You have to change the pivot point of the walkmesh to 0,0,0.
Then while you have the walkmesh selected click on 'Reset XForm' and 'Reset Selected'.
Then you have to collapse the x-form and export your model. The wok check and the sanity check will still display a lot of errors, but they'll all be gone after you imported the model again.
All but one. You have two vetices at -500, 500 at different heights. The walkmesh will probably still work fine if you ignore that, but if you want your model to export with no more sanity check errors, try to move the upper vertex at -500,500,370 to -500,490,370 and change the position of that vertex in the walkmesh of the adjacent tile so the two walkmeshes fit together.
Modifié par Zwerkules, 07 novembre 2011 - 11:03 .