Fiend feat (still to prevent exploit completely, 70_mod_levelup script is required)
- Added a zero soak itemproperty in order to be able to create a creature skin without any soak but granting the penetration of +X to any weapon the creature possess.
--corrected the portrait of the BOAT polymorph

Creature fixes:
- Corrected an appearance sound for the oozes added in patch 1.69. (human -> slime)
- Added missing OnBlocked script to the Lizard Warrior B blueprint.
- Added the usual construct immunities to the Shelgarn's dagger summoned creature.
- Corrected AI script in the Ochre Jelly's OnSpellCastAt event.

Item fixes:
- Added Helm 11 and 17 icon fix from the Realms of Mythology team (http://nwvault.ign.c...s.Detail&id=146).
- Added several clothing icon corrections between genders from the Realms of Mythology team (http://nwvault.ign.c...s.Detail&id=147).

Spells and spellabilities:

- Bigby's forceful hand: disabled self-stacking
- Bigby's grappling hand: disabled self-stacking, incorporeal creatures won't be grappled
- Bigby's crushing hand: incorporeal creatures won't be grappled.
- Gust of Wind: code for opening/closing door changed to be working without delay also in huge modules with slowdown issues
- Shadow evade: effects made undispelable.
- Shifter's wildshape: a spectre polymorph now also release character from the effects of the grappling (Bigby's grasping/crushing hand/entangle effects)
- Cure wounds - other: target type changed from standard hostile to the single target

- Added a new module switch, MODULE_SWITCH_SOU_EMPOWER_SPELL_BEHAVIOR, that will enforce the SoU empower spell behavior (which was up till now what CPP used).
- Fixed losing skin under ILR/ELC settings. This fixes losing the mounted horse when relogging and other issues. (x2_mod_def_unequ)
- Creatures under darkness effect cannot use gaze attack and are also immune to gaze attacks.
- Incorporeal creatures gains also immunity to knockdown and immunity to entangle effects.

Secret Content restoration:
- The secret "Neverwinter Eye" sword enabled for builders in toolset (longsword model number 9) (CEP1 team)
- Enabled unused potion bottom icon (bottom 7, color 9).
- An eight hidden portraits has been added into portraits.2da. (Disclaimer: players without patch won't be able to see them although they are in core game files.)

Client improvements:
- Added chicken texture fix from Ancarion (http://nwvault.ign.c...s.Detail&id=628)
- Added high resolution texture for barkskin effect from Gruftlord.
- Added a high resolution texture of the silver haired nymph from Gruftlord.

DIALOG.TLK corrections:
- Sunburst area of effect corrected to colossal.

HAK Version only:
- Added two unused versions of the ochre yelly creature (Large with one small yelly inside and second medium which is bit smaller than the original, there is one more small version but with no difference to the original small yelly so I haven't added it into 2da).
- Fixed portraits in few of the new blueprints.

Community Patch NWNX Plugin (both server and client version)
- Enables to choose custom base class in initial character creation. (client-only feature)
- Increases the effect icons limit from 130 to 255. (client-only feature)
- Removed the limitation on weapon color from CopyItemAndModify function.
- Fixes trident weapon focus bug.
- Fixed the bug with a fact that immunity to the ability decrease prevented also ability decrease from equipped items.
- Curse effect ignores immunity to ability decrease on a DnD Rules/Very High difficulty.
- Circle kick has been changed to swap the target back after the extra attack on a different one.

Note for the linux users:
Unix client is not supported, we suggest using WINE.
Due to the way how the nwnx works on unix, you might not be able to use the precompiled library which is coming with the CPP release. If thats the case you find all the sources and documentation here. For further details visit the nwnx forum where you find a thread devoted to this plugin.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 22 février 2014 - 08:28 .