This picks up where Lightfoot8 leaves off. It's a very quick way to hunt down the bitmap filename using NWN Explorer Reborn from the NWVault.
1. Find the model you're looking for (let's say, c_penguin) in NWN ER and double click on it
2. When you see the 3D model appear in the viewport, click on the ASCII Model Hierarchy tab at the bottom of the viewport
3. Expand the tree list of TriMesh objects under the model header and there you are going to see the pieces of geometry which make up the model.
4. As you click on those, the bottom window will show you the information about each of the meshes that make up the creature, including the texture which is referred to as "bitmap". So in this case, for the penguin, the texture is
c_penguinAnd if you're going to mod the texture...
To find the
highest quality version of that bitmap (and still using the NWN ER), go all the way to bottom in the left hand tree list and count 7 up. You should see an entry called "NWN Texture Packs". Expand it. You'll see a bunch of texture packs. You can search through all of them if you like but it's important to remember that the highest quality versions of the textures are in the items which end in TP
A. One step down in quality of the same textures will be stored in the TP
B entries and the
worst quality versions of the same texture will be stored in TP
C. This is true for everything but 1.69 content, which is stored in the DDS/TGA portion of
NWN: 1.69 Patch Data in the same tree list on the left.
This method works to easily find the best version of a texture about...95%+ of the time.
And to export a texture, just have it selected, right-click and Export or (if it's in DDS format) Export TGA.
Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 17 novembre 2011 - 12:29 .