Master Jax wrote...
So... you think it might actually work? Just by altering the spells.2da? Just making sure I'm getting it right before I do any tweaks...
I never said its not possible. It is but you have to make it smarter:
You need to have arcane and divine character like wiz/cleric or wiz/druid. Then you need to edit spells.2da and allow druid/cleric/wizard to cast cleric/druid-only spells, paladin-only spells and ranger-only spells. This way you shouldnt hit 255 limit at all.
You can also edit cls_psgn_*.2da and allow to have all spell levels at level 1 of that class.
Then you need to edit cls_feat_*.2da of your main class and put there every class-related feats like barbarian rages, bard song, curse song, divine might, divine shield, turn undead, harper feats, PDK feats, WM feats, rogue feats and all others you need and give them since lvl 1.
I think the best way is to make a Wizard/Druid/anything as that will allow you to have animal companion without need to modify 2da and animap empathy skill.
Maybe it would be easier to play game as dungeon master... That will give you all these possibilities with instant kill, gold cheating, XP cheating.