Author Topic: Community Patch discussion and development thread  (Read 20308 times)


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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:14:51 pm »

               Old thread was supposed to be an announcements, but unfortunately become flamed. Let the original thread die please it fulfilled its purpose, any further discussion about Patch in there is OT.

For any questions and issues continue in this thread then.

Once more I please anyone who could write better documentation than I could to help me with this. I will gladly include this in Patch's entry instead of current documentation written by me.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 17 janvier 2012 - 02:28 .



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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2012, 06:30:16 pm »

               Since I found out few issues with 1.70 patch I have decided to continue with this project. However I don't expect I will complete new patch version any time soon, but I will publish betaversions as I did earlier with 1.70.

For those who don't want to "risk" new release there is a 1.70 bugfixes package. (read below for what was broken)

For those willing to try new version, I created a first betaversion today. However I will support only english version so far, I don't feel the extra effort will be appreciated. Also - I will yet reuse patch170.bif and patch170.hak, however I guess that final release comes with new bif and hak called patch171 and the 170s will become unused.

Patch 1.71 beta1 DOWNLOAD (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch version
- fixed bug when morningstar couldn't be poisoned anymore
- fixed issue with undead clerics trying to heal themselves with spontaneus casting of inflict spell which failed due to the bug in engine
- fixed all petrifying special abilities which didn't work against PC anymore
- fixed special case where aura-like spells like Battletide effect's ended prematurely
- added missing Turn Undead script which wasn't included in 1.70 release somehow (thus proclaimed feature to count turn resistance itemproperty for PC didn't worked)

New fixes and features
- added death magic immunity to revenant and curst creatures
- revenant alignment changed to neutral evil per DnD references
- curst ranger and rogue were added missing weapons and skin (curst ranger get longbow with poison arrow and shortsword in backpack, curst rogue dual wielding shortswords)
- vampire mage and rogue were added missing weapons (vampire mage get dagger +1, vampire rogue dual wield +2 short swords)
- improvements into item scroll and potion crafting
-- only 1 piece from stack will be destroyed instead of full stack if builder allow empty potions/scrolls to stack
-- added new feature to specify custom content made potion when brewing (des_crft_spells.2da collumn CustomPotion - value have to be resref)
- aura-like spells cannot stack anymore, new casting replaces old effects
- internal spellhook (x2PreSpellCastCode) moved from include to normal script (71_spellhook) - this change will allow to change any part of internal spellhook without recompiling all spells, it should also improve efficiency as the spellhook is now cached
- added new spell engine feature which allow to override spell being cast from item (variable ITEM_SPELL_OVERRIDE int spellID (-1for acid fog))
- 2DAs:
-- feat.2da
--- Greater Spell Focuses toolset category fixed to match epic and normal variant (was clasified as "other feats" instead of magical)
- spells:
-- x2_s1_beholdatt - Beholder attack routine
--- added G'Zhorb appearance to the list of appearances that can use antimagic eye (dispell)
-- x2_s1_beholdray - Beholder ray effect
--- added proper saving throw type into death, charm and fear bolt (this change removes action cancel and prints proper feedback when struck by death ray, additionally this change allow to count bonuses to saving throws against death/mind spells/fear when struck by ray of same effect)
-- x2_s2_dthmsttch - Death mastery touch
--- added engine workaround to get proper feedback when death immune as well as protect against action cancel
-- nw_s1_bltdeath - Bolt: death
--- added engine workaround to avoid action cancel when death immune
- AI:
-- arcane casters with Automatic still spell III will be able to cast spells with armor/shield normally

notes for new features: I haven't allowed fear ray in beholder attack routine because I believe this ray was removed by purpose. However I plan to change beholder attacks completely because this special ability is seriously bugged. How? The beholder ray attack is instant, beholder takes no action so each time his special AI is called (every melee/ranged attack against him, every 3/6 seconds when round end, and everytime when he is subject to spell) he will initiate new attacks. In singleplayer you won't notice this much, but in multiplayer if you create realy tough beholder and there is five 40lvl players with 5 attack attacking him at one time, its absolutely unplayable. The targetting is also very weird and doesn't support multiplayer.

Q-Necrons rays has the same issue and few more (killing ray kills targets with immunity without roll, effects are extremely long etc.) so I would rather make my own version which uses only default rays without fear one but with support to easy add new ones.

Crafting custom potions: I though about the same feature for wands but didn't seem to me very needed, is it?

And for the new spell override feature, it can be used for example to create cursed/poisoned potions that looks exactly like healing ones (they could have with this solution Healing spell normally) but instead trigger poison/curse spell. All without need to change anything in spellhook or in spellscripts... Well not really sure if its worth to include but its only few lines of code so why not.

Feel free to suggest anything that could improve this project. I wrote many ideas of what *could* be done in this release earlier LINK, so I would appreciate yours opinion on them. I guess I could also remove some 1.70 feature like creatures be able to use spell-like feats like Inflict minor wounds from BG. I guess that many builders found out that their creature are casting these in most envoriments useless spells and they had to change their creatures and remove them these feats.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 01 février 2012 - 02:22 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 03:02:38 pm »

               Great! It is good that somebody still works on NWN. Thank you, ShaDoOoW!


                     Modifié par Aldark, 23 janvier 2012 - 03:56 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2012, 10:33:43 pm »

               Another update, myself wonder its been only two weeks since first beta, but I got too much new stuff to release so there is second betaversion.

Since I found out another bug in 1.70 I also updated 1.70 bugfixes package. Once I get my account fixed on vault again I will make new 1.70 release with bugfixes pack integrates. So far features I just removed in 1.71b2 are not removed also by 1.70 bugfix package due to format (override). But will be removed in new 1.70 release.

PATCH 1.71 beta2 DOWNLOAD (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)

so to the changes since beta1:

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch versions
- fixed issue with Phantasmal Killer killing characters without save if they had protection against alignment on them
- brewing barkskin now creates again a +4potion, not +5
- fixed toolset error when placing Barracks 2x2 group in Rural tileset

Removed features from previous Patch versions
- most spell-like feats removed from being used by monsters as it changed behavior of already existing monsters with these feats
- silence spell removed from being used by monsters as it was quite weird, seems that Bioware had good reasons to disallow it
- new door portraits from TheSpiritedLass removed as they didn't matched very well and because of CC conflicts

New fixes and features
- added tree foliage from helvene (this one unlike DLA properly fades out)
- automatic unarmed attack when ran out of throwing weapon stack canceled (implemented in x2_mod_def_unaqu script, current solution also keep rapid shot feat activated)
- fixed empower/maximized metamagic exploit with polymorph that allowed to cast spell maximized/empowered even without proper feat (70_inc_spells)
- ogre chieftant (1.69 version) blueprint fixed (removed reference to non-existant armor)
- restoration (lesser/greater) doesn't remove effects of any rage ability anymore
- fixed light not being properly removed after crafting an armor (x2_im_start_a)
- added new feature to specify custom content made wand when crafting wand (des_crft_spells.2da collumn CustomWand - value have to be resref)
- beholder AI fix
 - beholder special attacks now requires an action, this fixes the multiplayer issue as beholders used to use their special ability each time someone attacked them (thus even five times per round if the attacker had five attacks) (x2_ai_behold - compatible with Q-Necron rays)
 - targetting improved, script now handles multiple targets properly and ignore dead players (x2_s1_beholdatt)

- more beholder fixes and improvements
 - fear ray now gives fear and not damage
 - missed rays will be visible now
 - antimagic eye can use also any custom beholder with beholder antimagic cone special ability

- craft duping exploit managed:
 - duped item is stripped from all its itemproperties, made unusable and stolen (x2_im_cancel)
 - duped item will be destroyed after player logs in (implemented in x2_mod_def_aqu script)

- radical change in NWN poison engine
 - all poisons and its effects were set to be extraordinary (except OnHit: Poison as those are hardcoded, but poisons from OnMonsterHit works)
 - Pit Fiend Ichor poison effect (death) ignores death magic immunity
 - poison engine is now driver by special script for each poison and new include "70_inc_poison"
 - on D&D Rules difficulty or higher, antidote potion/Neutralize poison spell will remove only effect from poison keeping the ability damage from other sources intact (nw_s0_remeffect)
 - with integer variable 71_ALLOW_POISON_STACKING set to TRUE or at Very Difficult difficulty, poisons can stack (technically the poison icon and green color at HP bar is removed thus won't block other poisons to affect target again, OnHit: Poison (DC/ability) does not work with this new engine, if you want the poisons to stack you have to replace all these poisons with OnMonsterHit variant)
 - ISSUE WARNING: the new poison system is not 100% backwards compatible, in case that you would allowed poison stacking but had old script for remove poison spell, the poison won't be properly removed from veins and the secondary poison effect will affect character

- similar change with diseases
 - on D&D Rules difficulty or higher, Remove disease will not remove poison effects (nw_s0_remeffect)
 - all magical diseases and its effects were set to be extraordinary

- feat-based loot generation improved and corrected:
 - non-existant resref for rapier changed to create Namarra +1
 - not only weapon focus is taken into account, improved critical also matter
 - added support for character with multiple weapons focused - script generate random focused weapon in this case
 - barbarians without any weapon feat gets great axe instead of club
 - improved weapon selection for multiclassed characters without weapon feats:
  - when previously ranger9/druid1 get druidic weapon now gets longsword like pure ranger etc.
 - custom base class without any weapon feat gets dagger instead of nothing
 - added support for weapons from expansions/patches (dwarven waraxe, whip, trident)


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 03 février 2012 - 05:30 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2012, 05:23:50 pm »

               Please help a nooby...Do I extract them into NWN files or hit update button on game option screen or both? I downloaded the 5 or 6 files that came with the patch just need to know where they go. Thanks in advance!



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2012, 05:27:07 pm »

               update button in game doesnt work anymore, this unfocial patch needs to be installed externally, version 1.70 at vault has executable automatic installation, 1.71 beta only manual



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2012, 06:24:54 pm »

               ok I have the 6 folders in a new file. I also see an icon in the folder's of NWN saying "nwnpatch' which has todays date but when I open the icon it just says [patch]. Still confused..did it install? I used the link at the bottom of your posts [community Patch 1.70 Project]



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2012, 06:49:36 pm »

               I do not understand. Anyway if you installed Patch 1.70-1 correctly you should see different picture at main game menu where is written "community patch".



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2012, 07:09:52 pm »

               I found everything..thanks fpr your patience and responses.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2012, 04:39:50 pm »

               New update:

PATCH 1.71 beta3 DOWNLOAD (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything)

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch version
- corrected the underdark tileset minimap issue (previous solution didn't fixed it actually)
- greater restoration spell will be able to cure the "invisible poison" effect running in background in case that builder allows poison stacking

New fixes and features
- added Equip Exploit fix (http://nwvault.ign.c...d=51805&id=7785) - issues pointed on the vault page were all negative (as usual...)
 - this solution is 100% backwards compatible, it does *not* break existing creatures with weapon in creature slot (which is not recommended anyway)
 - of course neither builder will be able to add non-creature weapon into creature weapon slot anymore (except GFF edit)
- more creature fixes:
 - badger dexterity and skills corrected (dex -> 17, lore, taunt -> spot,listen)
 - jaguar, cougar, leopard and air and dust mephit skills corrected (open lock -> move silently)
 - summoned red slaad's alignment corrected to chaotic neutral
 - half-fiend warrior's electrical immunity corrected to 100%
- another improvements into item scroll and potion crafting:
 - fixed bug where crafting destroyed full stack of material component
 - material components are now checked also for crafting wands and brewing potions, see des_matcomp.2DA for details, there are two new collumns, wand_tag and brew_tag (of course none are required to brew/craft wand by default)
- NWScript constant for diseases Devil Chills and Demon Fever corrected
- drain ability bolts damage balanced to 1+HD/4 instead of HD/3
- fear aura duration balanced with other auras to (1+HD/3)rounds instead of (HD)rounds
- Deafening clang: allowed to stack sonic damage on weapon with custom content based damage bonuses of different type
- Turn undead: "target check" corrected to standard hostile behavior
- Aura of glory: healing was rolled once for all allies, not once per ally.
- duration scaling calculation balanced:
 - duration changed to 1round/very easy, 2rounds/easy, 3rounds/normal
 - duration scaling applied also for player's associates
 - added module switch to apply 3round duration at D&D or very high difficulty, see x2_inc_switches for details
- added duration scaling for several spells and abilities:
 - Hold animal, Planar binding (lesser/greater)
 - Bigby's grappling, crushing and forcefull hand
 - Bolt: confusion, slow, web, knockdown
 - Aura: stun
 - Gaze: krenshar scare
- added effect scaling for several abilities:
 - Aura: fear, dragon fear
 - Gaze: krenshar scare


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 26 février 2012 - 07:46 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2012, 09:02:03 am »

               *bump* since im probably going to release stable version, but I won't do that without proper testing first - I already tested it myself but only in SP environment, which is not sufficient to the project like this

I need to hear that all new features works:
- duration scaling change and switch
- poison stacking switch
- material components for brewing/wand crafting and custom potion/wand when crafting

if someone know about anything I havent fixed yet lmk, also point me to the any translation issue you find out


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 09 mars 2012 - 09:47 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2012, 01:56:34 pm »

               Has anyone combined the 2da with cep yet? I would love to use both together.


                     Modifié par Baishi7, 06 avril 2012 - 12:56 .



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2012, 03:36:47 pm »


Baishi7 wrote...

Has anyone combined the 2da with cep yet? I would love to use both together.

not sure however Auto 2DA Merger should do it on his own, did you tried it? (There is only little issue with the Auto2DAMerger fails to make new collumns but thats around three 2DAs that are easy to merge manually)

CEP is however client-side. There should be official CEP update to integrate Patch (which is something I don't think that happen because of different point of view of both projects) as CEP is clientside and if you would change its haks, you need to distribute them to your players (not problem if you use your custom haks except of CEP but if you use CEP only, then its problem). Or if you are player than merging haks is nice but most of the content is server-side (feat/spell.2da fixes) so I don't see much sense.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2012, 05:36:03 pm »

               Yeah, I don't know how to do any of that, but I love the fact that you have created a community patch.



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Community Patch discussion and development thread
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2012, 03:42:21 am »

               New Patch update, beta 4:

Few comments to this release:

1) Why I have added custom icons from BoomWav and Q-Necron?
Because if anyone uses different in their override/patch hak whatever they will not see icons from Patch at all. As I many times emphasized, all files from Patch has lowest priority, anything in override, module and haks will override them, thus players with for example Amethyst Dragons's class icons won't notice this. These icons will see only those who have not added such icons in their override. I have added these icons into patch as they are improving the default icons while keeping their look just colorize them with sense. I know, some peoples will tell me they like default light brown ones. Well take these chance, if you won't get used to it you can add default icons into your override and you are fine.

2) Why I have removed certain metamagic options from some spells?
DnD rules clearly states that spells without somatic component cannot be stilled and spells without verbal components cannot be silenced. Other spells had no effect anyway (tasha, wounding whispers, shelgarn's blade) and most of you didn't even knew its (not) possible anyway. These changes are perfectly fine in multiplayer, ELC will normally allow player to join the server but all prepared spells with now invalid metamagic will disappear.

PATCH 1.71 beta4 DOWNLOAD (installation: extract into NWN root folder and allow overwrite everything, except dialog.tlk if you have non-english one)

Fixed broken stuff from previous Patch version
- fixed 70_mod_levelup script that incorrectly deleveled palemasters taking EMA/EW
- poison from failed check in "poison weapon itemproperty" reworked to disallow to remove with other than neutralize poison spell
- fixed Black Lotus Extract poison script that wasn't doing anything (70_p1_poison19)

Removed features from previous Patch version
- removed empower/maximize scripting support from Tasha's hideous laughter spell script (as the empower/maximize shouldn't affect this spell)

New fixes and features
 - light Z position switched between Large and Medium flame placeable
 - fixed death attack 20's feat successor
 - deathless mastery touch hostile settings corrected
 - spell icons changed for psionic abilities to ir_GenPsionic
 - legend lore innate level corrected to 4
 - metamagic corrections:
  - Shelgarn's persistent blade can be extended now (extending was implemented in spell script already)
  - Lesser dispell and ultravision can be quickened now
  - Knock and Scare spells can be silenced now
  - Knock spell cannot be stilled anymore (since its missing somatic component)
  - Ethereal visage, Lesser dispell and Ray of enfeeblement spells cannot be silence anymore (since they missing verbal component)
  - Wounding whispers cannot be empowered/maximized anymore (empower/damage doesn't affect damage shield spells in general)
  - Tasha's hideous laughter cannot be empowered/maximized anymore (spell duration should not be affected by metamagic)
  - Shelgarn's persistent blade cannot be empowered anymore (imo typo instead of extend spel)
  - Stone to flesh cannot be extended anymore (instant duration)
 - legend lore innate level corrected to 4 which will allow to craft wands with this spell

Tileset fixes:
 - tid01_f02_01 - extraneous polygons at -133 removed (very probably meant for another tile)
 - tdm01_s10_01 - extraneous white polygon removed
 - tin01.set - visibility node for home groups corrected to default (Zwerkules)

Creature fixes:
 - added missing death spells immunity to alhoon, dracolich (unused skin) and all liches + Masterius
 - added missing skin to Widow Hagatha (undead traits per her racial type)
 - corrected palette category for "greater/older elemental slam" creature item
 - removed secondary immunity to paralyzation from dracolich skin
 - removed secondary electrical damage from will-o-wisp creature weapon

Sound burst - deaf creature are immune to the stunning from sound, they however still receive damage (3.0/5 rules)
Ghoul touch AOE - fixed wrong effect linking that ommited attack penalty
Scare, Doom, Howl: Doom, Gaze: Doom, Ghoul touch AOE - damage penalty changed to slashing in order to affect physical damage
Haste, Blinding speed - haste from other sources won't be removed anymore (doesn't stack anyway)
Control Undead - added effect and duration scaling in order not to dominate undead PC (as per other dominating effect spells)
Undead Graft - halfleves are also immune (3.0/5 -> half-elves should be technically treated as elves)
Psionic mind blast 10m radius - fixed signal event that didn't fired in all cases, radius size shortened to 10m (instead of 15m) per description
Psionic charm monster - cone size lenghtened to 11.0 to unite with other cone abilities
Stone bones - spell work only for corporeal undeads now as incorporeal doesn't have bones (3.0/5 rules)
Implosion - implosion has no effect on creatures in gaseous form or on incorporeal creatures. (3.0/5 rules)
Expeditious retreat - fixed stacking with itself

Other scripts:
- 70_mod_levelup script improved: two new exploit checks added and script rewritten in order to allow easy use to builders trying to run custom script in this event
- NWN disease engine rewritten to improve upon disease/poison change introduced by previous Patch version
 - ability score losses from disease are now handled by special script for each disease and new include "70_inc_disease"
 - Neutralize poison spellscript improved in the way it does remove poison/disease ability losses if the module use default disease/poison 2DAs
- Magic electrifier script improved (based on The Krit's Customizable Magic Electrifier):
 - feedback messages were added in a few cases that did not have them
 - feedback messages are private (no longer broadcast to nearby party members)
 - electrifier energy is saved over server resets (if using server vault characters). More specifically, the energy goes with the electrifier item, rather than with the PC using the electrifier.
 - charging an item does not uses up all charges if the charger energy is sufficient for more charges than item needs
 - items can be limited to fewer than 50 charges (Ring of Nine lives and Golden Chalice of Lathander were limited to their base charge count)
 - undroppable items have been blocked from destruction
- added new constants into nwscript core include
 - these constants works for EffectAttackIncrease/Decrease functions and allows to make an attack bonus working only when fightning with creature weapon or unarmed

- added Enhanced class icons" and "Enhanced skill icons" from BoomWav
- added "Custom domain icons" from Q-Necron

DIALOG.TLK changes:
- improved stunning fist listed in stunning fist description as "required for"
- corrected the level when Harper Scout may choose second favored enemy
- corrected innate level of Owl's Insight, Lesser dispell magic, endure elements and protection from elements spells
- corrected innate level of Legend Lore to *4* as per new value from this patch
- corrected range of Aura of glory spell
- corrected the electrical damage ammount in Storm of Vengeance description
- removed note about favored enemy's bonuses doesn't increase for Harper Scout (per WhiZard's research)

Auto 2DA Merger:
- now handles new collumns properly
- now allows comments (// style) in *.ini files