Release candidate 2 finished.
Still looking for someone willing to help me with german translation (its about fifty lines of text)!DOWNLOAD (windows installer by Aldark) (note: it does work under WINE)
DOWNLOAD (7zip archive manual instalation for unix/MAC or geeks)DOCUMENTATION (updated for actual version - or use link in my signature for online documentation)
Now to the changes since beta6rc1:- added russian dialog.tlk
- added russian fonts into russian instalation
- added improved czech fonts (by Tommy) into czech installation
Fixed broken stuff from Patch- added shadow conjuration magic missile spell into spell immunity precedence workaround
- rapid shot safety check in AI now also checks for crossbows
- improved new petrification immunity feedback workaround
Additional features into existing content from Patch+ added several creatures that can breathe water into spellsIsImmuneToDrown function (sahuagin, sea hag, water and ooze mephit, black, green, bronze and gold wyrmling and dragon)
+ improved SpellCastAt behavior, better fix for flatfoot and teleport issue + fixed cancel when struck by own spell
New fixes and features- fixed bug in ResistSpell function when used inside AOEs that allowed to bypass target immunity or make yourself immune -> this also comes with a change that a spell mantle effect is no longer used for AOE effects
- Spellscripts:
- Spike growth: flying and incorporeal creatures are now immune
- Sunbeam: plant creatures counts as undead as well (technically since there isn't plant race in vanilla NWN, this is done via subrace field which should contain "plant" (not case-sensitive))
- added immunity feedback into Drown spell and Drown pulse ability
- AI:
- creatures at very high difficulty uses auras instantly
- creatures will use level draining bolt or pulse despite their target is drained already
- creatures will ignore AOEs they are inside, if they are immune to that AOEs effects
- creatures will substitute a negative energy talent with best healing talent if they are dealing with undead opponent
- minor improvements in AI (removed some immunity checks so creatures will try certain spells even when target is immune, better code to handle HP limit in Power Word: Death spell, creatures with true seeing itemproperty may cast darkness, and mainly improved efficiency)
Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 26 novembre 2011 - 12:50 .