Author Topic: Custom Toolset Palette help  (Read 387 times)


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Custom Toolset Palette help
« on: November 04, 2011, 02:11:51 am »

               I'm have a tiny little bit of trouble creating custom placeable palettes in the toolet. There's tutoral here : that was very helpful in creating an item palette, however it seems the PLC palette in a slightly different format.  I'm using Gffeditor, and I need to know what goes in the DWORD field in placeablepal.itp (that field in not mentioned in the above tutorial.)

Thanks as always...


                     Modifié par 3RavensMore, 04 novembre 2011 - 02:26 .



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Custom Toolset Palette help
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 02:29:36 am »

               The only field that I can think of that would be different would be the ResType  for placiables it would be 2044.   And your file name would be placeablepal.itp
Full list:

2025 UTI Item
2027 UTC Creature
2032 UTT Trigger
2035 UTS Sound
2040 UTE Encounter
2042 UTD Door
2044 UTP Placeable
2051 UTM Store
2058 UTW Waypoint

The toolset recognizes the following skeleton blueprint palettes:

EDIT: fixed my mistake of listing the custom plaettes insted of the skelton plaettes


                     Modifié par Lightfoot8, 04 novembre 2011 - 03:46 .



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Custom Toolset Palette help
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2011, 02:43:44 am »


From the Tutorial...
Click on 0 [CExoString], in the Field ID field type DELETE_ME (When I remember the signifigance of this I'll edit this post, for now follow my lead)

From bioware file format.....

The toolset does not edit the standard blueprint palettes.
Each standard palettes is generated from a skeleton palette by the following procedure:
1. Find all treenodes in the skeleton palette that have a TYPE of 1 or 2 (see Table 2.2.3) and remove
2. Remove all DELETE_ME Fields from all treenodes in the skeleton palette. Exception: if the
STRREF is 0xffff ffff, then rename DELETE_ME to NAME and remove the STRREF Field.
3. Remove the NEXT_USEABLE_ID Field from the skeleton palette's Top Level Struct.
4. Read the RESTYPE from the skeleton palette's Top Level Struct then remove that Field.
5. Find all standard resources (resources in the .BIF files and Override) that have the ResType
specified in the previous step.
6. For each resource found, open it and read the "PaletteID" BYTE Field in its Top Level GFF
7. Find the Category node in the palette that has an ID Field matching the PaletteID of the blueprint.
If the Category node does not already have a LIST Field (see Table 2.3.2a), add it. Add a
Blueprint TreeNode (see Table 2.3.3a) to that Category node's LIST.
8. If the blueprint's localized name CExoLocString Field (explained below) contains embedded text,
create a NAME Field in the Blueprint Node, and set it to the embedded text string that matches the
user's own language. Otherwise, create a STRREF Field in the Blueprint Node, and set it to the
StrRef of the localized name field. Different blueprint types use different Fields as their localized
name. Check Table 2.3.4 to determine what GFF Field to use.
9. Set the RESREF Field to the blueprint's ResRef. If the palette is a creature palette, the Blueprint
node should include Challenge Rating and Faction information, as given in Table 2.3.3b.
10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 for all blueprint resources found in step 5.
11. Find all treenodes in the skeleton palette that have a TYPE of 0 (see Table 2.2.3) and remove them
if they have no children. If the node stays, remove its TYPE Field.




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Custom Toolset Palette help
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2011, 03:24:52 am »

               I think I hurt my brain reading the above.  I'm reminded of Kirk explaining Fizbin...  I'll try again tomorrow when I'm not so tired. 



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Custom Toolset Palette help
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2011, 03:50:09 am »


3RavensMore wrote...

I think I hurt my brain reading the above.  I'm reminded of Kirk explaining Fizbin...  I'll try again tomorrow when I'm not so tired. 

Sorry,  the only thing you really need is the information in the first post and that I had wrong. corrected now.   

Your best bet is to just follow his tutorial and extracting the  placeablepal.itp with NWNExplorer instead of exstracting itempal.itp



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Custom Toolset Palette help
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 01:33:59 am »

               Thanks Lightfoot.  I was over thinking the problem.  It works now.



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Custom Toolset Palette help
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2011, 04:32:59 pm »

               thanks for this thread. Very useful.

Also this other one is useful.