Author Topic: CCC – A new organizer emerges  (Read 484 times)


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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:50:34 pm »

               Okay so maybe organizer is a fancy way of saying ‘someone lost amid piles and piles of paperwork’. *playful grin* But after over a year of being said organizer, it is time to hand the reigns over to someone else. Thankfully, I’ve found just the person. Starting in January, Rolo Kipp, and a certain snail loving bird, will take over being lost in the paperwork. I mean, organizing the monthly challenges. *Slightly panicked look that Rolo heard that slip up and will change his mind.* Until then I’ll be showing him the ropes and explaining the various piles of paperwork. 
So now is a great time to speak up if you think we need to change how things have been run. I won’t get upset, promise. However, I don’t promise to not try and steal some of your chocolates while you are explaining what has been driving you bonkers for the last several months.   *big grin*


Legacy_Jenna WSI

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 03:59:01 pm »

               Thanks for your work in running it all this time.

The only change I can think of is if a certain theme doesn't have X number of votes in X months, it could be removed.



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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 04:16:08 pm »

               *sleepy smiles*  Sure thing.  It has been a blast.

Removed permanently or just put on hold?  

Current Method:
At the end of each monthly poll, if a theme doesn't get any votes, I put it in an 'on hold' pile.  Themes on hold are not part of the next poll.  There are 12 themes on hold right now.  The plan then was if a monthly poll ever had less than 10 voting options I'd snag the theme that had been on hold the longest and add it back in.  I don't think I've had to do this 'back filling' option in many many months.



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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 06:13:27 pm »

               It's been a pleasure, boss. May you dine on chocolate forever- the good stuff.


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2011, 06:40:41 pm »

               <uh oh...someone let the troll ':devil:'..errr...dwarf, yeah <><, dwarf,="" outa="" the="">

Glad to hear that Rolo is volunteering to help out/take over.  Keep a tight reign on him though. '<img'>

Just kidding Rolo, you are fascinating to watch with your various posts.  Good luck with the paperwork...umm notes, yeah notes, that is being passed into your hands.  (Do us all a favor and see if you can figure out where the Lass is storing/hiding her secret stash of chocolate ':whistle:')

A note about the removal of choices, sounds like you already have a fairly decent plan in place to handle possible themes and those that don't seem to make it each month.

One thing that may need to be considered is merging the various monthly winning combinations into a single hak?  I know that is extra work of course, but we are limited in total hak packs allowed in a mod, and having roughly 12 new haks per year, will definitely wipe out the options of adding additional content without having to go through the merge hak/2da options..  Might not be worth it for some things, but would be helpful for other things.(Things like a lazy mod builder that hates merging 2da files like myself)

Lass, thank you VERY much for all the work you have done so far.  Please don't walk completely away from us, you will be sorely missed! (You and your chocolate of course!)


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2011, 08:06:20 pm »

               You've done well, TheSpiritedLass.  Enjoy the upcoming break from the paperwork.

Good to hear someone that likes CC like Rolo Kipp will be taking over after you.  I've been really enjoying this feature/project/challenge.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2011, 08:50:24 pm »

               <looks up with a handful of papers in each hand...>

TheSpiritedLass wrote...
...Starting in January, Rolo Kipp, and a certain snail loving bird, will take over being lost in the paperwork. I mean, organizing the monthly challenges. *Slightly panicked look that Rolo heard that slip up and will change his mind.* Until then I’ll be showing him the ropes and explaining the various piles of paperwork.

 <hey, she mentioned me, boss!>Sorry. Did you say something? <not waiting for an answer> Where were those... NM, got them.
<adjusts his peepers and scowls at the sheets spread across his desk>
<bother spreads her wings and goes looking for snails to drop in his ale>

So now is a great time to speak up if you think we need to change how things have been run. I won’t get upset, promise.

<rubbing his hands together> Changes... oh, yes :-) <looking alarmed> Not that you weren't right on top of things, Mistress. <groans as he realizes how much chocolate the lapse will cost him>

However, I don’t promise to not try and steal some of your chocolates while you are explaining what has been driving you bonkers for the last several months.   *big grin*

I don't, of course. Promise, I mean.  I need more chocolate to keep her out of *my* stash... er, for contigencies.

<...and an absolutely befuddled look on his face>


                     Modifié par Rolo Kipp, 08 novembre 2011 - 08:51 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2011, 09:08:46 pm »

               <laying in a stock of...>

Bannor Bloodfist wrote...
<uh oh...someone let the troll ':devil:'..errr...dwarf, yeah <><, dwarf,="" outa="" the="">

Brave, brave Bannor. That's all I'll say <promise?>

Glad to hear that Rolo is volunteering to help out/take over.  Keep a tight reign on him though. '<img'>

Volunteer? Is *that* what you call the whole whips & chains thing she did?<heh, but it wasn't til she started *really* hitting your chocolate stash that you gave in. way to be strong, boss!>

Just kidding Rolo, you are fascinating to watch with your various posts.  Good luck with the paperwork...umm notes, yeah notes, that is being passed into your hands.  (Do us all a favor and see if you can figure out where the Lass is storing/hiding her secret stash of chocolate ':whistle:')

Oh, I did. Wasn't hard. Particularly since her *big* stash was once *my* big stash... and it's too big to move. <she's working on that>

A note about the removal of choices, sounds like you already have a fairly decent plan in place to handle possible themes and those that don't seem to make it each month.

My biggest change, off the bat, will be to put those spreadsheets, etc. in dropbox so I can handle them easier than google docs. But, yes. The system looks pretty good, so far.

One thing that may need to be considered is merging the various monthly winning combinations into a single hak?  I know that is extra work of course, but we are limited in total hak packs allowed in a mod, and having roughly 12 new haks per year, will definitely wipe out the options of adding additional content without having to go through the merge hak/2da options..  Might not be worth it for some things, but would be helpful for other things.(Things like a lazy mod builder that hates merging 2da files like myself)

Yep. I plan to do exactly that... RSN :-P

Lass, thank you VERY much for all the work you have done so far.  Please don't walk completely away from us, you will be sorely missed! (You and your chocolate of course!)

That was *my* condition for accepting. I'll do it because I really enjoy making things, but my primary enducement was simply that I like *her*, and it's all too easy for people, particularly volunteers, to get burned out and fade away.
She's not allowed :-)
<you've been waiting all post to say that, haven't you?>
<and if she tries to fade away?>
Oh, I've learned a few things from her.

<...stocks and pillories>



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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2011, 06:18:44 pm »


Bannor Bloodfist wrote...
One thing that may need to be considered is merging the various monthly winning combinations into a single hak?

Sheesh you guys are determined to spoil my Christmas present.  *long mock drawn out sighs*  Fine then!  Open it now.  *tosses a brightly wrapped box into the middle of the floor and sits back to enjoy the show as y'all unwrap many nested boxes all tightly closed with pretty ribbons.*

Yes, I'll be doing a hak merge of all the content through Dec 2011.  Rough timeline *pauses to look at Worm and grin* will be mid to late January.  Yes, I'm totally nuts and have contacted Project Q to see which 2da lines to use so the haks will play nice together.  No, I haven't talked to the CEP team yet, but I plan on it.  No, I haven't TOTALLY lost my mind, there will be no grand display all demo module.  Just the hak and 3 sets of 2da files.

Yes, I'll most likely be pestering the CCC gurus for some tileset set file help (say those last 3 words fast 5 times!).  Okay lets be honest here, not help so much as 'hey can you merge these for me so my head doesn't explode?'.  *grins*

Merry Christmas oh impatient ones. '<img'>



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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2011, 06:24:32 pm »

               Ha.  Bet you thought there would be some chocolates in one of those boxes.  *eyes dancing*

*chuckles*  Yeah Rolo did get me to promise not to wander off the edge of the Earth.  So too bad for y'all I'll be around a while yet, pestering you for hugs and chocolates.  *already plotting my next attac... raid.*  Though it could be quite interesting to see what Rolo would do to stop me.  *cackles*



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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2011, 07:38:24 pm »

               Thanks for all you've done with the challenges Lass. I hope you'll still be around. Rolo, I couldn't think of a more capable set of hands (and beak) to leave all


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2011, 07:41:48 pm »

               <Looking wildly around...>

We're organizing the dropbox now... while she's putting up October and I try to sneak in some scripting and... Oh, my! What have I done!?<raven is laughing loud and long and evilly>

<...for an escape route>



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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2011, 08:49:08 pm »

               Thanks for your service, TSL!  And thanks to Rolo for continuing it!  And thanks to Jez for kicking the whole thing off!


                     Modifié par OldTimeRadio, 11 novembre 2011 - 10:10 .



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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2011, 09:41:15 pm »

               @NowAndZen - ohhhh!  I have that in writing even.  *dreamy smile*  I'll just take that as permission to buy as much nummy chocolate as will fit in my shopping cart.  Thanks!  *Eyes Bannor and Rolo as they try and figure out where I put it all.*  

@The large purple one (I do so love coming up with different things to call you) – Thanks, I’m VERY much looking forward to no end of the month paperwork.  It will be fun to sit back and watch Rolo pulling out his hair instead of me doing the hair pulling.  *gleeful smile in Rolo’s direction.*  

@Pstemarie – You aren’t getting rid of me THAT easily.  

@OTR – I almost had to break out the thumb screws on him!

Jez, if you are still out there somewhere, thanks so much for starting the CCC in the first place.  What a great idea!

Many thanks as well to all of the contributors over the months.  You have been most patient as I learned what the HECK I was doing.  *sassy grin*  Without y’all my pile of paperwork would have been very small and oh so boring.  Boo, hiss!  Keep it up.  *Cheering you all on.*


Legacy_Bannor Bloodfist

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CCC – A new organizer emerges
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2011, 10:06:56 pm »

               /me wonders how that Lass managed to make stack-able bags of holding fit inside of her coin purse.  Must be magic... that and that bottomless pit she calls her stomach when it comes to chocolate consumption...