Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20315 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2012, 04:36:55 am »

               I Do not know If you have looked at it yet.   But there is a simi-bug with the walk waypoints scripts.  I have thought about it ever since the thread on GetObjectBytag being faster then GetLocalObject.   That kind of lets the error out of the bag.  There is simply no reason for WalkWayPoints to store the Waypoints onto the walker when GetObjectByTag will fetch the WayPoint faster then Getting the local Var.



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« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2012, 08:50:34 am »


Lightfoot8 wrote...

I Do not know If you have looked at it yet.   But there is a simi-bug with the walk waypoints scripts.  I have thought about it ever since the thread on GetObjectBytag being faster then GetLocalObject.   That kind of lets the error out of the bag.  There is simply no reason for WalkWayPoints to store the Waypoints onto the walker when GetObjectByTag will fetch the WayPoint faster then Getting the local Var.

well why not...



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« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2012, 05:44:55 pm »

               Has anyone found the reason why are traps set to stolen by default ? I found out few traps that are not stolen but wondered if wouldnt be better to set them not stolen all rather than correct those missing stolen flag.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 06 mai 2012 - 04:45 .



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« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2012, 06:22:55 pm »

               Are they marked stolen automatically when recovering them? Might be because of that.



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« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2012, 07:07:27 pm »


Rubies wrote...

Are they marked stolen automatically when recovering them? Might be because of that.

they are marked as stolen by default in palette, recovering does not change the stolen flag



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2012, 02:15:58 am »

               Traps have always bugged me for that reason...  that and I can never seem to get a trap to work.



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« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2012, 02:26:22 am »


Leurnid wrote...

Traps have always bugged me for that reason...  that and I can never seem to get a trap to work.

From builder or player perspective?

As a player your character need set trap skill to use them (sorry if im stating the obvious).

As a builder, you need to choose trap trigger in trigger palette and draw a trapped geometry and thats all. At least if you are using classic traps, projectile traps need to place a "projectile trap origin placeable" anywhere in location - best near the trap so player can see the spell reaching him. These projectile traps are bugged by default and require many alterations to get it work however if you installed this community patch you should get it running immediately when you draw trigger and place correct placeable.

EDIT: community patch also added new traps. Not items and not triggers (hmm something to consider) but you can set a specific script on already existing trap and choose:
- 1 new trap type (swinging blades)
- 1 new trap difficulty (easy for 1-3lvl)
- epic difficulty for traps that not have them
- special "adjust" trap type where you can adjust the trap saving throw DC and min/max damage using variables on trap trigger

The stolen flag has only one effect - you cant sell recovered/looted traps to most shops which makes them really rubbish in most modules. Even in my PW i found out that its better to set them not stolen and disable them to being bought in any store I dont want to. So considered this to the patch project as I can't see any reason why then would have to be stolen. (The minority of PWs that would want them to be stolen will not want to use patch from other reasons anyway and its always easy to change anything in patch)


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 08 mai 2012 - 01:32 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2012, 04:07:13 pm »

               I have decided to add some spell balances into next patch version. There is still however place for discussion of how to implement that. By general the Community Patch's goal isn't to update spells to 3.0 or 3.5 rules. The goal is to improve/balance unused spells and if something needs to be changed then the "inspiration" comes from original DnD rules.

Im talking about two spells Monstrous regeneration and Sunbeam.

I have looked into older NWN 2DA/spellscripts and read numerous DnD rules in order to better understand the original concept of these spell and possibly Bioware formed intent. And I tell you what I have found out:

Details for Monstrous regeneration:

1) Why I want to balance this spell?
It never stacked (right Regeneration spell did but that was clear bug) and the duration is too short compared to Regenerate spell - 1/2caster lvl /rounds which is not usable on lover levels due to the ammount of regeneration which is 3hp per round neither later when character gains spell Regenerate which heals 6hp/round for 1round/level.

2) Details:
First the "monstrous" in name doesnt refer to the *power* of the regeneration rather from the fact its derived from the regeneration of monsters like troll. Thus it doesnt mean it should be more powerfull then spell Regenerate, and from comments in spell script from Bioware it seems that originally the spell healed 10hp per round actually but they changed it from balance reasons.

Second, the spell monstrous regeneration which comes from Magic of Faerun (3.0) should work same as Troll regeneration works in games like Baldurs Gate. Lost of limbs and subdual damage is however something that couldnt be implemented in nwn so I think that Bioware choosed to grant normal regeneration instead.

Third, 3.5(could be said patch for 3.0) rules changed the regeneration concept completely and this spell doesnt exist and the Regenerate spell was changed to the restore body parts mainly. The extra books brought Vigor spell that grants hp regeneration per round and the best one is lvl 5th and heals 4hp/round, rounds are /level.

I have taken all of this into consideration and I propose a single change to double the duration of Monstrous regeneration to round/level. I believe that this will make this spell useable and balanced.

Details for Sunbeam:

1) Why to balance this spell?
I have already improved this spell in patch earlier by giving it the power to affect oozes and plants with full damage. (This change is not made up and match with all manuals). The problem I wasn't aware of until now is that druid has two similar spells of which one is stronger on the same spell level. Sunbeam is in fact the "lesser" version of Sunburst.

2) Details:
Bioware set the innate level of this spell to 7, while the spell is 8th level. Maybe some patch changed it and they forgot to change innate level as well or either innate or spell level was typo.
In both 3.0 and 3.5 DnD rules, Sunbeam is a spell of 7th level for druid and Sunburst is 8th. Also both spells affect undead, oozes, plants with full dice, sunbeam max 20d6, sunburst 25d6. Also both spells applies permanent blidness on failed saving roll and they: doubles the damage for non undead creature that is light vulnerable (sahuagin, drow) and destroy undead creature that is light vulnerable (vampires). In 3.0, the damage type is not specified for sunbeam but sunburst have fire descriptor so it should be probably fire. In 3.5 both spell has light descriptor - not really sure what it means since this descriptor is not described in manual at all. +minor details, who want to know visit

I have taken all of this and default bioware implementation of both spell into consideration and propose this:

1) Sunbeam move to 7th level for druid. However the blidness duration will be kept for 3rounds, damage for non udeads will stay 3d6 and this spell won't slain vampires per Bioware implementation. (Due to the new level it can be empowered which makes it on par with Sunburst that doesn't have this possibility in NWN.)
2) Both Sunbeam and Sunburst will double damage for "ligh vulnerable" and take full damage for oozes/plants.
3) Both spells damage type will be newly positive which I think match the "light" most. Saving throw type will change to the positive type as well.
4) All effects of both spells will be tied with only one saving throw.

Any suggestions, ideas, opinios on this? Or requests for other spell balances maybe ? :happy:


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 16 mai 2012 - 03:09 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2012, 07:07:47 pm »

               Generally these edits are good. A couple comments for discussion:

I'm unconvinced that "positive" is the right energy type for a light based spell. I think "fire" is equally appropriate with perhaps a slight edge except that in an underwater environment "fire" would not likely function, AND if you have implemented burnable objects this spell would seem to have the power of a magnifying glass to back it up.

Given that I am obsessed with light versus shadow in my own systems, my preference is to script these spells to interact with other light based behaviors. How does these interact with the darkness spell for example? Have you put any thought into that?

I know that this is a community patch, and so your implementation needs to be relatively generic and customizable. But given that we can't meaningfully add a "light" descriptor to a spell, there might be a way to identify the spell as a light based spell. Everyone in the area of effect could be "notified" that they were struck by light for example. I dunno. That might be overkill since you can check for what spell was cast in OnSpellCastAt. But I like to provide flags to check for rather than having to loop through lists in order to extract the data you need in any given instance.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2012, 07:18:55 pm »


henesua wrote...

Given that I am obsessed with light versus shadow in my own systems, my preference is to script these spells to interact with other light based behaviors. How does these interact with the darkness spell for example? Have you put any thought into that?

The sunburst spell should by the rules dispell any darkness aoe, might add this as well

sunbeam doesnt have this functionality but thats because in DnD its really beam, several beams that you can fire each round which is contraproductive in nwn where the aoe-implementation works better - in that regards the sunbeam in nwn should probably also dispell any darkness. Not very common case though '<img'>

Speaking of damage type, fire is the least "powerfull" type due to the ammount of resistances, previously it was divine (sunbeam), magical (sunburst) both generally unresistable effects. Divine seems to me too much deity based which doesn't fit. Magical is something to consider.



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« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2012, 10:06:26 pm »

               Yes, fire in comparison to other energy types is the most likely to resist.

I wonder how D20 modern style NWN handles "light", "gamma radiation", "x-rays" etc... did they create an additional energy type?



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« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2012, 10:30:31 am »


henesua wrote...

Yes, fire in comparison to other energy types is the most likely to resist.

I wonder how D20 modern style NWN handles "light", "gamma radiation", "x-rays" etc... did they create an additional energy type?

I think that in PnP you are not limited with damage "type" and light, gamma radiation and anything might be a type of damage itself, just say a word. In nwn however we are limited and adding damage types is not possible without NWNX. Anyway fire is definitely off - both spells had unresistable before, giving fire as "real" it sounds would make the spells less powerfull than they were before. So if it should be united, it should be also unresistable - and I think that it should be united my change makes from Sunbeam predecessor. Does anyone know if any standard creature has divine/positive/magical vulnerability? That needs to be taken into consideration, though this will definitely affect PWs where one PW might have undeads generally vulnerable to divine and another one to positive.

Now from another subject. I wanted to include more feats into iprp_feat already In the initial Patch release however I was struggled with multiple custom content doing this already - PRC and Ben Harrison's itemproperties expanded. Both these 2DA has different structure, PRC keeps few lines to user, BH not a single one.

I have thought about new concept that will be friendly for builders: each bonus feat not defined by a nwscript constant would have id of 100+feat id. Thus first would be Called shot at line 106 and so on. Without any feats that has no effect I guess. The script could then look like this:

int nBonusFeat = FEAT_CALLED_SHOT+100;
itemproperty ip = ItempropertyBonusFeat(nBonusFeat);
//sanity check
if(StringToInt(Get2DAString("iprp_feats","FeatIndex",nBonusFeat)) == FEAT_CALLED_SHOT)



                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 19 mai 2012 - 09:32 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2012, 02:57:08 pm »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 beta 5 released:

Reason why I made a major balance change into Sunbeam/Sunburst and monstrous regeneration is written above, I made a big research before decing how to do it and whether do it at all, in the end I chosen to do it as the default implementation didn't make sense.

Still undecided content I would like to hear opinions about:
- remove stolen flag from traps?
- allow empower/maximize metamagic for damage shield spells? They should have it however it could make balance issues.
- add invisible AOEs for custom content from PRC/CEP vfx_persistent.2da?
- add more bonus feats into iprp_feats.2da?

DOWNLOAD - (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:
- mythallar placeable blueprint set non-static by default (was informed it might cause crashing when static)

Removed features from previous Patch versions
- innate level of Sunbeam spell restored back to 7

New fixes and features
- Sunbeam spell moved onto 7th level for Druid (this change will not break old characters that has sunbeam memorised - such characters, after they log in, simply find their memorised slots empty)
- added visual and other missing values for protection/magic circle against chaos/law spells (they were not added to the subradial neither for standalone use though)
- toolset listing corrected for creature weapon feats and elf weapon proficiency
- Static flag was set to 1 for almost all placeables from patch 1.69

Creature fixes:
- added missing skin (ooze traits) and blindsight ability to gelatinous cube
- stealth variable fixed on all cobra blueprints from patch 1.69
- mindflayer venerator: removed items from clerical package

- minor blob acid trap set to stolen by default in order to unite with other traps
- added trap, spell, law, chaos, good and evil subtype into saving throw itemproperty (it's however important to realize that no vanilla spell/ability uses alignment based saving throw so this is useable only with conjuction with custom content)

- removed Static field from almost all blueprints from patch 1.69 in order to use setting from placeables.2da
- the bioware sitting script has been assigned to all placeables appropriate for this action
- Volkarion, Inventory, Invisible object and invisible wall were moved from Miscelanious to Secret objects category in standard palette
- Secret door, secret trapdoor and their invisible origins were moved from Miscelanious interiors to Secret object category in standard palette

Spells and spellabilities:
- Spells removing disease/poisons improved so they can remove also any other effect came from poison/disease like blindness etc.
- Awaken:
 - spell allowed to be recast for new wisdom roll
 - added feedback message in case of target wouldn't be an animal companion
 - Dungeon Master will be able to cast this spell on any animal companion
- Flare - sightless creatures are immune
- Monstrous regeneration duration double to round/level in order to balance with spell Regenerate
- Sunbeam major change:
 - oozes and plants takes full damage as if they were undead (this was already done; repeated for newcomers)
 - damage type and saving throw type changed to positive
 - damage is doubled for light vulnerable creatures (drow, sahuagin)
- Sunburst major change
 - removed second and third save - all effects are now tied with first save
 - added vfx applications into the cases that didn't had them
 - oozes and plants takes full damage as if they were undead
 - damage type and saving throw type changed to positive
 - damage is doubled for light vulnerable creatures (drow, sahuagin)
- Undeath eternal foe:
 - added immunity to fear and paralysis in order to increase usefulness of this spell
- Fear aura will work continuosly at very difficult difficulty
- Epic dragon breath: fixed bug that disallowed to target door and placeables
- Cube Onhit paralysis: "Paralysed!" message won't appear on immmune target anymore
- Hell inferno: damage penalty changed to slashing in order to affect physical damage
- Detect evil (unused spellability) - spellscript changed to check class and in case the spell would be cast from Blackguard class it will work as detect good instead
- spellscript for Magic circle and Protection against Chaos and Law spell implemented

- two new fixes into spellsIsTarget function (aka "target check")
 - fixed rare case when invisible DM was targeted with standard hostile AOE spell
 - PC won't hurt himself in No-PvP areas anymore (was possible at high difficulty settings)
 + also added a feedback message for direct target hostile spells cast on friendly target
- two new functions in x0_i0_spells used by certain spellscripts:
 - spellsIsSightless - return true for sightless creatures -> oozes
 - spellsIsLightVulnerable - return true for light vulnerable creatures -> drow, sahuagin, vampire and anyone with vampire or drow in their subrace field
- MySavingThrow function improved so it does consider immunity to mind_spells as well, if the saving throw is against paralysis
- note for SetBaseAttackBonus function corrected to inform it does work for PC actually (nwscript.nss)
- added new IP_CONST_SAVEVS_* constants for saving throw types to be used within itemproperty functions (nwscript.nss)
- Magic electrifier script further improved:
 - crafted wands cannot be recharged unless variable "ELECTRIFIER_CHARGE_MAX" is set to positive value
 - any item with variable "ELECTRIFIER_CHARGE_MAX" with value below zero cannot be recharged as well
 - builder can specify the cost of each charge (in gp), by setting variable "ELECTRIFIER_CHARGE_COST" with value of single charge cost (1000gp is default)

- added spell and scroll icons for protection/magic circle agains law/chaos from PRC because those available are rather unfinished and doesn't fit the standard icon design



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2012, 05:16:22 am »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 beta 6 released:

DOWNLOAD - (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)

New beta version is released and compiled. I added some AI improvements and would like to hear opinion about them - if they are appreciated I could continue with that path and add a special behavior for smart creatures that will deal with player inside GS effect - they will either ignore it if builder wishes or they will at least try to cast area of effect spells onto PC's feet.

I also added a tilefade feature into placeable trees and tree terrain in castle/rural tileset. Though, the placeable trees are so high that simply removing foliage doesn't really help and might look odd, tilefade in tree terrain works great but only until you higher the trees where the tiles aren't associated properly. Still I thought that for those who play with tilefade feature its still useable. (see here image with the issue) I even fixed some tiles but other tiles can't be fixed easily and require to remodel - which is something I can't do. If there is anyone that could do it, contact me, I can provide files and areas. Same with other tile-based issues screenshoted in my album.

And, I added spell icons from Amethyst Dragon. Reason why is that community patch gets *lowest* priority. If someone uses in their override different set of icons, nothing happens. If he use TAD's icons, nothing also happens (but he can remove them from the override). Only those who doesn't have any icons override will see this - and the majority of players, especially newcomers will appreciate this. Scroll icons not yet included (me and my advisors came to the conculison they don't match default GUI and are contrasting) - that however makes a bit issue as TAD created for some spells new icons from scratch (and they are even better than original), so the image on scroll of horrid wilting doesn't match with image of spell icon. Any suggestions what to do with this?

And lastly, found out that the previous change of Sunbeam spell level to 7 is unfortunately client-side. On no-hak server, client will see sunbeam in 7th level even if server didn't implemented this. Memorise spell will be possible but after rest, spell won't stay in spellbook. More specifically, if there is an empty spellslot in 8th lvl, the spell gets memorised here, but otherwise it won't have any effect. Since this might be very confusing, Im considering to move this change into hak-version only. But on the other side, who would memorise the sunbeam when its still at lvl 8?

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:

Removed features from previous Patch versions
- Aura vs. alignment spell balance removed: yes, the spell doesn't work the way it should (damage shield trigger for any alignment) but chosen approach wasn't really fix anyway

New fixes and features
- Empty body AI category changed to aura (will cause creatures to use this feat ASAP and always)
- shifter's version of Petrify gaze's description changed to "Shifter" in order to allow builder to recognize the version in toolset using F1
- new 2DA that contains tail model references to the appearance ID, usage: string sTail = Get2DAString("des_app_tail","TailType",nAppearanceType);
- allowed cast spell itemproperty to be placed onto containers
- allowed holy avenger itemproperty to be placed onto gloves/bracers
- allowed regeneration itemproperty to be placed onto creature weapon and throwing weapons

- Global change to all AOE spells: AOE effects made undispellable (the effects are dependant on AOE presence, they shouldn't be dispelled without dispelling the AOE itself)
- Evard's black tentacles, stinking cloud: added missing caster validity check -> AOE expires when caster is invalid
- Shelgarn's persistent blade: enhancement bonus wasn't calculated properly
- Color spray: sleep "ZZZ" vfx could appear on immune creatures
- Holy sword: holy avenger itemproperty will be correctly extended when recast before expiration
- Deafning clang: onhit deafness itemproperty will be correctly extended when recast before expiration
- PDK: Oath of Wrath - effects made undispellable (Su) as per DnD
- PDK: Heroic shield - effects made undispellable (Ex) as per DnD, added expire visual effect into the AC increase to easier determination when the spell expired
- Lich lyric: feedback changed to floating text
- x0_i0_spells: DoPetrification function won't cause action cancel to the plot/immortal creatures anymore

AI fixes and improvements:
- creatures won't waste control undead or undeath to death spells on living targets
- improved TalentSeeInvisible - creature that has true seeing on skin or as an spell effect won't waste time with casting see invisibility/clairvoyance spells anymore
- improved "heard behavior" - when creature can hear an attacker and do not have any revealing talents, she will try to use at least defensive talents if has any
- added "vanish behavior" - when target vanish to the creature, creature will try to reveal his position using spells or at least use defensive talents if has any
- creatures won't use petrify talents on already petried target

Client side features and fixes
- added colored spell icons generation 2 from The Amethyst Dragon
- different darkness icon that suits default non-transparent gui from Gerder

Castle/rural exterior: tilefade feature added into tree terrain
tde01_s04_01 - vertical cover polygon color and tilefading fixed, also fixed three horns flickering when opposide tile faded out
tde01_t04_01 - vertical cover polygon color fixed
tin01_z11_01 - missing polygons, flickering and tilefading fixed
tdc01_g20_01 - visibility node fixed
ttf01_b01_01 - tilefading corrected
ttd01_b01_01 - tilefading corrected
ttr01_b09_01 - tilefading corrected
tts01_b09_01 - tilefading corrected


- added tilefade feature into all trees from patch 1.69, also all models were compiled

- Horrid wilting: descriptor removed
- Implosion: added incorporeal note
- Stone bones: noted it affect only corporeal undeads
- Monstrous regeneration: duration changed to 1round/level to reflect spell balance coming with patch 1.71


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2012, 09:15:33 am »


ShaDoOoW wrote...
Scroll icons not yet included (me and my advisors came to the conculison they don't match default GUI and are contrasting) - that however makes a bit issue as TAD created for some spells new icons from scratch (and they are even better than original), so the image on scroll of horrid wilting doesn't match with image of spell icon. Any suggestions what to do with this?

If I understand correctly - you would like to make new scroll icons that look like the ones from original game, right? I've made some scroll icons for the PRC Pack. Maybe I could help you with this task?