Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20342 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #120 on: October 18, 2013, 07:05:33 am »

               Last three days I was working on a new polymorph engine which would fixed various polymorph issues. Now its done. Download is in CP Project Files section file, contains erf that you should import into your module and choose rewrite for all and polymorph.2da which you should put into override or your top hak. If you already modified some of the required files or polymorph.2da you have to export the erf content somewhere else and merge it. It requires further testing though; I haven't tested it in multiplayer environment, don't know what happens when player exit and re-enter module, also don't know if it work in saved games etc. So treat this as a
beta version yet.

This new polymorph is partially depending on a CP, but it will work fine even without (in this case you lose casting in polymorph verification though).

- casting verification in polymorph, only spells that polymorph has access to can be cast now
- fixed temporary hitpoints recharging
- fixed polymorph duration recharging
- gear remerging when a engine repolymorph happens
- disables levelling up while in polymorph (temporary locks all classes)
- fixes ability decreases from gear on a shapes with immunity to ability decrease
- includes all features and fixes from CP 1.71: fix for crash after unpolymorph, switch to stack ability bonuses, switch to allow merge arms slot (under items category), spectre gains incorporeality bonuses
- in a certain configuration (partially) prevents from losing spell slots granted by ability bonuses: works when you turn on stacking ability bonuses and when current shape merges all items granting these bonuses (which means it doesnt apply on Polymorph self and Shapechange, but works great in Risen lord shape - myself would recommend to allow merging both items and armor for all druid shapes) - it does not prevent losing bonus spell slots from gear though (cant see a way without NWNX)

Minor feature or rather remark is that all polymorph parameters, polymorph ID, tempHP (base not current), polymorph spell1-3, mergingItems/Armor/Weapon, and former items are all accessable by local variable on a player, see 70_mod_polymorph for details.

Known bugs and remarks:
- if an item contains two or more ability bonuses or decreases of the same ability (which is very unresponsible!) it might not work correctly if ability stacking is enabled
- I noticed a constitution drop after engine repolymorph when a polymorph had an constitution decrease merged
- merged decrease abilities doesn't work at all if a player has negative energy property - this is normal issue that could be partially resolved by decreasing ability bonuses instead, but Im hesitating to do that yet - need suggestions
- polymorph engine uses recursive function each 3 seconds to maintaing compatibility and to remove addition polymorph effects in case a builder wouldn't set up OnPolymorph event properly - Im guessing a module variable might be used to turn this off if a builder sets everything correctly - need suggestions
- each casting of polymorph will create an invisible placeable on a location of polymorpher - it should be invisible but I havent applied CUTSCENE_INVISIBILITY so let me know if you spot this placeable in any way, if you do I will consider placing it below ground or custscene invisibility again

The package contains:
polymorph.2da (collumn HPBonus renamed to
TEMPHP,  not needed to work, but you lose this functionality without) -
put into override/hak
70_mod_polymorph - new script
x2_mod_def_equ (contains code for OnPolymorph event that I recently published on scripting forum)
x2_mod_def_unequ (contains code for OnPolymorph event that I recently published on scripting forum)
70_spellhook (contains verification for casting spells in polymorph, work only with CP 1.71beta something rather use latest)
some 70_inc_* files (safe to overwrite)
all polymorph spell scripts (safe to overwrite)

Any questions?':wizard:'
Oh, should explain the engine repolymorph - this happens when a polymorphed character is saved by server or player himself (player can use export character which will save his character too). In this situation polymorph is removed, character saved and polymorph restarted: temporary hit points are applied on maximum again, duration is restarted, merged item bonuses are lost.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 18 octobre 2013 - 06:13 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #121 on: November 17, 2013, 06:50:08 pm »

               Neverwinter Nights Community Patch 1.71 RC3 released:

DOWNLOAD - (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)
(only english version available, builders resources and NWNCX Patch plugin are included inside package)

I know I promised that next version will be final, but I'm still not there yet. Sorry. At least there is more time to polish already existing content - if you think something should be otherwise and you can support it with good arguments I will remove or reconsider it. The new polymorph "engine" is not included in this release, and probably won't be neither in final release - it needs more testing and it uses quite ugly workarounds so it will not be a part of the base patch.

Hidden classes has been revisited. Since they are intented to be selectable by players playing single player modules without modifying 2da, they are now enabled as player classes by default (that is, player with CP installed should see them in level up class selection) but they are disabled by default because they might not be desired by majority builders and player that want to take them must first enable them. This can be done in the PC Widget, player can spawn this widget via console command "dm_spawnitem 70_pcwidget". PC Widget item opens conversation which allows also to toggle some module switches and change a gameplay as player desire. To allow these classes in your module by default with scripting, you have to set variable on a player:


Another option is to modify cls_pres_* 2DAs but thats a way rather for a more advanced users.

I'm working on a better documentation with all these new features and hopefully will be finished soon.

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions:
- fixed adjustable swinging/spike trap, so they no longer allow evasion when unset DC
- removed the AI improvement for unseen attackers as it sometimes caused monsters to stop chasing target
- fixed tilefading gaps on grassy trees in castle/rural tileset

Revisited features from previous Patch versions:
- Touch Attack feedback (re)allowed for all spells even when cast from item: the reason of this was to hide the roll when it's cast from onhit, but at the same time this hidden feedback when PC used scroll/wand etc.
- spell engine structure name revisited to avoid bug in Torlack's external compiler (this is only "visual" change that should't change behavior neither functionality of your scripts)
- removed 70_inc_spellfunc library and integrated changes from there into default versions of the functions in x0_i0_spells (wasn't possible before, but now due to the globality of spell struct it is)
- spell penetration for modified caster level improved: now applies also in case the overriden caster level is lower than original (this was previously intentionally ignored but now reconsidered)
- altered poison and disease "engine" to create creator object from the invisible object placeable to maintain compatibility when the script is used in a module without CP installed
- the two unlocked prestige classes, the Shou Disciple and the Eye of the Gruumsh, enabled as player class by default but restricted by variable so they can be toggled on/off by the PC widget tool or custom scripting

New fixes and features

Tileset fixes:
- ttu01_f13_01 - missing polygon when tilefading corrected
- tic01_o16_01 and tni02_o16_01 - small gap between stairs and black coverage corrected
- tdm01_p11_01 - needless coverage polygon removed
- tcn01_s09_01 and tcn01_t09_01 - window tilefading issue corrected
- tcn01_z15_01 - white polygon when tilefading issue fixed
- tcn01_o16_01 - walkmesh fixed (Zwerkules)
- tde01_b02_01 - tilefading corrected
- tde01_b04_01 - corrected polygon positions to remove the small gap visible in the corner
- tde01_h10_01 - missing polygon when tilefading added
- tde01_p13_01 - missing polygon when tilefading added
- tde01_s06_01 and tde01_t06_01 - tilefading corrections
- tin01_g06_01 - fixed weird bitmap on oven (helvene)
- tin01_s01_01 - missing polygon when tilefading added
- tni01_s01_01 - missing polygon when tilefading added
- lot of fixes in mechanical tileset, the texturing work there is sloppy at least, I tried my best in retexturing the worst issues, but this tileset would deserve a complete retexture, content:
 - many texture corrections so the same objects on different tiles are now connected smoothly
 - few texture replacements where it was obvious that current texture is wrong
 - few forgotten vertical objects made to fade
 - few polygon gap corrections
Placeable fixes:
- fixed tilefading in the "Bookshelf 2" placeable
- added fixes from "More TNO placeables" by Tiberius Morhuun
 - laying rubble texture fix
 - hanging flags texture fixes

Creature fixes:
- Helmed Horror will not leave footprints anymore
- sound of Will-O-Wisp and Lanter Archon changed to more positive one instead of the spectre sounds (Twisted_Euphoria)

Spells and spellabilities:
- empower metamagic allowed for Sunbeam and Sound burst spells
- Keen edge: keen itemproperty will be correctly extended when recast before expiration
- Crumble: fixed bug that caused this spell to be nonfunctional on placeables and doors
- Finger of death: target selection scheme changed from selective to singe-target to allow target neutral creatures
- Slay live: added missing impact damage visual effect
- Deflecting force (prismatic dragon ability): effects made undispellable
- Inflict Wounds: visual effect changed to less intrusive one
- Storm of Vengeance: fixed rare case when AOE lasted longer than 10 rounds
- Barbarian rage: implemented the Eye of the Gruumsh strength bonus
- implemented the Blinding Spittle and Command Horde feat of the Eye of Gruumsh hidden class

- spell penetration for modified caster level improved: added more reliable solution to hide SR decrease/increase effect icon entirely (sometimes appeared for a second previously under special conditions)
- metamagic exploit fix improved, now will cancel every spell that has been cast metamagically without metamagic feat (previously, only empower/maximize were checked and instead of cancel they have been negated - in case of max/emp being abused in polymorph engine will allow to cast the spell and the metamagic flaw will be just negated as it was previously)
- fixed bug in the spell penetration calculation where spells cast from special ability tab had their caster level equal to (innate level*2-1)
- fixed bug in 'SPAWN_CONDITION_FAST_BUFF_ENEMY' that prevented creatures to cast metamagically enhanced spells
- crafted wands and scrolls will be free to use to anyone if crafted on easy/very easy game difficulty
- musical instruments greatly improved
-- musical instruments now play sounds when used
-- cannot be used under silence anymore, also deafness add 20% chance to failure
-- a new module switch added to enable additional restriction for either Perform skill or Bard Song feat uses (see x2_inc_switches or full readme for details)
- nonexistant sound reference of 'negative damage hit' visual effect fixed
- negative damage hit visual effect from weapons changed from electrical to real negative (Caution: this is serverside actually, be sure your players have a CP installed or distribute them CP's visualeffects.2DA in your haks!)
- added NWNCX plugin into the main package, for players using NWN Client Extender, featuring:
-- enables to choose custom base class in initial character creation
-- fixes trident weapon focus

AI fixes and improvements:
- high AI creatures will not try to sneak sneak/critical immune targets
- high AI creatures will use defensive casting if it has sense
- bards can cast with armor now even with just automatic still spell II (was III)


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 17 novembre 2013 - 07:23 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #122 on: January 19, 2014, 07:09:19 pm »

               Looking for help with the silver haired nymph (original hak ). My problem is that the original hak didnt provided also high-res texture from texturepacks (its inside Textures_Tpa.erf). I workarounded that by changing the texture name to 70_nymph so that there is no highres texture and game uses the low instead of brown-haired highres. But that really ugly workaround so if you can help me and modify the highres texture to have silver hairs I would be grateful.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #123 on: January 19, 2014, 08:22:10 pm »

               Has anyone noticed this highligt above horse ears?
Anyone willing to fix this? (I dont think its in my abilities to do that myself).



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #124 on: January 19, 2014, 08:26:32 pm »

               is this a horse rescaled to fit to an elf? does the highlight appear on humans? i guess the highlight, as well as the glowing tail highlight will perfectly fit ears and tails on a human riding a horse.

do the same with a halfling character, and you will see that the underlying issue is much much more widespread: when using the rescale feature the highlight will not be rescaled.

i only know this from observations. if you manage to fix this, you have my eternal gratitude.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #125 on: January 19, 2014, 08:39:03 pm »


Gruftlord wrote...

is this a horse rescaled to fit to an elf? does the highlight appear on humans? i guess the highlight, as well as the glowing tail highlight will perfectly fit ears and tails on a human riding a horse.

do the same with a halfling character, and you will see that the underlying issue is much much more widespread: when using the rescale feature the highlight will not be rescaled.

i only know this from observations. if you manage to fix this, you have my eternal gratitude.

You are correct it doesnt appear on human, but I dont understand the rescaling. This is a horse from a standard palette and the horse on image is tail actually not the npc I used and placed to area so I dont understand what you mean with this scaling.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #126 on: January 21, 2014, 09:35:46 pm »

               Thank you for improving NWN '<img'>

I wanted to play NWN (both DLCs) with my friend over internet (i am hosting), but with your latest Community Patch version (RC3?) fully active for both him and me.

Since i am REALLY bad with all this technical wizardry (simple pc gamer), can you please tell me what to do so that the server i host has all the awesome changes your community patch brings?

Thank you!



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #127 on: January 22, 2014, 12:04:50 am »


Bogdanov89 wrote...

Thank you for improving NWN '<img'>

I wanted to play NWN (both DLCs) with my friend over internet (i am hosting), but with your latest Community Patch version (RC3?) fully active for both him and me.

Since i am REALLY bad with all this technical wizardry (simple pc gamer), can you please tell me what to do so that the server i host has all the awesome changes your community patch brings?

Thank you!

if you are using a dedicated server for hosting then extract the archive with patch into folder with dedicated server as well

if you are hosting from you normal game installation you dont have to do anything, it will work automatically (and yes it wont require community patch to join the game opposed to official patches)



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #128 on: January 22, 2014, 01:23:09 pm »

               I have the GamersGate version of the game (NWN Collection) and i get the following crash upon starting NWN after installing your RC3 patch:

Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
 Application Name:   nwmain.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp:   486cfadc
 Fault Module Name:   nwmain.exe
 Fault Module Version:
 Fault Module Timestamp:   486cfadc
 Exception Code:   c0000005
 Exception Offset:   001cec74
 OS Version:   6.1.7601.
 Locale ID:   1033
 Additional Information 1:   f239
 Additional Information 2:   f239b800942226fe03157817d515cf1d
 Additional Information 3:   e2fd
 Additional Information 4:   e2fdb7073e4eba50d88db756a8748660

I am using Windows 7 32bit, same crash happens for my brother that is using Windows 7 64bit (also from Gamers Gate).



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #129 on: January 22, 2014, 01:39:42 pm »

               hi, what is a size of your xp2patch.bif file in NWN/data? Normally it should be around 356 megabytes. If this is lower you have probably one of the bugged versions - so far it was problem of the GOG and diamond version which both appears as 1.69 but they are missing many files from last patch (recognizable by white textures and other issues). In that case download and run the 1.69 critical rebuild patch. And then try to install CPP, this should work.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #130 on: January 22, 2014, 02:05:17 pm »

               That fixed it, thank you!
I also wanted to ask you about the "non beta" patch - where can it be found?

I looked at the "" - but all those look like tiny files, less than 2 MB in total.
So where can i find the full and latest "non beta" patch, in case i run into some issues with the 1.71 RC3?

Side question:
Can you please tell me does Dexterity increase Bow/Crossbow/Thrown Weapon damage?
Is there any way to increase the actual damage of a ranged weapon?



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #131 on: January 22, 2014, 02:54:43 pm »


Bogdanov89 wrote...

That fixed it, thank you!
I also wanted to ask you about the "non beta" patch - where can it be found?

I looked at the "" - but all those look like tiny files, less than 2 MB in total.
So where can i find the full and latest "non beta" patch, in case i run into some issues with the 1.71 RC3?

here is also the initial 1.70 http://neverwinterva...y-patch-project

Side question:
1) Can you please tell me does Dexterity increase Bow/Crossbow/Thrown Weapon damage?
2) Is there any way to increase the actual damage of a ranged weapon?

1) no, thats normal behavior and CPP didnt changed it
2) yes, Mighty property allows a wielder to add up to +X str damage if he has enough strenght modifier of course, other than that normally you can only boost ammunition, BUT this is what CPP enhances and allows builder to add all these properties on weapon in toolset (and possibly in forge like the one in HotU):
- keen
- damage (just like on arrows but it doesnt stack)
- enhancement bonus (doesnt stack with arrows unless arrows are  not +X piercing but slashing perhaps)
- and more but those doesnt boost damage '<img'>


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 22 janvier 2014 - 02:56 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #132 on: January 22, 2014, 06:07:45 pm »


ShaDoOoW wrote...

Gruftlord wrote...

is this a horse rescaled to fit to an elf? does the highlight appear on humans? i guess the highlight, as well as the glowing tail highlight will perfectly fit ears and tails on a human riding a horse.

do the same with a halfling character, and you will see that the underlying issue is much much more widespread: when using the rescale feature the highlight will not be rescaled.

i only know this from observations. if you manage to fix this, you have my eternal gratitude.

You are correct it doesnt appear on human, but I dont understand the rescaling. This is a horse from a standard palette and the horse on image is tail actually not the npc I used and placed to area so I dont understand what you mean with this scaling.

create a halfling or gnome paladin. level him to lvl 5, summon mount.
the horse is now the size it would fit a human.
climb the horse
the horse is now rescaled to fit the halfling. the glowing outline however is not.

rescaling monsters to make them appear smaller has the same effect, unless you specifically create a smalleer model. don't ask me how to do this rescaling in the toolset though, i only know this from observations ingame.

edit: maybe this guide can help:

quite from the guide:
The highlight on a creature is not scaled. This is the "glow" which appears when you position
the cursor over the creature or press the Tab key. So, for example, a baby
dragon still has a normal-sized dragon highlight. The highlight can be switched
off by setting "Targetable" to 0 in the appearance.2da line for the invisible
appearance. It's worth doing this for appearances scaled to less than 100%
- there's no known downside to this tweak (in fact Bioware already implemented
it for horses).


                     Modifié par Gruftlord, 22 janvier 2014 - 06:18 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #133 on: January 22, 2014, 09:56:49 pm »

               Me and my friends are loving your 1.71 RC3 patch and all of it's content, but we could use some help.
I got a couple of basic gameplay related questions about your 1.71 RC3 - if you can please answer my noobish questions, it would mean very very much to me '<img'>

1. Druid and Shifter forms - which pieces of gear do they actually "scale" from?
I mean, which pieces of gear/items are actually benefiting when using Druid or Shifter forms?
How do buffs like Bull's Strength and Cat's Grace interact with Druid and Shifter forms?

2. If i take Zen Archery, is my Wisdom affecting the Attack Rolls or the Damage Rolls of my ranged weapon?
Are ALL thrown/bows/crossbows affected by Zen Archery?
Does Zen Archery work with Mighty ranged weapons?
Do Thrown Weapons benefit from feats like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot, and is there any way to "repair/resupply" a good Thrown Weapon - or must i find/buy a new one?

3. About Weapon/Armor Crafting in the Original Campaigns/SoU/HotU - is there a way to make magical weapons/armor, or is it only possible to make the regular (kinda junk) weapon/armor?
Is it possible to apply weapon/armor enchants (magical improvements) to items that i already own?
Do i need any specific skills, feats or attributes to fully apply various weapon/armor enchants?

4. If the moster i am fighting has no spell resistance, are my Spell Penetration/Greater Spell Penetration feats useless against it?
If i am casting a spell that has no save DC checks, is my Spell Focus feat in that spell's school not affecting that particular spell in any way?

5. I am having a hard time understanding the Parry Mode - what is it actually good for?
For what kind of class would Parry Mode be good?
What kind of situation would be good for the Parry Mode?

6. If i am making a dual melee weapon fighting (dual wield) character, does Strength affect BOTH my Attack Rolls and my Damage Rolls?
What does Dexterity do for dual melee weapon fighting characters that do NOT have "Weapon Finesse"?
How does Weapon Finesse affect my Attack Rolls and/or my Damage Rolls?

Sorry for asking such noobish questions '<img'>

I already tried using NWNwikia as a source of information, but a lot of things are just not easy for me to understand.
I again thank you very very much for all the help and work you are doing!


                     Modifié par Bogdanov89, 22 janvier 2014 - 10:05 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #134 on: January 22, 2014, 11:14:41 pm »

Bogdanov89 wrote...

Me and my friends are loving your 1.71 RC3 patch and all of it's content, but we could use some help.
I got a couple of basic gameplay related questions about your 1.71 RC3 - if you can please answer my noobish questions, it would mean very very much to me '<img'>

1. Druid and Shifter forms - which pieces of gear do they actually "scale" from?
I mean, which pieces of gear/items are actually benefiting when using Druid or Shifter forms?
How do buffs like Bull's Strength and Cat's Grace interact with Druid and Shifter forms?

This is dependant on the 2DA setting in polymorph.2da, CPP doesnt changed this settings so if you look on wiki it does still matches. Aka dragon only merges "armor" etc. What has changes is that:
1) a custom content shield or some other item like flag (but not custom weapon) in a left hand merges now within the armor category.
2) There is a new feature to allow merge bracers/gloves within the "items" category. This is however not ON by default to keep some balance. If you want this feature you need to enable it either via PC Widget Tool or variable on module set in toolset.
3) There is a new feature to allow stack ability bonuses on all items that merged into current shape. While this is also not ON by default, personally can recommend this change as it appears to be more balanced and giving very high varienty playing druid class and creating equipment for him.

- bull strenght and other spells has no different impact then previously, still works the same it did before look on wiki if you want to know more

more information about PC Widget Tool and various module switches is here: this is the latest but still unfinished readme

2. If i take Zen Archery, is my Wisdom affecting the Attack Rolls or the Damage Rolls of my ranged weapon?
Are ALL thrown/bows/crossbows affected by Zen Archery?
Does Zen Archery work with Mighty ranged weapons?
Do Thrown Weapons benefit from feats like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot, and is there any way to "repair/resupply" a good Thrown Weapon - or must i find/buy a new one?

only attack rating, yes it does work with all ranged/throwing weapons no matter of its properties, no there is no vanilla way to repair resupply throwing weapons - in some PWs you can see a generators of the throwing weapons or sometimes you can find some of your axes in a dead monster, this is however not added in CPP
3. About Weapon/Armor Crafting in the Original Campaigns/SoU/HotU - is there a way to make magical weapons/armor, or is it only possible to make the regular (kinda junk) weapon/armor?
Is it possible to apply weapon/armor enchants (magical improvements) to items that i already own?
Do i need any specific skills, feats or attributes to fully apply various weapon/armor enchants?
read CPP hasnt changed anything in this regard. THe normal crafting doesnt allow improve equipped items only to create news which are good only for lower levels in high magic/level enviroment they are all crap indeed. In HotU campaign there is a NPC that does this though. But thats not standard its just a feature of that campaign.

4. If the moster i am fighting has no spell resistance, are my Spell Penetration/Greater Spell Penetration feats useless against it?
If i am casting a spell that has no save DC checks, is my Spell Focus feat in that spell's school not affecting that particular spell in any way?


5. I am having a hard time understanding the Parry Mode - what is it actually good for?
For what kind of class would Parry Mode be good?
What kind of situation would be good for the Parry Mode?

its useless skill, read nwnwiki for some thought about usage generally avoid that skill

6. If i am making a dual melee weapon fighting (dual wield) character, does Strength affect BOTH my Attack Rolls and my Damage Rolls?
What does Dexterity do for dual melee weapon fighting characters that do NOT have "Weapon Finesse"?
How does Weapon Finesse affect my Attack Rolls and/or my Damage Rolls?

Sorry for asking such noobish questions '<img'>

I already tried using NWNwikia as a source of information, but a lot of things are just not easy for me to understand.
I again thank you very very much for all the help and work you are doing!

melee weapons all consider strenght for damage no matter if you are using them with finesse or not no matter you are dual wielding. Finesse affect only attack roll not damage and not for all weapons, only for those that are listed in that feat's description.